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Saw an article that says TTC compliance with masks was around 80-90%. What's with that?
I also saw one that had shown how many drivers had exemptions from wearing, but I can't find it now, or it may have been for OC Transpo.

Exactly, and since science and all those educated people specializing in infections diseases (not "Some guy on the internet who probably barely passed high school science") have confirmed some time ago that although the virus particle itself is tiny and will pass through most fabrics except an N95, Covid in particular requires a carrier in the form of bodily fluids, and home made masks DO stop those bodily fluids which carry and transmit the virus.

But hey, there's those scientists, doctors, immunologists, microbiologists, and infectious disease experts...and then there's "some guy on the internet" sharing memes. Who knows who to believe anymore, right? /s
Citations needed. You know, that's how this thing called science works. You don't just put your personal opinions down, and write "But hey, . . .".
But hey, some guy on the internet, who just doesn't quite get how it works, said it, so it much be true, eh.

Maybe she didn't have room for "..and everyone else"...I didn't take it as purely selfish, I took it as creating awareness that it's not just about the kids.
Government wants you afraid enough that you comply with what they say, but not afraid enough that it gives you further ideas. It's a fine line. If she has anything that makes her more susceptible to dying then, more power to her. She may also have a union that won't get their dues if she's dead.
And your fact sources???????????

I didn't even spend 30 seconds for this video . But I already knew they don't work with out full PPE .

I didn't even spend 30 seconds for this video . But I already knew they don't work with out full PPE .
What is the droplet size out of a device intentionally designed to vaporize vs the droplet size from a person? The test is a good concept. I want to see one in a walk-in freezer to have a more representative source.
So you don’t understand the difference between vapour and

Ok Lucy splain to me the difference . Many I should say Karen . It is a simple example . You want to feel like you are doing your part go ahead . But know it is doing nothing . I guess you didn't listen even to 20 seconds of the video .
Ok Lucy splain to me the difference . Many I should say Karen . It is a simple example . You want to feel like you are doing your part go ahead . But know it is doing nothing . I guess you didn't listen even to 20 seconds of the video .

I don’t think it would help...I’d have to use words with more than one syllable.
I don’t think it would help...I’d have to use words with more than one syllable.

So are you discussing grammar or the vid ? Attack the person when you have nothing .
I always get a chuckle when someone posts one of those silly "but vape goes around the mask, therefore masks are useless!" videos. Millions of doctors agree that they are a useful and effective tool, but a handful of crackpot doctors like our long retired anesthesiologist here (again, anesthesiologist, not a infection expert in any fashion whatsoever), who resides in Florida (enough said) and likely supports Trump (again, enough said)and BOOM...latch on and ride that train.

Without even getting into the differences between vapour and droplets, the fact remains that most of these videos have the wearers intentionally huffing and then puffing massive amounts of vapor forcefully for best video effect to fit the desired outcome of the video. Reality doesn't matter in these situations, only that the video fits the desired outcome.

I could go around hyperventilating all day long and perhaps eject some bodily fluids out the side of a mask as well, but that's not reality.
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You post a youtube video, I'll post a youtube video. Except that this one makes an actual attempt to quantify its testing.

Wow . A videos that shows nothing . No actual live test . Just a dude talking . Then showing some screen shots. That has to be the proof for sure . A real scientific proof . Wear your masks sheep . Follow what the governments instructions at all cost . Take the vaccine when it comes be a good citezen . Don't question anything .

I'll say one more time masks alone do nothing . Home made masks do less . Unless you are using full ppe when interacting with people you are at risk . When using ppe you need to know how to put in on and how to take it off . It's not as simple as just use a mask .

Enough with this time waster . Off for a ride .
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