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The root of the evil comes down to corporate culture. Does the business exist primarily to make the shareholders money or does it exist to support and hopefully enrich those who contribute to its success? Most operate primarily under the first model. In a lot of roles people are easily replaced and the business is more profitable if it allows churn in those roles than if it supports the current position holder.

The first sign of death is to stop growing. That hold true for us and corporations that don't pay a decent dividend. Even a hint that the next quarter will be down sends the stocks to the basement.
The first sign of death is to stop growing. That hold true for us and corporations that don't pay a decent dividend. Even a hint that the next quarter will be down sends the stocks to the basement.
I know why it happens. It doesn't mean I agree with it. It could be a small unlisted company too where the owner pockets as much as all of the rest of the employees combined. Personally I am more in line with distributing much of the company profit onto the people responsible for that success but I understand that is not the common situation.
The root of the evil comes down to corporate culture. Does the business exist primarily to make the shareholders money or does it exist to support and hopefully enrich those who contribute to its success? Most operate primarily under the first model. In a lot of roles people are easily replaced and the business is more profitable if it allows churn in those roles than if it supports the current position holder.
I think they work under both as long as things are meeting expectations. Once things get tough, the employee experience gives way to 'needs of the business'.

I'm OK with that generally speaking if the business is at least fair to employees, and employees fair to the business. Turns out that businesses that deliver great employee experiences that back in performance and productivity, too bad more employers never figure this out.

I think churn is a different thing, a necessary thing. Few people perform at high levels for a long time in the same position, for big businesses 'churn' can be through positive attrition (people moving to new roles) as they have the numbers and levels to support this. With smaller companies, churn is typically negative attrition (meaning they leave and are replaced), a lesser employees experience and heavy expense for companies.
I think they work under both as long as things are meeting expectations. Once things get tough, the employee experience gives way to 'needs of the business'.

I'm OK with that generally speaking if the business is at least fair to employees, and employees fair to the business. Turns out that businesses that deliver great employee experiences that back in performance and productivity, too bad more employers never figure this out.

I think churn is a different thing, a necessary thing. Few people perform at high levels for a long time in the same position, for big businesses 'churn' can be through positive attrition (people moving to new roles) as they have the numbers and levels to support this. With smaller companies, churn is typically negative attrition (meaning they leave and are replaced), a lesser employees experience and heavy expense for companies.
I know civil engineering companies that take pride in how poorly they pay the horde at the bottom. They don't care that turnover is 50%+ a year, it is a job well suited to new grads who need experience. They could let salary climb to 70K and they would probably reduce turnover by an order of magnitude but they don't. The guys at the top make more money if they pay 50 and provide no opportunity for advancement or salary increase (well 1/100 may move up but the structure is pretty flat).
Not sure why this is in Corona. Make your own thread. It also works both ways. Many, many employees now get a little experience and immediately jump ship. The original company trained them, but might not have gotten any profit.
Florida is opening nursing homes up to family visits again (I think this is a terrible idea but at least they seem to have thought it through and considered both sides of the issue). The governor did publicly question whether previous actions (or inactions) by his office may have caused some of this mess.

"I think it's difficult to think that some of our actions may have precipitated," the governor said, his final word barely audible as he invited another speaker to take over.
Florida is opening nursing homes up to family visits again (I think this is a terrible idea but at least they seem to have thought it through and considered both sides of the issue). The governor did publicly question whether previous actions (or inactions) by his office may have caused some of this mess.

"I think it's difficult to think that some of our actions may have precipitated," the governor said, his final word barely audible as he invited another speaker to take over.
Masks and have the majority of the visit outside should help.
A friend posted a pic tonight of a birthday party at a restaurant. Probably 20 people sitting shoulder to shoulder drinking and eating. Fack. People are dumb. Sometimes you wish this was a little more deadly for young people so they would take it seriously.
i seen tragically hip in kinston before they made it on the radio, great show
i seen tragically hip in kinston before they made it on the radio, great show
Saw them live too many times to count. Gord was married into my fam, he always made time for family events, a truly beautiful man. I really miss him.
I'm not sure it's a recent picture. Can anyone make out one person with a mask on? I would expect at least one.

Researchers looked at the relationship between anti-social personality traits and compliance with COVID-19 measures using a sample of 1,578 Brazilian adults between the ages of 18 and 73.

"Our findings indicated that anti-social traits, especially lower levels of empathy and higher levels of callousness, deceitfulness, and risk-taking, are directly associated with lower compliance with containment measures," the study read.
that’s from Monday!
Yes, that's what the paper said.
I repeat. I would expect to see at least one person wearing a mask, or a mask nearby on the ground or such. I haven't made one out, have you?
It seems strange that people from a young, intelligent, left-leaning cohort, would be congregating without masks. The group here, I would expect that half would refuse outright, and a quarter would say they do, but not wear them. Motorcyclists aren't really known for their sociability, brains, or law-abiding behaviour.
Yes, that's what the paper said.
I repeat. I would expect to see at least one person wearing a mask, or a mask nearby on the ground or such. I haven't made one out, have you?
It seems strange that people from a young, intelligent, left-leaning cohort, would be congregating without masks. The group here, I would expect that half would refuse outright, and a quarter would say they do, but not wear them. Motorcyclists aren't really known for their sociability, brains, or law-abiding behaviour.
However put them in a group and they follow the herd . Paper says the pic was recent. I didnt see any evidence to the contrary. I expect some wore masks to the beach but took them off when they saw the skin in the crowd.
Trump is desperate to be able to announce a vaccine before the election...then everything will be juuuuuussst fine, of course.

Funny part is 75% of his followers won’t even consider taking it, even if it is properly tested and vetted, which something rushed out in the next 8 weeks most certainly will not be.
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