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Macron positive and symptomatic. Working from home for a week. Are world leaders a reasonable control group for the population at large if they were frequently tested? A lot of them seem to have been infected at some point.

A lot of babies to kiss, palms to grease, and interns to breakin — hard to maintain good social distancing practices with those responsibilities.
The worst experience of her life ?? Surprised she’s made it this far in life without someone ******** in her Corn Flakes at least once.
Poland just announced a national lockdown Dec 28 - Jan 17...glad we didn't rebook our tickets for Christmas. I need to cancel those tickets as I don't see travel being all that rosy in 2021 just yet.

This totally sucks as the majority of our family is in the tourism / hotel business....this is going to be a rough time for them.

Warmer weather and the vaccine will hopefully ease things mid year but it'll be day trips at the most for us. Public transit of any sort, wheels, water or wings, no way.

To really flatten the curve we need an anti stupid vaccine. Someone I know just posted an ignorant joke Covid cartoon on FB. Just because a person lives in Buttsville it doesn't exempt them from due diligence.

A friend in York was just notified that there is was a potential contact where his 6 YO goes to school. They were doing self isolation along with the extended family so they could have Christmas together. One is a recent cancer survivor. They are all well educated, successful people.

About a dozen people but five addresses. Just planning to cheat a little bit like someone just cheated a little with the school.
Warmer weather and the vaccine will hopefully ease things mid year but it'll be day trips at the most for us. Public transit of any sort, wheels, water or wings, no way.

To really flatten the curve we need an anti stupid vaccine. Someone I know just posted an ignorant joke Covid cartoon on FB. Just because a person lives in Buttsville it doesn't exempt them from due diligence.

A friend in York was just notified that there is was a potential contact where his 6 YO goes to school. They were doing self isolation along with the extended family so they could have Christmas together. One is a recent cancer survivor. They are all well educated, successful people.

About a dozen people but five addresses. Just planning to cheat a little bit like someone just cheated a little with the school.
Sheesh, no one should be visiting people these holidays. People need a clue.
Filled up with gas (pay at pump) this morning and got lectured by a senior for not wearing a mask. :cry:

Did she do a Cruise?

Cruise makes a valid point that Covid is causing people to lose their homes. Does anyone care?

Whether the F bombs are necessary or not reminds me of the guy selling the donkey. He tells the new owner to talk to it gently and it will do what you ask. The donkey refuses to move for the new owner so the guy selling it smacks it over the head with a 2X4.

The new owner asks why he smacked it after saying talk gently.

The guy says "First you've got to get its attention"

Commenting to a stranger has risks so a confrontational comment might be ill advised.
Of course it has been extended.
I've mentally prepared myself for this to be the case up until April 2021.

One big meal a day, pushups, dumbbells and the occasional outdoor 10km brisk walk seems to keep me going, so far.
Not enough.Lock Ontario down Ford and fix this already.Screw peoples feelings.
As a minimum, if an area is considered to require a lockdown, that should immediately lock down adjacent health units and legally prevent commercial tourism to the extent possible. Apparently some asshats were taking chartered coach busses from Toronto to Durham to go shopping. That is completely unacceptable and the bus company deserves a whooping.
As a minimum, if an area is considered to require a lockdown, that should immediately lock down adjacent health units and legally prevent commercial tourism to the extent possible. Apparently some asshats were taking chartered coach busses from Toronto to Durham to go shopping. That is completely unacceptable and the bus company deserves a whooping.
The St Jacobs Farmers Market just up from me is packed with cars from the city.So are the malls.
The St Jacobs Farmers Market just up from me is packed with cars from the city.So are the malls.
That's all on Douggie. There has been absolutely zero effort to enforce rules on people, they just keep bashing select businesses. If you live in a grey zone and get found outside that zone, that should be $1000 to start and increasing exponentially. The longer this goes on, the less people modify their behaviour at all.
Not enough.Lock Ontario down Ford and fix this already.Screw peoples feelings.
It's not about feelings .. it's about livelihood and being able to pay bills. My neighbor is this close to losing her house. Single mom, self employed. Barely made it through first lockdown this year. Will end up homeless in the middle of winter at this rate..... unless REAL deferrals are offered, mayyyybe then she'd stand a chance but i'm not counting on it.
Overall, if youve got a kid, and no way to have said kid taken care of while you work, you're kinda SOL and f*****d

For a few people i know, that's gonna be a nail in the coffin for them. I'm quite lucky, for me it's just business as usual with my older kid being home as a difference. Not everybody is lucky like that.
It's not about feelings .. it's about livelihood and being able to pay bills. My neighbor is this close to losing her house. Single mom, self employed. Barely made it through first lockdown this year. Will end up homeless in the middle of winter at this rate..... unless REAL deferrals are offered, mayyyybe then she'd stand a chance but i'm not counting on it.
Overall, if youve got a kid, and no way to have said kid taken care of while you work, you're kinda SOL and f*****d

For a few people i know, that's gonna be a nail in the coffin for them. I'm quite lucky, for me it's just business as usual with my older kid being home as a difference. Not everybody is lucky like that.
A 30 day proper lockdown is much less painful for the vast majority of people than the 12 month half-ass lockdown they are working on so far. A short real lockdown resets our position on the curve so we aren't in the scary part of the exponential growth curve. The current crap just keeps kicking some people while they are down and has little effect on the spread.
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