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Talking with a public health nurse today. Training is actively underway and a rollout of throat swap testing as an alternative to the brain poke should be available soon. Since they are ordering tests for every kid with a runny nose or a single cough, that can't come soon enough.
Everyone wears a mask at the airport except thr RCMP. I continue to wonder what makes the police immune and not a risk to spread the same virus.

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Everyone wears a mask at the airport except thr RCMP. I continue to wonder what makes the police immune and not a risk to spread the same virus.
The same thing that makes them able to hold and use cell phones to talk to their girlfriends while driving while that is illegal for normal people as it is far too dangerous.
Bunch of sheep:


If it's not full PPE, why even bother?
Here's another one: Face Masks in the New COVID-19 Normal: Materials, Testing, and Perspectives

" Even though the Hong Kong government recommended mask usage only for symptomatic people, as with WHO guidelines, the general public volunteered to wear mask proactively [24]. Universal masking was also advocated by leading experts in clinical microbiology and infectious disease specialties. After 100 days, the number of infected per million population in Hong Kong was significantly lower than countries without universal masking. The comparison was done for countries with similar population density, healthcare system, BCG vaccination, and social distancing measures. These countries include Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Italy, and Germany. While infections and deaths have skyrocketed worldwide, Hong Kong has recorded low numbers, particularly remarkable given its close proximity to China and high population density. The main difference causing the favourable outcome in Hong Kong was the voluntary universal masking among residents since early in the pandemic. By observation of morning commute over three consecutive days, only 3.4% out of 10,050 persons failed to wear masks. There were eleven COVID-19 clusters which could be attributed to recreational mask-off settings such as dining and drinking in restaurants or bars, singing at karaoke parlours, and exercising in gymnasiums. "
What’s your scientific degree in, pfbmgd?

You sure seem to know more than a lot of your peers, almost all of whom seem to have the direct opposite opinions as yours.

Wow . A videos that shows nothing . No actual live test . Just a dude talking . Then showing some screen shots. That has to be the proof for sure . A real scientific proof . Wear your masks sheep . Follow what the governments instructions at all cost . Take the vaccine when it comes be a good citezen . Don't question anything .

I'll say one more time masks alone do nothing . Home made masks do less . Unless you are using full ppe when interacting with people you are at risk . When using ppe you need to know how to put in on and how to take it off . It's not as simple as just use a mask .

Enough with this time waster . Off for a ride .

Don't bother checking back in.
Da fuq? My kid had a runny nose and that is a mandatory covid test before returning but if you are living with someone that is diagnosed with covid, not only are you not kicked out of school, you don't even need to tell them that the exposure likely occurred. Health Unit will follow up and may require it but damn, how about we wait for some more red tape before separating probable cases from the masses.

" Ontario's guide for handling expected outbreaks of COVID-19 in schools this fall says that "cohorts" will immediately be sent home and referred to testing if a student tests positive, but not if a parent or other member of a student's household tests positive. "
Bunch of sheep:


If it's not full PPE, why even bother?
I see gloves , gowns and a cool envoirment where viruses die quickly . That maybe an older picture . But most people in operating rooms now wear a combo mask and eye shield or wear glasses. Most items in the OR that are touched during the procedure have sterile one time use covers . I bet the new procedure is to wear a N95 mask and eye shield in the OR . I have not been to the OR lately . But imagine that is the new standart .
Learning is a lifelong journey......

Some people are impatient though and can’t be bothered or are lazy and stop at different points in their life. It’s a shame.

must make an academic setting more difficult? with the crap on the internet?
back when I was in institutionalized education, we researched from books

while librarians would stock publications from differing bias
they would not put outright false garbage on the shelves

this shitstain was a perfect example, published many books
but you never find them in a library
nowadays it's difficult to avoid this level of garbage


there must be a way to qualify electronic sources to weed out the ****?

I didn't even spend 30 seconds for this video . But I already knew they don't work with out full PPE .
Lucky vape isn’t contagious.

Nice YouTube stunt, lotta views and a few $$$ fort y the alleged doc.

We know Covid spreads on droplets, that’s why 6’, so gravity can help. Aerosols in high concentration also are effective spreaders, luckily indoors the dilution over 6’reduces chances of infection.

So wear a mask inside, or if you can’t maintain 6’ outside.
Learning is a lifelong journey......

Some people are impatient though and can’t be bothered or are lazy and stop at different points in their life. It’s a shame.
What does one do when they have learned everything they need to know?

Wait.. that's too logical for the anti-maskers who think everyone who doesn't agree with their theory is a sheep.....
Wasted breath and time.
Wait.. that's too logical for the anti-maskers who think everyone who doesn't agree with their theory is a sheep.....
Wasted breath and time.
I have better term then sheep "Zombies " . People that are brain dead . I like at 8:20 of the video . The mask sends a message . The message is I'm woke I'm saving lives . Everyone look at me . Why were the mask not implemeted right away ? Why are they implemented when number are negligible. Why is there no standart for mask . Why are other ppe not part of the protocol . People infected touch things in stores . They handle money and pass it to clerks . The clerks hand you money from other people . Clerks wear the same gloves and serve many people .

Just wear the mask ! Just do something ! Anything to do your part . But don't think for yourself. Why half measures if this is so deadly . Why so late to the game .
Probably dies because they were missing one piece of the puzzle that they didn't even realize they were missing.
How do you explain the ones here that have already learned everything there is to know?
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