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Queen's made a good call. Since Douggie didn't have the stones to do it, hopefully the rest of the universities follow suit.

Kudos to Queens' for not just meeting the minimum.

I liked Ford's initial response when this crap hit the fan as there were so many unknowns. One unknown was spread data and the other the duration of the problem.

Now I'm getting tired of his "Friends...." teleprompter talk. I want him to step up to the mike and say "OK. The gloves are off. You F^&^%* idiots are getting your ***** kicked."

Bring in the military. Choose what you want implanted on your face, a mask or a rifle butt.

I spoke with a friend yesterday. A guy he works with part time got C-19 through his wife who probably got it at work where hardly anyone wears masks. Apparently illness is being ignored there.

When a person tests positive are they asked if they work anywhere other than from home?

If Yes then does the employer address go into a fast track investigation?

Is Walmart still going to be wide open? Is big American going to survive at the cost of little Canadians?

Is spread at construction sites a problem? I don't see distancing or masks. Twenty or thirty guys get together for a party and there's a C-19 breakout it hits the news and everyone is outraged. Those same guys work together 40 hours a week and you hear crickets.

Cover-ups or incompetence?
Viruses are working hard to endure their own survival. Ins not if, it’s when. The faster the existing strain(s?) get stomped out, the harder it is for the virus to mutate.

Wear a mask or stitch your lips and nostrils closed.
When a person tests positive are they asked if they work anywhere other than from home?

If Yes then does the employer address go into a fast track investigation?

Is Walmart still going to be wide open? Is big American going to survive at the cost of little Canadians?

Is spread at construction sites a problem? I don't see distancing or masks. Twenty or thirty guys get together for a party and there's a C-19 breakout it hits the news and everyone is outraged. Those same guys work together 40 hours a week and you hear crickets.

Cover-ups or incompetence?
One job I worked on has their own private testing. One team member tested positive, the rest of the team was sent home for mandatory 14 day quarantine. I don't know if public health ever knew about the case (or contacts or . . .). FWIW, the company mandates masks and distancing, does their own contact tracing and has quarantine procedures so I doubt public health would do anything more (to be honest PH would probably not mandate the extent of the measures implemented privately). I went to get a brain poke at the local testing centre, told them I got exposed at work in a different health unit and nobody ever questioned or documented where that was.
Is spread at construction sites a problem?

Since I move around to 5 to 10 different construction sites during a week I need to be anal with my protocols.

I have found that jobsite protocols have become motions that people do without actually thinking about it.

Have found, just like the Peel firefighters, that jobsites have that view that they are their own bubble and they drop their protocols around everyone in their group.
That said. There have been very few reported incidents on any of the sites I visit.
Some employers are handling the "go home if you have a symptom" well.

Others are not, which just causes the employees to hide things that should probably have caused them to be home.

Others are just going through the paces with all the paperwork and such but in reality could't give 2 *****.

Big part of the problem right here.
One job I worked on has their own private testing. One team member tested positive, the rest of the team was sent home for mandatory 14 day quarantine. I don't know if public health ever knew about the case (or contacts or . . .). FWIW, the company mandates masks and distancing, does their own contact tracing and has quarantine procedures so I doubt public health would do anything more (to be honest PH would probably not mandate the extent of the measures implemented privately). I went to get a brain poke at the local testing centre, told them I got exposed at work in a different health unit and nobody ever questioned or documented where that was.
This is what happened on my past site. A small group got isolated and tested. They contact traced the entire site and basically isolated a **** load of people. Unfortunately this now means they can't go home for Christmas even if their interaction with a positive case was 5-10min...Christmas on site without your family sucks, but the project / employer becomes responsible when they travel home on 2 airlines, busses, and cabs. Can't take the risk.
This is what happened on my past site. A small group got isolated and tested. They contact traced the entire site and basically isolated a **** load of people. Unfortunately this now means they can't go home for Christmas even if their interaction with a positive case was 5-10min...Christmas on site without your family sucks, but the project / employer becomes responsible when they travel home on 2 airlines, busses, and cabs. Can't take the risk.
While it sucks to miss christmas, this is probably the best year for it. You are not missing a huge family gathering or your once a year visit with your great aunt that has flown in from far away. Presumably they are being paid to hang out so the extra coin can cover a trip to disney once things stabilize.
Not at all surprising and I doubt many truck drivers have been to the UK so their exemption is not the source. The border closure is a joke.

"In a news release issued Saturday, the Ministry of Health said the cases are a couple from Durham with no known travel history."
Not at all surprising and I doubt many truck drivers have been to the UK so their exemption is not the source. The border closure is a joke.

"In a news release issued Saturday, the Ministry of Health said the cases are a couple from Durham with no known travel history."
A neighbour is involved in scheduling charter flights. They had 27 booked for today.
Not at all surprising and I doubt many truck drivers have been to the UK so their exemption is not the source. The border closure is a joke.

"In a news release issued Saturday, the Ministry of Health said the cases are a couple from Durham with no known travel history."
i'm thinking the new strain has been in canada for a while
FML.....the **** is wrong with people...

although I do see frustration growing in some of my friend circles with the newest restrictions as they stay home and the bank account drops weekly. It can’t be easy but this is ridiculous.
Where to draw the line? I just got off the phone with a cousin in Winnipeg. They were in shut down but they relented to allow people to buy Christmas cards. But you weren't allowed to buy a sympathy card for someone who died.

Steinbach Manitoba is wacko crazy with meetings and "rights".
FML.....the **** is wrong with people...

although I do see frustration growing in some of my friend circles with the newest restrictions as they stay home and the bank account drops weekly. It can’t be easy but this is ridiculous.

Going out on a limb and likely minimizing someone here but I had a conversation with a LIBERAL friend who may never talk to me again where I mentioned the dirty 14 letter word Responsibility.

IIRC the last serious recession was 30 or so years ago. If you were under 20 it probably affected your parents more than you. In short if you're under 50 you've never seen a big financial set back.

SURPRIZE Haha The government nanny state suckered you.

Some day I may have to eat my words and regret the money I spent on a nicer house, motorcycles, an airplane, boats, RV etc.

I may regret not getting a higher education and into really big money.

The biggest Ponzi scheme ever invented was Government.
I’m old enough to remember some tough times. Friends having to walk from their houses when mortgage renewals hit 17% in 83, people walking from houses in 92 when values dropped 25% because banks would not renew underwater mortgages. Or in Oct 2007 when the stock market went bear slide losing 50%.
I’m old enough to remember some tough times. Friends having to walk from their houses when mortgage renewals hit 17% in 83, people walking from houses in 92 when values dropped 25% because banks would not renew underwater mortgages. Or in Oct 2007 when the stock market went bear slide losing 50%.

I know my comments are hard and a recessions can get you. My brother expanded his office supply business just as a reccssion hit and Staples opened a nearby store. It didn't help that he had just crashed his third marriage. Bankruptcy number one. Bankruptcy number 2 was after he crashed his fourth marriage.

He invested in Bri-ex to make up some lost ground fast.

Home ownership has become a curse with people over leveraging. A colleague lost it all in the Alberta oil bust, inflation will make you rich scheme.

The government is at a loss in turning this around and commerce feeds the frenzy. Ask any real estate agent the best time to buy and they will say "Now", regardless of the market.

I don't know what I would do today if I had to start over but I don't think Toronto would be my home address.


Parents don't want their kids to go through what they went through but then the kids never learn to get through what their parents went through.
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