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We have a course out here (Grand Valley GC) in KW that is open year round. They use temporary greens. It's quite rare that there is a lot of snow.
Lockdown bumped to boxing day. Another fail. People will have family xmas. They should lockdown return to post-secondary as well.

Douggie is ****** that 63,000 people a day (I think he said day) are going through pearson.

Elementary schools closed until Jan 11, high school to Jan 25.

Woohoo, daycare appears to have survived the arbitrary line in the sand.

Aww, ski hills shut down.

But don't worry, construction, film, television and manufacturing can continue to operate without restriction. facepalm.
It's not a bad thing to have the lockdown right after Xams, I believe they want give people something to enjoy after such a chit year, and hopefully do it responsibly, then lockdown and wait it out.
It's not a bad thing to have the lockdown right after Xams, I believe they want give people something to enjoy after such a chit year, and hopefully do it responsibly, then lockdown and wait it out.
Too late for that imo. You will have a huge spike followed by a dip and we may not end up much below where we are now. Cut the spike off and you cut off a month of pain of half-ass lockdown. You already have all the kids coming home from school mixing up populations. They should have been required to stay put where they are on Dec 26 for 28 days. Let them pick where to be locked down otherwise, they will be wandering around and mixing through the whole lockdown period.
Do they flush well?

Must say it's really nice riding out right now :cool:
Some towns don't even welcome people from Toronto...... then we let in how many international travelers????? :eek:
If you're from outside my town... GET OFF MY GRASS!

Funny how there is no mention of a flight from England with several VID positive people on the plane yesterday .

You have source for information that the rest of us dont?

Cause I can see all the reported cases on flights, both domestic and international, coming and going from all airports in Canada.

Your source must have access to instant testing and results. And then be willing to share it with you before the required reporting agencies.
So am I reading this right that HD is no longer open to public but will be curbside only? I thought it was going to stay open but limit the number of people allowed indoors.
Condo fees would be insane though.
When I was shopping for my unit 30 or so year ago I looked at one that was $19 a square foot but it had some issues. One big one was the units were owner by one person / company and they were self managing. The fees were monstrous and it would have been too costly to fight.
So am I reading this right that HD is no longer open to public but will be curbside only? I thought it was going to stay open but limit the number of people allowed indoors.
Do they count as big box and therefore 25% occupancy? I assume that most stores will get a webpage spun up quickly detailing operating plan. I know some restaurants and ski hills have already released rough outlines of their plans with details to follow as they figure them out.
I doubt it will happen with typical condos but a resort near horseshoe just completed its death spiral. ~25% of the owners were not paying their maintenance fees and the number was rapidly increasing. Therefore, every year they were falling further behind on maintenance. They pulled the plug and are trying to sell the entire development to get the current owners out from under the thumb of maintenance fees.

A friend bought a time share in Cape Cod but his unit was a dump in a decent complex, so undesirable that he couldn't sell it but had to pay the yearly costs. He had later purchased other weeks in better parts of the place and there was no way he could just walk away.

He found another owner that was going bankrupt and the guy did him a favour by buying his share for a dollar or so. The buyers creditors ended up owning the white elephant.
The big question is,do you have toilet paper?
I have lots.

If I run out, I can always go crunchy with the reusable types.
Shouldn’t Ford and those around him be wearing masks while making the big announcement??? Set an example while in front of the cameras...even if you’re socially distancing ffs .

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Shouldn’t Ford and those around him be wearing masks while making the big announcement??? Set an example while in front of the cameras...even if you’re socially distancing ffs .

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I was entertained by their little dances as they tried to swap positions while not getting close to anyone else. Ford is going downhill. No masks. Extra useless people hanging out for the cameras (Lecce). Boo Ford. Back to basics.
I could understand in normal times, but in a pandemic they are still only looking at profit

Go figure ah

If a company gave up profit in the name of benevolence how many people would still price shop after the panic was over?

The reason a lot of brick and mortar stores failed is that people would do the touchy feely bit at the store and then buy from an online discounter.

How long do people stay loyal ?
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Do they count as big box and therefore 25% occupancy? I assume that most stores will get a webpage spun up quickly detailing operating plan. I know some restaurants and ski hills have already released rough outlines of their plans with details to follow as they figure them out.
I couldn’t understand where they fit in by a quick glance. Seemed tome they have to shut their doors and only do curb side, but then the current zone in Toronto and Peel they’re open for shopping at reduced capacity. Go figure.
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