One of the comments was that the pay was low. If true that would offset the mortgage assistance.Anyone looking for a job?
This Ontario company is giving every employee $20K each to help them buy homes
Health benefits, field trips and free snacks are nice, but the best job perk any employee could ask for is cold hard cash. I mean, you can't pay your…
A blog pushed Bancroft as a top destination for people wanting to buy into a community. WFH could make it work and house prices are well under half the GTA.
The problem is even if Bancroft or other further out communities see the same % real estate number increases, they're dealing with a smaller start point. The real dollar spread will continue to grow. Foreign investment is a big factor and JT is mum on it. If WFH doesn't pan out long term the GTA is the place to be. If WFH from Bancroft can work it can work from India or China.
How does a person who moves to Bancroft build the home equity that comes with the GTA so he / she can have the housing mobility to go somewhere besides the GTA?