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Got a buddy on big bob lake in minden, neat little town. They have an ice race track that I’ve been at a few times to watch the cars run
Got a buddy on big bob lake in minden, neat little town. They have an ice race track that I’ve been at a few times to watch the cars run
Minden, now there's a name i haven't heard in a long time. I went to Kilcoo camp out there way back in the day and came back as staff.
In 2003 when the power went out big time I managed to get into Minden on fumes and fillup because they are on the Quebec power grid that was still operating.
This is the problem with lockdown the way it is / was....the govt is picking winners and losers. Shorter working hours for big box, WTF will that achieve except cram more people into the same space.

I can’t find the source but Doug called the President of Walmart and was told it ‘would be a logistical nightmare to cordone off the non essential aisles in Walmart so let’s not do it.’

Total 100% ********. Walmart is the king of logistical challenges. They’re the best. They just don’t want to, and our govt is too friendly with them to actually squeeze them.

Hence mom and pop get ******. While Costco, Walmart and the like continue printing money.

Update: I did not buy a video game.
Walmart in Manitoba cordoned off general merchandise. DF is starting to stand for more than our premiers initials.

As for the beer store freedom fighters, can't we make them to an educational class to cancel their first trespassing/public disturbance charge? Something that educates them on the rights they actually have vs the ones they think they have? Mu Freedumbs is a fantasy.
If they pass the final exam do they get their testicles sewn back on?
Which is why the gov't should long ago have made the rules that people with "exemptions" were not allowed indoors in public. They can place and order and get it delivered to their car. Make it a requirement for the open businesses to execute in a reasonable timeframe.
The rules work that way. Business have the right to deny anyone service as long as the provide reasonable accommodations.

I was dealing with this daily for a large company, we did not allow unmasked into our stores. The ranted, screamed and held up the charter... we did not let them in. We just handed them a real interpretation of their charter rights.

like the two dooshes in this vid, most go away ranting. That all the rights they really have.
What a couple of Karens. I don’t think that video is going to get the reaction they expected.

Maybe or maybe not. Have you ever watched "Cops"?

A guy gets arrested for punching out his pregnant wife and he OK's the video. "Look mom, I'm on TV"

Some sick people find others just as sick and revel in the same crap. They are destructive animals that live to create discord. The more you hate them the more they like it. How many things did you destroy today?

A few years back glass panels in TTC shelters were being smashed, probably by teenagers. Nope. When they caught them is was a group of late 20 YO's and they were taking videos of their stupidity.

I'm generally not in favour of correcting bad behaviour by violence but there are countries where that type of behaviour would result in a public caning.
A few years back glass panels in TTC shelters were being smashed, probably by teenagers. Nope. When they caught them is was a group of late 20 YO's and they were taking videos of their stupidity.
Hahaha. My grandmas mailbox kept getting destroyed by stupid people playing mailbox baseball. She got fed up and had a mailbox built out of 3/8" steel plate and painted silver. It was solidly fixed to a 6x6 post. A few weeks later, there was a scream and the sound of broken glass. The bat had bounced off the box (obviously not leaving a mark) and smashed the window of the dbags car. Amazing. Farmers ftw.
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Hahaha. My grandmas mailbox kept getting destroyed by stupid people playing mailbox baseball. She got fed up and had a mailbox built out of 3/8" steel plate and painted silver. It was solidly fixed to a 6x6 post. A few weeks later, there was a scream and the sound of broken glass. The bat had bounced of the box (obviously not leaving a mark) and smashed the window of the dbags car. Amazing. Farmers ftw.

Hmmm. I saw a TV cop show where someone did that and the owner of the box was charged with some form of boobytrapping. It was fiction but with a grain of truth. If you knew when the jerks were coming it would be tempting to make a box out of balsa and fill it with putrefaction.
Hmmm. I saw a TV cop show where someone did that and the owner of the box was charged with some form of boobytrapping. It was fiction but with a grain of truth. If you knew when the jerks were coming it would be tempting to make a box out of balsa and fill it with putrefaction.
It was to make it more durable as the "snowplow" kept damaging it and throwing her mail into the ditch. Not a booby trap, just a design improvement. Two mailboxes side by side, if the first one is too fragile, the second one gets wrecked.
What a couple of Karens. I don’t think that video is going to get the reaction they expected.
It will get traction with the right crowd. It’s the ‘but ma rights are being infringed by da man’ crowd. And as the last few years have shown, it’s a strong crowd.

@nobbie48 Ive heard about Manitoba and other provinces actually implement that rule. Cordoned off the non essentials. Our premiere just refused to enforce it because he’s not there for ‘the little guy’....he’s there for his buddies. 7/11 is trying to get a liquor license for their stores....guess who DF ran into a few years ago in Vegas....the CEO of 7/11. But it’s ‘for the people to have choice’.
It will get traction with the right crowd. It’s the ‘but ma rights are being infringed by da man’ crowd. And as the last few years have shown, it’s a strong crowd.

@nobbie48 7/11 is trying to get a liquor license for their stores....guess who DF ran into a few years ago in Vegas....the CEO of 7/11. But it’s ‘for the people to have choice’.
Saw that in a local paper for a 7/11 a couple of blocks away from me. Ah yes, the ambience of a bar in a 7/11... Ridiculous.
Minden, now there's a name i haven't heard in a long time. I went to Kilcoo camp out there way back in the day and came back as staff.
Minded is just a cottage supported town like many in the area. The only interesting thing they ever had was the Rockcliffe, that’s just a mothballed old building now.
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