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Lucky vape isn’t contagious.

Nice YouTube stunt, lotta views and a few $$$ fort y the alleged doc.

We know Covid spreads on droplets, that’s why 6’, so gravity can help. Aerosols in high concentration also are effective spreaders, luckily indoors the dilution over 6’reduces chances of infection.

So wear a mask inside, or if you can’t maintain 6’ outside.

What does one do when they have learned everything they need to know?

Study something they don’t need to know! I don’t know...I like to read about things for fun as well as to learn how to do something. I learned how to say the longest place names in the world for a cool party trick that impresses precisely no people at all.
must make an academic setting more difficult? with the crap on the internet?
back when I was in institutionalized education, we researched from books

while librarians would stock publications from differing bias
they would not put outright false garbage on the shelves

this shitstain was a perfect example, published many books
but you never find them in a library
nowadays it's difficult to avoid this level of garbage


there must be a way to qualify electronic sources to weed out the ****?

Actually it does make an academic setting more difficult but in a way you might not have considered.

For instance...a carbon atom has 4 bonds to it when neutral 99.9999999 of the time. When it’s charged it can have 3 and in certain cases it can have 2. But we always teach never 5.

Google 5 valent carbon and you’ll find a very obscure and extremely unique way of making it. So in essence the student now has a get out clause if they make an error drawing a 5 valent carbon.

What does this mean for me? It means I have to be a fricken lawyer and word questions on exams so accurately there’s no “get out clause” for some whacko obscurity that can be googled. Students are now doing precisely this...they will look at their wrong answer in an exam and try to negotiate using obscure googled **** in order to get marks. It’s quite tiring.
Actually it does make an academic setting more difficult but in a way you might not have considered.

For instance...a carbon atom has 4 bonds to it when neutral 99.9999999 of the time. When it’s charged it can have 3 and in certain cases it can have 2. But we always teach never 5.

Google 5 valent carbon and you’ll find a very obscure and extremely unique way of making it. So in essence the student now has a get out clause if they make an error drawing a 5 valent carbon.

What does this mean for me? It means I have to be a fricken lawyer and word questions on exams so accurately there’s no “get out clause” for some whacko obscurity that can be googled. Students are now doing precisely this...they will look at their wrong answer in an exam and try to negotiate using obscure googled **** in order to get marks. It’s quite tiring.
I tried to get an incorrectly marked question adjusted on one midterm. The prof went with, "If you want it remarked, I am happy too, but if I made one error I might have made more so I will be remarking the whole thing, not just the question you raised. Based on a cursory review, I did make a mistake where you indicated but I was generous here and here and here and here, are you really sure you want me to remark this?" Umm. No. I'm fine. I can see where this is going. Have a good day.
I tried to get an incorrectly marked question adjusted on one midterm. The prof went with, "If you want it remarked, I am happy too, but if I made one error I might have made more so I will be remarking the whole thing, not just the question you raised. Based on a cursory review, I did make a mistake where you indicated but I was generous here and here and here and here, are you really sure you want me to remark this?" Umm. No. I'm fine. I can see where this is going. Have a good day.

that’s actually my standard response to’s a “stock market“ statement...marks can go up or down.....and it’s usually down. I also like to use the casino analogy if they want to gamble....I’m the house...and the house always wins.

I'll edit this a bit....the above puts off the chancers, students with legitimate grievances get their ”day in court”.
iv'e got 4 kids in uni right now, i see the struggles that they have keeping the marks up
I have better term then sheep "Zombies " . People that are brain dead . I like at 8:20 of the video . The mask sends a message . The message is I'm woke I'm saving lives . Everyone look at me .

Can't be bothered with replying to the attitude-problem crap.

Why were the mask not implemeted right away ?

Two-part answer.
(1) We know more now than we knew then, and recommendations were adjusted. That's how science works.
(2) Masks that were much more likely to be effective (i.e. N95) at the outset of the infection were in short supply, and from the system level, it was better to reserve them for medical personnel. The message that was sent was at least in part to discourage people from hoarding them and thus keeping them away from those who actually needed them.

Why are they implemented when number are negligible.

With this virus, one infection can easily become 3, then 9, then 27, then 81, then 243, then 729, then 2187 ... and yet ... stop that one infection at the outset, and you stop all those subsequent infections.

Why is there no standart for mask .

There is (for N95 masks). But there's limited supply of those. For "lesser but good-enough" masks ... Researching what was needed, and developing a standard, and implementing it, takes TIME, which was not available. Consequently ... a number of recommendations were informally developed for producing home-grown or very simple masks, and implemented and put into production in a big hurry.

In early June, a customer of mine (normally an automotive parts manufacturer) had me do my thing on a piece of equipment that they were going to use to make masks. (I contributed my services for free, by the way,) This means that in the two or three months leading up to that, they committed to doing this, designed a piece of equipment, built it, commissioned it, powered it up, arranged for sources of materials, and put it into production. They sent me a little note a couple weeks ago that they had (at that time) produced 2 million masks with that piece of equipment.

If they had to contend with building those masks to a standard, and it went according to the normal time scale, the standards body wouldn't even have agreed on what the standard had to say yet ...

Why are other ppe not part of the protocol . People infected touch things in stores . They handle money and pass it to clerks . The clerks hand you money from other people . Clerks wear the same gloves and serve many people .

It has been established that physical contact through a secondary object is not a primary means of virus transmission. Nevertheless ... lots of stores have put out hand-santizer. And they recommend people to use contactless payment.

Just wear the mask ! Just do something ! Anything to do your part . But don't think for yourself. Why half measures if this is so deadly . Why so late to the game .

So in the absence of a proven total one hundred percent effective solution that's guaranteed to work (but which doesn't exist), what are YOU doing? Nothing?

"Think for yourself". Okay, that implies that you have done so. What's YOUR public-health recommendation? Nothing?

And I won't argue the point about us being late to the game ... because indeed, our government (and most others) was slow to react, initially. But ... It's water under the bridge. You can't put it back. What should we do NOW to deal with this situation? Nothing??
This seems pretty good.

Indeed, it does. It is plausible that the most vulnerable people acquired the infection early and died early. Care homes.
Why were the mask not implemeted right away ?

the mask messaging was mishandled
and initially it was not understood that primary transmission was airborne
initially the thinking was spread by surface contamination
it was not desired that the genpop rush out and buy medical grade masks
they were needed for med workers

Why are they implemented when number are negligible.

they were implemented after it was understood the main method of transmission was by air droplet
and as home isolation was winding down and society opening back up we were moving around more
it has worked, numbers continue to drop as we return to more normal activity

Why is there no standart for mask .

because they are not PPE
not intended to prevent the spread
but to reduce it

Why are other ppe not part of the protocol .

because masks are cheap and provide the most bang for the buck against an airborne virus

People infected touch things in stores . They handle money and pass it to clerks .
The clerks hand you money from other people . Clerks wear the same gloves and serve many people .

wash your hands and don't touch your face
the surface transmission thing was way overstated

you would get better answers if you ask straight forward questions instead of being a knob
^ I can take a teasing no problem, I had an older brother :giggle:
and I have no problem admitting I'm wrong when that happens (y) I is human.

... puff balls are out, found 4 so far lol there be free food in the woods tonight.
^ I can take a teasing no problem, I had an older brother :giggle:
and I have no problem admitting I'm wrong when that happens (y) I is human.

... puff balls are out, found 4 so far lol there be free food in the woods tonight.

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