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I blew a corner on a sled once and ended up buried in a ditch. I was starting to clear snow from around it to get it back onto the trail amd there was a strange bump. Another sled had target fixated and crashed into the back of me. Luckily slowly so it was just a broken taillight and cracked hood. Later in the same trip, that guy whiskey throttled in a stand of trees and put a real hurting on his sled. I think that trip was the retirement adventure for that poor sled.
I'm looking for another sled, been about 15 years since I sold my MachZ. That machine was a hoot, made the run from Keswick to Barrie in less than 15 minutes. Been a while, the next one will be for deep snowy trails, prefer light, comfortable -- doesn't need to be fast.
Your analogy of risk outlines why you don’t really get this.....motorcyclists don’t generally “infect“ others when we have a crash. It’s a selfish pursuit in that you assume your own risk and it generally doesn’t affect others around you.

This is a community issue, not a selfish solo issue. That’s the nature of a pandemic.

Why shouldn’t you be able to do what you want? Because it either impacts others directly or indirectly.
Others worried about getting infected can control their own risk by not going out.

As for hospitals not being packed with young people....long term means long term...not now.

We can see that for communities that did follow the rules you can get back to normal.
Ah yes the goalposts have moved now, instead of keeping people out of the hospital now it's about keeping them out of the hospital ever. If it means bankrupting our economy and saddling young people like me with tons of debt, then no thanks. Let people assess their own risk and make their own decisions. If you're deathly afraid of catching the bug - stay home.

Speaking of the rules...which rules are we going by? They seem to change all the time. In March - May it was about keeping the hospital curve low. Well, we were under even the model's best case scenario so that was good.

Now we're at 1/6 of what we were at the spring peak...and we're back to closing things again. We've also been at ~800 cases provincially for almost a month. Any sign the new measures are going anything against the case count? Nope.

That's because the older folks know more now, they don't want to be in hospital so they are taking extra precautions. They shouldn't be expected to hide just because you want to play.

Sounds a lot more like "I'm at risk and don't want to go out, therefore no one should be able to." About wanting to play -- I'm not asking to open nightclubs or anything like that. But wanting to go the gym and not spend the entire winter cooped up in a 700 sqft apartment doesn't seem totally unreasonable. Also tell the small restaurant owner that they're "wanting to play" by wanting a chance of staying in business this winter. Or all the other small businesses that won't survive this thing due to government imposed lockdowns. They're just selfish right?

You may not understand the question - we don't know if that 20 something who is asymptomatic will suffer long term health risks. HIV, Hepatitis, Shingles all take years to present a nasty post dated offer.
We don't know a lot of things. It doesn't mean we should just arbitrarily lock things down. There is a cost for that which we are starting to see now, for example here is a data point:

We also know the substance abuse, suicides, and drug problems are also much higher than in previous years. Is it worth the cost?

Anyway I'm tired of debating it. You live your life, I'll live mine. See you on roads out there sometime.
I'm not so sure the plague will not promote just as many business opportunities as it kills,
those opportunities will just be completely different then they were before
and some traditional business sectors may well go poof! gone. It's a mess.
I'm looking for another sled, been about 15 years since I sold my MachZ. That machine was a hoot, made the run from Keswick to Barrie in less than 15 minutes. Been a while, the next one will be for deep snowy trails, prefer light, comfortable -- doesn't need to be fast.
Don't they need to be fast to work on open water?
Don't they need to be fast to work on open water?
It depends what your risk tolerance is. A buddy and I were playing around in the water to get a feel for it in case we ended up wet by accident. In an old 540 (<60hp), it would dig in and the waterline was just behind your heels and it was stable there but terrifying and not much wiggle room. On a tuned 700 triple(~150 hp), it would stand up and take off like a rocket (it was like your studded bike video). That was much more fun and confidence inspriring.
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Others worried about getting infected can control their own risk by not going out.

Ah yes the goalposts have moved now, instead of keeping people out of the hospital now it's about keeping them out of the hospital ever. If it means bankrupting our economy and saddling young people like me with tons of debt, then no thanks. Let people assess their own risk and make their own decisions. If you're deathly afraid of catching the bug - stay home.

Speaking of the rules...which rules are we going by? They seem to change all the time. In March - May it was about keeping the hospital curve low. Well, we were under even the model's best case scenario so that was good.

Now we're at 1/6 of what we were at the spring peak...and we're back to closing things again. We've also been at ~800 cases provincially for almost a month. Any sign the new measures are going anything against the case count? Nope.

Sounds a lot more like "I'm at risk and don't want to go out, therefore no one should be able to." About wanting to play -- I'm not asking to open nightclubs or anything like that. But wanting to go the gym and not spend the entire winter cooped up in a 700 sqft apartment doesn't seem totally unreasonable. Also tell the small restaurant owner that they're "wanting to play" by wanting a chance of staying in business this winter. Or all the other small businesses that won't survive this thing due to government imposed lockdowns. They're just selfish right?

