When the one responsible is found, what should be done? Stockade?Someone has to be responsible, no?
When the one responsible is found, what should be done? Stockade?Someone has to be responsible, no?
OK...The comedy is that you want healthy people locked down . Not the people that are the most in danger .
I see this and raise you: Thousands of Canadians still travelling to Hawaii, despite pandemic![]()
Dozens of Quebec residents fined for breaking curfew
A protest in Sherbrooke, Que., prompted local police to fine about a dozen attendees, while police in Trois-Rivieres said they issued 11 ticketsnationalpost.com
I see this and raise you: Thousands of Canadians still travelling to Hawaii, despite pandemic
Numbers are from cumulative since Jan 15, 2020 from Ontario covid data . I'm not tech savvy to post pictures of the charts .OK...
Please define the parameters for those in danger and those not.
Be explicit in ages, shapes, sex, prior medical histories and conditions etc.
If you can define the parameters to any sort of enforceable rules, you seriously deserve to be the next PM of Canada.
Right now the " third of the population " is getting minimal treatment . With doctors doing mostly phone visits .^ Add up all of those conditions, and you have probably a third of the population - particularly the obesity category. So do you want to wall off a third of the population from the other two-thirds? How do the people in that third of the population get medical treatment (for anything, not just covid)? How do they get food?
It just doesn't work.
OK, but now make it hard and fast.If you have any of the above . You should be self isolating because you are in danger especially if the illness is not under control . Especial if you have more then 1 .
How about spending the money on these people . Giving them the resources to protect themselves . Most people on the list are aware of their conditions . But due to the lockdown many probably not . Since most doctors doing phone visits . People afraid to go to the hospital in fear of getting the virus ,
You can see where the risk group is . The NHL was able to make a bubble . Keep the players safe . We can create bubbles around long term care homes and senior homes ? Provide support to those with conditions that make them at risk . We had 10 months to figure it out . Instead we a locking up the majority and healthy people . Threatening them with fines and lock downs . Instead of telling the sick to isolate till they can get the vaccine .
Apart from the rights infringement point (which I've argued here already) there are other problems with a curfew:
Something as heavy handed like a curfew should be reasonable. Given the points above, I don't think it is.
- People now have reduced hours to shop, leading to line ups and more people in stores in a shorter period of time. More people in stores during a given time = higher chance of COVID infection.
- More people out walking before curfew sets in (this is big for us apartment dwellers who go for walks at 10PM or later when the streets are quieter) = more people jamming the streets, higher risk for outdoor transmission
- People breaking the law already are unlikely to stop: they will either ignore the curfew or switch to sleepover parties/day drinking.
- Curfews are reactive: the cases we see today are coming from Christmas/New Years, not things happening today. The damage is done, and there doesn't seem to be any evidence that it will continue to get worse ("we don't know what will happen next" isn't a compelling argument to putting people under house arrest)
- No work from home order: there are still people going into the office because their boss doesn't believe in WFH. This should be enacted before any type of curfew.
- Schools are still scheduled to reopen in a few weeks.
- International travel is still permitted for some mind boggling reason.
I agree with most of your bullets and I believe Douggie has come completely off the rails. Instead of a well-thought out and measured response, he is now at the stage of throwing handfuls of darts and the board and hoping for the best. This is also leading to legislated winners (amazon, costco, walmart) and losers (small retail, etc) which I strongly oppose.
As mind boggling as allowing international travel is, that's a tough one to stop with regulation. You would have trouble enforcing a hard lockdown (eg. you don't leave unless you are a pilot or driver moving cargo) and a soft lockdown (prove your trip is essential) is easy to cheat. Cheaters gonna cheat. I have no problems with consequences outside of the law being used for these idiots (eg. social or employment repercussions).
I agree, there should be some line for offices, I am ok if some people are in, but maybe something like offices are limited to 10% of capacity. Make the office the exception not the rule. I know some people that go into the office for online meetings (maybe quieter, maybe too much pr0n in the background at home, etc).While I'm in fair agreement with the majority of restrictions, outside of Walmart / COSTCO being able to sell non-essential goods, I'm totally against the curfew and agree with @d4rktrooper788 on this point.
I heard it somewhere....a curfew is what you do when you have no other plans. I love my walks, does that put me in (or others) in danger as I walk outside. What difference is it when it's 6pm, or 8:05pm?
This was also criticized when malls were opened with shorter hours early on during this pandemic. Now you're just squeezing the same amount of shoppers into a shorter timeframe...% increase contact may follow.
WFH should be mandated wherever possible. I'd say the vast majority of office work can be WFH. There's very little that can't be done from home if you don't physically need to put your hands on a product. Meetings are easy, emails are easy, communication is easy....but many dinosaur managers refuse to allow it because their workers can't be trusted.
Every one of my friends that are able to WFH have had no issues with management. The ones that go in to work are the same as others...factory, construction, testing, etc. that needs to be PHYSICALLY touched/installed/measured or tested. My office is open if you choose to do so...there's no one that's been there since March of last year outside of the executive assistant as she lives alone and hates being home 24/7.
Rights go out the window during a pandemic.Apart from the rights infringement point (which I've argued here already) there are other problems with a curfew:
Something as heavy handed like a curfew should be reasonable. Given the points above, I don't think it is.
- People now have reduced hours to shop, leading to line ups and more people in stores in a shorter period of time. More people in stores during a given time = higher chance of COVID infection.
- More people out walking before curfew sets in (this is big for us apartment dwellers who go for walks at 10PM or later when the streets are quieter) = more people jamming the streets, higher risk for outdoor transmission
- People breaking the law already are unlikely to stop: they will either ignore the curfew or switch to sleepover parties/day drinking.
- Curfews are reactive: the cases we see today are coming from Christmas/New Years, not things happening today. The damage is done, and there doesn't seem to be any evidence that it will continue to get worse ("we don't know what will happen next" isn't a compelling argument to putting people under house arrest)
- No work from home order: there are still people going into the office because their boss doesn't believe in WFH. This should be enacted before any type of curfew.
- Schools are still scheduled to reopen in a few weeks.
- International travel is still permitted for some mind boggling reason.
Returning is a whole different story. I would have had government mandated hotel stays for almost everyone starting many months ago. You pay, it's 14 days of lockup upon your return. I don't care if you went on vacation or travelled to work in another country, 14 day lockup and you pay the bill. Many people are either aholes or too entitled to believe that any restrictions should apply to them. They will say they will quarantine and continue to live life as usual. Temporary lockup is a very reasonable and justified response to demonstrated non-compliance by so many.It is tough. But they could do something to at least try. Or at least force people to quarantine upon return (put them up in a hotel for 2 weeks) as part of the condition of traveling.
In other news, looks like a curfew is off the table (or at least that's what they are leaking): Ford cabinet not considering curfew as part of new COVID-19 lockdown measures