there is no problem with Canadians killing each other with legally purchased handguns either. Even if there was, making more laws will not solve it, as they would only affect those who follow rules/laws. Last time I checked it was illegal to kill someone in this country, no matter how, or what tool you choose to use.
Guns are are a quick and easy target for politicians. They feel the need to do something so they pick on the easy target. Why not look at what’s causing people to feel the need to steal and carry an illegal firearm? Why not look at how it is that more and more people are ok with taking a life? Maybe the great sanctuary city called Toronto is starting to feel the ramifications of its poor decisions. Politicians will not touch this topic, it’s too messy. The problem is, nothing will change until they take a deep look into what the actual root of the problem is. Overcrowding, no jobs, or poor paying jobs. Taking in way more people than they can support. Poor education. Both parents having to work 10 plus hours a day, leaving their kids to take care of themselves. This is done by playing video games, watching tv. These are also things (in my opinion) that are desensitizeing our youth to what the true value of a life is.
Chicago has stricter gun laws than Canada and most of the US. Yet their gun crimes climb each year. Their murder rate climbs year after year. Now let’s look at Arizona. They have much less stringent laws. They have open carry. Crime, not just gun crime, but crime overall is much lower per capita. Some will say this is due to the gun being an equalizer. It makes everyone equal. A 5 foot 160 pound person is now equal with a 6 foot 240 pound person. Personally, I think this plays a small part. I think it’s more about the availability of jobs, reasonably priced housing and something to actual be proud of and live for.