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The semester is basically done for the University / College students so they will return to the GTA ....

But the number of random visitors are increasing and then the students returning in January.

KW and the surrounding area is going to get hit hard, like y = e^x


@Mr. Ford... Can you lockdown the province for 2 weeks so we can all shake off Christmas/New Years mingling + germ spreading??
^ Yesss this will probably be financially devastating ....

@Regular people... Vaccine is only for the 1%ers so continue following COVID-19 measures please unless you are suicidal (then you should get help)
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It's not about feelings .. it's about livelihood and being able to pay bills. My neighbor is this close to losing her house. Single mom, self employed. Barely made it through first lockdown this year. Will end up homeless in the middle of winter at this rate..... unless REAL deferrals are offered, mayyyybe then she'd stand a chance but i'm not counting on it.
Overall, if youve got a kid, and no way to have said kid taken care of while you work, you're kinda SOL and f*****d

For a few people i know, that's gonna be a nail in the coffin for them. I'm quite lucky, for me it's just business as usual with my older kid being home as a difference. Not everybody is lucky like that.
You are correct.I know a lot that work from home.Ford is dragging this out trying to please everyone.It didn't work last spring,and it won't work now.
Not enough.Lock Ontario down Ford and fix this already.Screw peoples feelings.
Start with closing Walmart non grocery sections. They did it in Manitoba.

Dollarama is next, food aisle only.

Loblaws cordons off the clothing aisles.

Then Home Depot and the like. Curb pickup only. If you need it bad enough you'll adapt. I don't see a lot of cutbacks in construction activity. Masks??? The N95 was developed for concrete workers and they rarely used them back then when they could see the killer particles.

Create a hotline for Luddites and behind the times seniors so they can learn to shop on line.

Come up with long term financial bail outs for the truly at risk. Those with a history of spend-till-you-drop need not apply.

The western privileged have no idea of what tough going is. No Starbucks Latte is a hardship.

If you have to go out it should like what we see in conflicted areas in the middle east where every faction has snipers ready to pick off any live target.

You don't stroll along chatting with friends. You duck and run taking the safest path.

BTW I just broke a shoelace. I tied a knot. Fixed.
Agreed, any further shutdown needs to address the big box vs small business situation by shutting down everything everywhere except groceries. No more Walmart being allowed to open the whole store because they sell a few grocery items. Want anything else? Buy online or phone in, and curb pickup only.
Everyone is talking the shut down game but even if you shut it all down, without a proper quarantine regiment its all for nothing. People flying or driving into the country shouldn't be able to interact with the rest of us AT ALL for 10-14 days.
Everyone is talking the shut down game but even if you shut it all down, without a proper quarantine regiment its all for nothing. People flying or driving into the country shouldn't be able to interact with the rest of us AT ALL for 10-14 days.
Why are we even allowing them to fly in? There’s so many exemptions.

enforce a quarantine like in Australia and New Zealand. Hard lockdown is a hard a suggestion.
Ford is dragging this out trying to please everyone.It didn't work last spring,and it won't work now.
Actually, they did work pretty well in the spring - the curve was very much flattened, and the chain of community transmission was significantly broken. That was the whole reason things loosened up as much as they did in the summer, actually.

I do hope something happens starting Boxing Day, which is the rumoured start date. This piss poor excuse for a lockdown that's been tried for a month now isn't working, clearly. When a mom and pop store is closed down yet WalMart is shoulder to shoulder, yeah, this **** is a waste of time and effort.
Actually, they did work pretty well in the spring - the curve was very much flattened, and the chain of community transmission was significantly broken. That was the whole reason things loosened up as much as they did in the summer, actually.

I do hope something happens starting Boxing Day, which is the rumoured start date. This piss poor excuse for a lockdown that's been tried for a month now isn't working, clearly. When a mom and pop store is closed down yet WalMart is shoulder to shoulder, yeah, this **** is a waste of time and effort.

Ford's logic is that Walmart is a one stop shopping outing vs. hitting a bunch of small businesses. In reality it's an outing, period. Go and browse. Look around. Rub elbows at the bargain counter. See what's new.

Then go to whatever else is open.

Yes they can control the numbers in the store but they don't control where the people congregate in the store.

Small stores don't have the air volume but they don't have to watch hundreds of people swarming the place.

Ford has to step up the game. NOW. Yeah, it's inconvenient but by not doing it it sends the wrong message.

If the boss plays games with the rules then it's OK for me to to bend them as well.

We will pay for this in February, in spades.
IMHO in a genuine lockdown the only things that should be open is grocery stores (and none of this nonsense of places opening a "Food Market" in an otherwise completely non essential business and skirting the rules accordingly), liquor stores (sounds odd, but it's unfortunately based in science) and pharmacies...and JUST the pharmacy and personal care sections, not the electronics...and perfume section, and the blah blah blah "I'll just go and browse because I'm bored" areas) and that's it.

Even in the last (genuine) lockdown back in the spring there was still too many questionable repair places, endless factories that make totally non essential products (I went to a few in the midst of things, you have no idea) etc etc etc. If the big box stores like WalMart that were allowed to stay open last time want to do it again, fine, but limit it to perhaps 20 or 30 people in the store...and make it clear they have 10 minutes to get in and out....and for the love of god, ESSENTIALS ONLY. GTFO of the electronics section, or the home decor area, blah blah blah. Grocieres. Medications. Buttwipe. GET OUT. Go home and sit on the couch and watch Netflix now.

Do it HARD and do it RIGHT. Lets get this **** over. As someone else said, rip the bandaid off fast and get it done with.
IMHO in a genuine lockdown the only things that should be open is grocery stores (and none of this nonsense of places opening a "Food Market" in an otherwise completely non essential business and skirting the rules accordingly), liquor stores (sounds odd, but it's unfortunately based in science) and pharmacies...and JUST the pharmacy and personal care sections, not the electronics...and perfume section, and the blah blah blah "I'll just go and browse because I'm bored" areas) and that's it.

Even in the last (genuine) lockdown back in the spring there was still too many questionable repair places, endless factories that make totally non essential products (I went to a few in the midst of things, you have no idea) etc etc etc. If the big box stores like WalMart that were allowed to stay open last time want to do it again, fine, but limit it to perhaps 20 or 30 people in the store...and make it clear they have 10 minutes to get in and out....and for the love of god, ESSENTIALS ONLY. GTFO of the electronics section, or the home decor area, blah blah blah. Grocieres. Medications. Buttwipe. GET OUT. Go home and sit on the couch and watch Netflix now.

Do it HARD and do it RIGHT. Lets get this **** over. As someone else said, rip the bandaid off fast and get it done with.
If you touch the LCBO I will riot.
If any store could easily accommodate pickup at the door, it's the lcbo. The vast majority of people know exactly what they want and the majority are buying one to three items. They need more staff, but it may cost them less as theft at lcbo seems to be at a crazy level as they have an open policy to let you walk away with your stolen booze.
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