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will drop by my dads place in the west end to say hi and exchange gifts outside, 10 mins tops.
My parents are in their late 70's - I feel bad for them as they have lived in a world of 2 people since March. Fortunately they have a decent size place and are able to get out to walk without interacting with others. I usually see them a few times a month, since March maybe 4 times.

Christmas will be like Thanksgiving. They will be at a table in their garage, me and the kids on a picnic table at the end of the driveway. Only colder.
Good for you and your parents. I'm paranoid of bringing anything home to my wife. We went out for breakfast last week. First time she has been out in three years, except for hospital trips.
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I wonder if this means a spring style lockdown, or just a continuation of what we in Toronto already have (plus schools closed).
One news article I read said that outdoor fitness activities such as cross country skiing and ice rinks will be affected. They didn't say how. XC skiing is about as socially distanced as you can get. If that is the bar, I don't have much hope for doing anything in January.
One news article I read said that outdoor fitness activities such as cross country skiing and ice rinks will be affected. They didn't say how. XC skiing is about as socially distanced as you can get. If that is the bar, I don't have much hope for doing anything in January.
Except for the wine skins in the parking lots before and after. And at the campfires in the bush
Going to be another half ass lockdown everyone is essential some stores closed but nothing of any substance or use.

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True. I guess they couldn't sew his balls back on.
My parents are in their late 70's - I feel bad for them as they have lived in a world of 2 people since March. Fortunately they have a decent size place and are able to get out to walk without interacting with others. I usually see them a few times a month, since March maybe 4 times.

Christmas will be like Thanksgiving. They will be at a table in their garage, me and the kids on a picnic table at the end of the driveway. Only colder.
yep, i didnt see my dad once from Feb. to July, he just turned 69.
I sure hope this is something more than the half baked "lockdown" currently happening.

If not, all it's going to "solve" is stopping people in the already locked down areas from travelling to non lockdown areas to go shopping. Nothing more. And that won't have any significant impact on the numbers as has already been proven in much of Toronto.
I sure hope this is something more than the half baked "lockdown" currently happening.

If not, all it's going to "solve" is stopping people in the already locked down areas from travelling to non lockdown areas to go shopping. Nothing more. And that won't have any significant impact on the numbers as has already been proven in much of Toronto.
Apparently tanger outlets was absolutely rammed today. It looked like yorkdale the week before xmas. :(
And that would be why we're going where we're going.

I have a feeling that factories won't stop, because the rest of the auto industry (which has a lot of operations in the USA) isn't stopping, which means I won't be able to stop. It is looking like there is much less going on over Christmas shutdown than usual - normally we're slammed at this time of year.
Apparently tanger outlets was absolutely rammed today. It looked like yorkdale the week before xmas. :(
I did a curbside pickup at SAIL in the 'Shwa this morning, there were people lined up outside big box stores in Pickering at 10AM.
Factories are not stopping nothing will change I expect January to be slamming busy. December has been the busiest ever just waiting on shipments at this point everything is booked for months. The first lockdown they had support and factories closed not happening again. It could have been effective the first time but they opened everything weeks earlier than they should have. This time with everything running no chance only hope will be a quick vaccine roll out.

Sent from my moto g(8) plus using Tapatalk
And that would be why we're going where we're going.

I have a feeling that factories won't stop, because the rest of the auto industry (which has a lot of operations in the USA) isn't stopping, which means I won't be able to stop. It is looking like there is much less going on over Christmas shutdown than usual - normally we're slammed at this time of year.
uh yeah, we're not shutting down lol.
SAIL here at Etobicoke is permanently closed...last time I drove by, thinking that the parking lot would be a good place for practise riding..., well, next summer there would be another retail store opening up...

Am so fed up with this half baked lockdown... I just want to go back to sports... but I can't, following the rules get me more winter it just gets more and more depressing. Not sure how many people are suffering depression....
I did a curbside pickup at SAIL in the 'Shwa this morning, there were people lined up outside big box stores in Pickering at 10AM.

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