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How are we going to get the flu if we're suppose to be getting rid of covid
aren't they like, contracted the same way

You want both at the same time? That would really suck big ones.How are we going to get the flu if we're suppose to be getting rid of covidaren't they like, contracted the same way
How are we going to get the flu if we're suppose to be getting rid of covidaren't they like, contracted the same way
What’s the plan if we don’t get a vaccine?
I’m pretty confident we will but some in here seem pretty content to stay at home and ride this thing out, so what happens if we don’t?
Don’t get me wrong I’ve changed how I live up to this point. No social visits or activities, cancelled my gym membership and haven’t eaten inside a restaurant since this started (lots of take out though). Just a few things but what I consider high risk with low reward. Going to work is a similar risk but I’m happy to do it.
Pretty sure I’ll be loosening my personal restrictions sometime the beginning of 2021 one way or another though.
What’s the plan if we don’t get a vaccine?
I’m pretty confident we will but some in here seem pretty content to stay at home and ride this thing out, so what happens if we don’t?
Don’t get me wrong I’ve changed how I live up to this point. No social visits or activities, cancelled my gym membership and haven’t eaten inside a restaurant since this started (lots of take out though). Just a few things but what I consider high risk with low reward. Going to work is a similar risk but I’m happy to do it.
Pretty sure I’ll be loosening my personal restrictions sometime the beginning of 2021 one way or another though.
We get used to wearing masks and never shaking hands again, and for any event that involves being indoors, having fewer people, more spaced out, and better ventilation. For anything that involves travel, get used to getting tested before doing so. Or else, this happens: Coronavirus: Belgium's hospitals on the brink as caseloads soar | DW | 31.10.2020
Australia and New Zealand are very close to banishing this virus; they did it by stringent lockdowns. Many places in Asia are very close; they did it by wearing masks and aggressive contact-tracing. It CAN be done.
The logistics of vaccinating everyone on the planet are mind boggling. However, we can absolutely do it. Let's look at polio for instance...prior to the orange idiot acting like a baby with the WHO, that organisation had practically eradicated polio in the entire world through vaccinations. This is also why Trump withdrawing from the WHO is sheer lunacy.
All it would take is a mating pair of anti vaxxers.I think we have as much chance of becoming immune to coronavirus as we do for becoming immune to tuberculosis.
The old Tuberculosis Sanitorium is now an old age home.I think we have as much chance of becoming immune to coronavirus as we do for becoming immune to tuberculosis.
Universal mask wearing is a new phenomenon in the west, but in many parts of asia, people wear it as common practice(even before covid)
its as common as a canadian wearing a hat or gloves in the winter.