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Mrs. Crankcall is a bit involved with healthcare front line workers,...
Then the Mrs. would call it a subcutaneous or intra-muscular injection would she not? I'm guessing subcutaneous and then they would be seeking out a fatty layer of tissue just below the skin which might be very difficult on some individuals :unsure:
I got one in the butt for a horrendous case of poison ivy. It was a miracle. It was worth the risk.
I had a shot of penicillin in the butt once and it was so long ago that it was a house call for my doctor. Then he fired the empty glass syringe into the pillow right beside my head. :LOL: Doctors were pretty cool in the olden days.
Hope ya'll realize that once you do get a vaccination plus the second one weeks later,
you are going to feel as sick as a dog for a while.
I decided to get the Shingles vax watching SIL get tortured by the virus -- it raged 4 weeks. Post vax I was sick for 2 days, it was a bummer but I was good in no time while her sufferings went on.

I look at The COVID vax the same way.

But hey - to each his own. If you're preferring the natural way to get COVID immunity, we can compare notes after I get vaxxed.
Mrs. Crankcall is a bit involved with healthcare front line workers, its in your arm not your butt. Most of those getting the shot are no worse off than any other flu shot, there are always exceptions and the media loves a goon story.
They work 12 hr. shifts at 90% of the locations and the teams involved. The logistics involved are pretty complex. Its not as easy as it appears so I'm told.
My daughter is front line, she hasn't got hers yet by a few of her med friends have. The only complaint she is hearing is the injection site hurts for a day.
Knowing what it takes to put "Dr" in front of my name, I'll let those with the creds use the big words and make the crucial decisions.
Playing doctor Google is a very dangerous game for some people.
Playing doctor Google is a very dangerous game for some people.

Too bad so many people are wiling to do it.


Anyhow, given I'm in a high risk job and have some heath risk categories on top of that I suspect I'll be at or near the top of the list once we move to general population vaccine distribution.

I'll let ya all know how it goes. As the other sensible people here have said, I expect it to be a non event aside from a sore arm for a day or three...which is pretty much how it's gone for the millions of people who have already received it.

Yes, a few people have had anaphylactic reaction but recovered with treatment. Saying you're going to refuse to get it because of that result is akin to saying you're never leaving your house again because you could get hit by a piano falling out of the sky.
I decided to get the Shingles vax watching SIL get tortured by the virus -- it raged 4 weeks. Post vax I was sick for 2 days, it was a bummer but I was good in no time while her sufferings went on.

I look at The COVID vax the same way.

But hey - to each his own. If you're preferring the natural way to get COVID immunity, we can compare notes after I get vaxxed.
Trials said:
Hope ya'll realize that once you do get a vaccination plus the second one weeks later,
you are going to feel as sick as a dog for a while.

... was in response to the logistics and realities of the vaccination process, if you read that as me being an anti-something or some kind of want to get it the natural way, but hey, then once again you read me wrong.
Too bad so many people are wiling to do it.

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Anyhow, given I'm in a high risk job

I think our (my) truck drivers are as safe as anybody in a working environment, loads go onto the trucks and are inspected and tallied by a loader, bills of lading are all emailed to the end client, they call client from the cab and open the curtain sider, stand back while they offload. Absolutely zero contact at the warehouse loading or on the delivery end offloading. If they stop at Mcd's for coffee and a pee thats on them to wash thier hands.
I would assume not everybody does it the same
Then the Mrs. would call it a subcutaneous or intra-muscular injection would she not? I'm guessing subcutaneous and then they would be seeking out a fatty layer of tissue just below the skin which might be very difficult on some individuals :unsure:

you had a 50-50 shot. Its intramuscular , into the deltoid? Subcutaneous runs the risk of a localized reaction and was found much less effective treatment in initial testing. Skinny old folks are just fine,
I still have a lump on my arm from when I got a flu shot a few yrs ago

never had a flu shot since
After a person gets the vaccine shots are they still considered a spreaders

do they still need to wear a mask and isolate
And what does lockdown look like where you are? Here it KW it doesn't look like anything has changed except for some stores with curbside pickup.Most of the downtown shops are closed tho.Dollarama and Dollartree are busy as usual.Stupid!
A lot of maskless gatherings outside Tims and Pizza places.
Mentioned elsewhere, I was at Walmart yesterday and they were wide open, groceries AND general goods. I bought a baking tray. PQ and Manitoba non essentials are roped off.
The vaccine will really reduce the severity of what you may catch, it will not eliminate the possiblity of catching it. All precautions will need to be followed until this is clearly behind us.

Walmart, The SuperStores et all need to be roped off for non grocery, we are continuing to choke small retail and catering to giants with the ability to lobby . Its bad form.
.......... Walmart, The SuperStores et all need to be roped off for non grocery, we are continuing to choke small retail and catering to giants with the ability to lobby . Its bad form.
I agree but I dont think roping off will work here in the GTA. People will just cross the ropes and get whatever they want. Then you are into the whole confrontation thing. They would need temp walls that are not easy to get by to really section it off.

Surprisingly, Home Depot are now curbside only. They werent in the GTA where they were supposedly in lockdown before boxing day.
I think our (my) truck drivers are as safe as anybody in a working environment, loads go onto the trucks and are inspected and tallied by a loader, bills of lading are all emailed to the end client, they call client from the cab and open the curtain sider, stand back while they offload. Absolutely zero contact at the warehouse loading or on the delivery end offloading. If they stop at Mcd's for coffee and a pee thats on them to wash thier hands.
I would assume not everybody does it the same

Not everyones reality. I start my day in a building full of people, some of who have traveled the province and been in warehouses with other people all night.

Then I leave my building and go to other warehouses, factories, and companies big and small full of other people, many of whom are Covid19 basics (masks and keep the **** out of my face) challenged.

Then I go back to a warehouse full of people who also did the same thing all day.

Who then interact with the night people who travel all over the province again overnight.

Rinse, wash, repeat, every day.

I bought a baking tray. PQ and Manitoba non essentials are roped off.

As it should be here. "Lockdown" my ass. People on one of our local community groups complaining that they can't buy paint for their house because the local Home Depot and Canadian Tire are curbside only...someone else chimes in that they can just go to their local Walmart instead since everything is wide open there. Makes zero sense.
The long haul is hard. The second wave has less support than the first one when cautions are graphed. We get tired of the restrictions.

Paying off debts work for a while but then "I need a break today"

Diets fail because people get tired of watching the calorie count every meal.

Democracy failures aren't too different. We need 50 years of realty legislation to straighten this mess out but a party can only lead for four. By the end of two or three years the governing party has to back off or lose the next election.

Auto insurance has to change but it has to be done incrementally or it will be a financial disaster. No one wants to wait 10 years.
My UBER driver (old 60yr old grandma) just gave me a 5min talk as to how this is all a gov't conspiracy to control the population....FML...why do I always find the crazy.
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