We don't know a lot of things. It doesn't mean we should just arbitrarily lock things down. There is a cost for that which we are starting to see now, for example here is a data point:

We also know the substance abuse, suicides, and drug problems are also much higher than in previous years. Is it worth the cost?

Anyway I'm tired of debating it. You live your life, I'll live mine. See you on roads out there sometime.
Self entitlement is almost worse than Covid19.And you have a huge dose of it.You and those like you are the reason this is going to last a long time.
Self entitlement is almost worse than Covid19.And you have a huge dose of it.You and those like you are the reason this is going to last a long time.

Covid is a bit like loud pipes. A person can't unlisten. A person can't hold their breath for ever because a bunch of people don't want to follow rules.

Riders complain about not being treated with consideration by insurance companies and drivers but it's ok to treat other people unfairly when it comes to endangering a person's covid health. You don't endanger people with your car, bike or breath.

People that ride without insurance are frowned up on because in the event of a mishap they don't take responsibility for their faults. Total irresponsibility. Where is Covid different? If you infect someone who makes up the lost time, death, crippling effects?

Democracy is not about getting your way. It's about sustaining your country so it can sustain you.
Self entitlement is almost worse than Covid19.And you have a huge dose of it.You and those like you are the reason this is going to last a long time.
This is the issue I find currently on the general....I’ll keep living my life and if I get sick too bad I’ll deal with it. Minimal concern for the rest of society because they’re not me, and their needs/risks/challenges are their problem and not mine.
I personally hate this type of attitude because it just prolongs this entire thing for everyone. Selfishness has grown massively and this pandemic is a beautiful way of showing everyone who is selfish, and those that actually consider the danger they pose to others.
Different in that only the people that have the thing in them right now, could possibly infect somebody, or isolate and end the cycle.
So who has it right now,
and That is the dilemma.
Enforcement is still pussy footing around and unwilling to bring out the big stick. I don't understand that approach at this point. If people are openly thumbing their nose at regulations, that should use the biggest available stick to discourage future stupidity.

TL: DR 60 to 70 people at party organized by anti-maskers. Tory says the days of warning are over. One person gets charged. Big words, little actions yet again.

Toronto’s mayor says he hopes “the days of warning are over” after officers broke up a large Halloween party over the weekend allegedly organized by anti-maskers.

Speaking at a news conference on Monday afternoon, head of emergency management Matthew Pegg confirmed that officers were called to a Halloween gathering in which 60 to 70 people were in attendance.

“This event was responded to and dealt with quickly,” Pegg said. “It is my understanding that charges were laid against one of the organizers of this event and that this matter remains under investigation.”
I blew a corner on a sled once and ended up buried in a ditch. I was starting to clear snow from around it to get it back onto the trail amd there was a strange bump. Another sled had target fixated and crashed into the back of me. Luckily slowly so it was just a broken taillight and cracked hood. Later in the same trip, that guy whiskey throttled in a stand of trees and put a real hurting on his sled. I think that trip was the retirement adventure for that poor sled.

My buddy went to the dealer to pick up a new sled. Fired it up front in the parking lot and went for a rip down the road. Ambulance came and picked him up. Dealer brought the sled back to the shop slung to the bucket of the tractor. Write-off with 0.7km on the odometer.
Now they will spend millions on advertising to try and train the masses ?
My buddy went to the dealer to pick up a new sled. Fired it up front in the parking lot and went for a rip down the road. Ambulance came and picked him up. Dealer brought the sled back to the shop slung to the bucket of the tractor. Write-off with 0.7km on the odometer.
Hopefully he recovered and had insurance spun up already. Otherwise cost per km was very high.
My buddy went to the dealer to pick up a new sled. Fired it up front in the parking lot and went for a rip down the road. Ambulance came and picked him up. Dealer brought the sled back to the shop slung to the bucket of the tractor. Write-off with 0.7km on the odometer.
Tree, car, truck, wall. post?

I was near decapitated by a cloths line once on a Boa-ski
remember those, they had the tall backrest :| bad idea.
If it means bankrupting our economy and saddling young people like me with tons of debt, then no thanks
It sounds like that's the only thing that will drill it into your head that it's not just about you. If it takes people getting saddled with tons of debt to hammer the message into them (that most everyone else understands), oh well. Sorry, not sorry.
Anybody else get their flu shot appointment cancelled? I was told they've run out of vaccine.

Self entitlement is almost worse than Covid19.And you have a huge dose of it.You and those like you are the reason this is going to last a long time.
The pot needs to go out shopping for another non essential motorcycle.
It's an essential physiotherapy apparatus.
Anybody else get their flu shot appointment cancelled? I was told they've run out of vaccine.
Rexall and douggie are in a PR battle. The province told Rexall how many shots they were getting and rough delivery schedule. Rexall apparently said yes to everybody that wanted a shot and then dropped the axe once they ran out and blamed the province for supply issues.
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