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Another dbag hospital CEO bites the dust (figuratively, they probably made out like bandits in reality).

The London Health Sciences Centre says Dr. Paul Woods travelled to the U.S. five times since March, including during the December holidays.

If he had abided by quarantine each time (and that is a big if), that means he spent 10 weeks in quarantine out of the last 40 weeks plus the time he was away because he was on vacation. All while active outbreaks were killing people in his hospitals. What an awesome leader. I'm glad we pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to ensure people of his caliber can be hired to lead and take care of the vulnerable.
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Pfizer vaccine update after one week.

My wife and all of her coworkers that received the vaccine have had pretty bad headaches and fatigue all week. Coworkers that did not get the vaccine did not have these symptoms.

Hospital changed their policy and now only allows targeted roles to receive vaccines. I'm not sure of the whole schedule, but management (including department management) is explicitly last as they have little to no patient contact.
OK, but now make it hard and fast.
I've seen 70 year olds that are in far superior shape physically to 40 year olds.
If the 70 year old has 1 of those possible underlying conditions, and the 40 year old has none, who should isolate?
How can a 70 year old be far superior physically if he has underlying condition . I posted the stats . I think people should make their own decisions about their health .

I can tell you driving is much safer then riding . Yet we choose to ride.

The same with your health if the 70 year old feels like he doesn't want to isolate that is his choice .

The people in danger should isolate . Not the healthy .
FYI cfrb announced no curfews for the time being .
I'm not in favor of a curfew, because I think walking my Dog at 11pm is safer than being forced into shorter opening times at the grocer. Bars are already closed, restaurants are shut. Being home at 10 means what exactly?

I don't get a lot of what the current plans include , and the number of people that are "essential" is ludicrous.
The store closures are nuts . The whole weekend costco and Walmart had line ups elbow to elbow right down the side to the back . Some stores that are open are packed .
Who me?

Trump should have never been elected.
I’m sure Trump secretly thanks Obama for setting up his election win.

Obama did the heavy lifting for Trump by clearing the middle by sending GOPs and Dems to their respective corners (poles).

With slightly more electoral college votes on the GOP side, Trump just kept rallying GOPs to stay in their corner.

The people in danger should isolate . Not the healthy .
You're Still getting it wrong, the infected people should isolate.

How can that be so complicated ? you can't catch germs from a body that does not have them, but you sure as **** can get them from somebody that is infected with them.
You're Still getting it wrong, the infected people should isolate.

How can that be so complicated ? you can't catch germs from a body that does not have them, but you sure as **** can get them from somebody that is infected with them.
You are correct the infected yes . But the people with health issues and over 70 should to . If you are under 70 and healthy you are safe .
OMG when I went to log in just now the advertisement across the top of the page was for a biker rally on a cruise ship, I kid you not.
OMG when I went to log in just now the advertisement across the top of the page was for a biker rally on a cruise ship, I kid you not.
Screenshot next time. I thought it just pulled from the link below, but maybe that is just a passive list not an active one.

I would say that the experts have no more control of this than they do the setting of the sun,

Will be great to see the damage control when the dust settles
Screenshot next time. I thought it just pulled from the link below, but maybe that is just a passive list not an active one.

I would not want to promote it.
just the thought of it is repulsive enough, they better be prepared to scuttle the ship afterwards.
I would not want to promote it.
just the thought of it is repulsive enough, they better be prepared to scuttle the ship afterwards.
A trials cruise could be pretty fun. Makes getting around the behemoth a lot faster and more entertaining. I have no interest in a covid cruise.
Pfizer vaccine update after one week.

My wife and all of her coworkers that received the vaccine have had pretty bad headaches and fatigue all week. Coworkers that did not get the vaccine did not have these symptoms.

Hospital changed their policy and now only allows targeted roles to receive vaccines. I'm not sure of the whole schedule, but management (including department management) is explicitly last as they have little to no patient contact.

Really good feedback for anyone considering it and wanting to know the side effects.

I experienced something similar with Pfizer. Felt shivery with muscle aches for 2 days after. Was able to go for a run on the 3rd day. Feeling normal at the moment some 10 days after. They are trying to stretch the vaccine and resources as far as they can here so probably won't get the second dose for some time.

A co-worker had the Oxford which seemed to have less side effects, but YMMV.
Deaths in Canada up to 2019 could not get any numbers for 2020, seems dec and Jan area higher count

I think people should make their own decisions about their health .
There is no I or Me during a pandemic.
I wish i could say that to your face. It has a condescending threat to it when it is shared like this.
Really good feedback for anyone considering it and wanting to know the side effects.

I experienced something similar with Pfizer. Felt shivery with muscle aches for 2 days after. Was able to go for a run on the 3rd day. Feeling normal at the moment some 10 days after. They are trying to stretch the vaccine and resources as far as they can here so probably won't get the second dose for some time.

A co-worker had the Oxford which seemed to have less side effects, but YMMV.
FWIW, my wife felt like crap but was able to do all the activities she wanted to do. Went xc skiing, went for runs, went to work, etc. When the kids went to bed, she basically did too. Asleep one to three hours earlier than normal every day.

My wife had a strong preference for Oxford for a number of reasons but it is not yet approved in Canada so who knows how long the wait will be before it ends up in arms (and it may never be easily accessible by hospital staff as Pfizer has huge logistical issues and they need to use it up somehow).
FWIW, my wife felt like crap but was able to do all the activities she wanted to do. Went xc skiing, went for runs, went to work, etc. When the kids went to bed, she basically did too. Asleep one to three hours earlier than normal every day.

My wife had a strong preference for Oxford for a number of reasons but it is not yet approved in Canada so who knows how long the wait will be before it ends up in arms (and it may never be easily accessible by hospital staff as Pfizer has huge logistical issues and they need to use it up somehow).
That’s the body healing it self, when you sleep so I’ve been told
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