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So you are telling me you put on any replacement brake pads you find ? What is you criteria for break pads ?
I put good pads on my vehicles and ok pads on my wifes vehicle (name brand but not top-tier brand). I am just saying that people can legally install whatever they want. If someone imports a container of brake pads made of paper mache, they are allowed to sell them and if they are cheap enough, a lot of people would buy them. Hell, they would even pass a safety as that is based on thickness of friction material at time of inspection.
I put good pads on my vehicles and ok pads on my wifes vehicle (name brand but not top-tier brand). I am just saying that people can legally install whatever they want. If someone imports a container of brake pads made of paper mache, they are allowed to sell them and if they are cheap enough, a lot of people would buy them. Hell, they would even pass a safety as that is based on thickness of friction material at time of inspection.

Well most home made mask don't pass any standard . They do nothing to prevent the transmission of the virus . Yet people here will follow blindly and argue " Just wear the mask and be a good citizen " . Oh yeah I forgot " orange man bad " .
Well most home made mask don't pass any standard . They do nothing to prevent the transmission of the virus . Yet people here will follow blindly and argue " Just wear the mask and be a good citizen " . Oh yeah I forgot " orange man bad " .

And your fact sources???????????
BTW I got an email from a relative in NZ and they have a few new cases. That is bad for them but good for the world in that there are so few cases that they can be tracked, unlike the considerably higher load here and the crapfest just south of us. We need to find the problems with spread.

The recent outbreak in NZ has a different genome that originates in China but has signatures that involve either Australia, UK or US.

Tracking the US or even Canadian cases would be like tracking a raindrop in a thunderstorm.

you'd think a teacher would get it?
it's not about you, you twit

it's about kids swapping infections and taking it home

Sitting in line waiting to get a three year old a brain poke because she had a runny nose at daycare. The professionals at the health unit do realize that in a few weeks every kid will have a runny nose right? Obviously she's banished pending results but they dont know how much beyond that.
@J_F but it's also about adults getting infected from the kids, and then those staff members taking it home to their families...everywhere else there's 2m distancing and reduced numbers inside virtually every business, however nothing for schools...
I get that @ifiddles

no one wants teachers in danger
but they are one in the class of ~ 30

and as the adult in the room should be better able to manage their own distance/behaviour
the Florida teacher is just typical of the US, it's all about me and my freedom ignorance
I get that @ifiddles

no one wants teachers in danger
but they are one in the class of ~ 30

and as the adult in the room should be better able to manage their own distance/behaviour
the Florida teacher is just typical of the US, it's all about me and my freedom ignorance

I think the teacher is right on this one though...the elephant in the room that all the news is ignoring is not that kids are in danger...they really aren't's that they are carriers and spreaders. My teacher buddy thinks everything will be back online again sometime in the Fall. Both he and I hope he's wrong but evidence seems to suggest he may be right. The University of Alabama today registered 566 new COVID 19 infections....and classes started a week ago.
classroom gets a spreader event
teacher goes home and infects one family
kids go home and infect thirty families
parents take it to work and infect who knows how many

and because kids are typically asymptomatic
they have a far greater chance of mass spread
While most home made masks don't pass any standard, they also don't pass spit.

Exactly, and since science and all those educated people specializing in infections diseases (not "Some guy on the internet who probably barely passed high school science") have confirmed some time ago that although the virus particle itself is tiny and will pass through most fabrics except an N95, Covid in particular requires a carrier in the form of bodily fluids, and home made masks DO stop those bodily fluids which carry and transmit the virus.

But hey, there's those scientists, doctors, immunologists, microbiologists, and infectious disease experts...and then there's "some guy on the internet" sharing memes. Who knows who to believe anymore, right? /s
Sitting in line waiting to get a three year old a brain poke because she had a runny nose at daycare. The professionals at the health unit do realize that in a few weeks every kid will have a runny nose right? Obviously she's banished pending results but they dont know how much beyond that.
Wasn't so bad. Nurse tried to talk me out of brain poking the kid until I told her health unit required it. Had to physically restrain kid but she's a trooper so wasn't really bothered. My eye watered but really no discomfort from the probing.

The nurse has had people that showed up with kids that were kicked out of daycare because of a single cough and required a test. She doesn't know how they will deal with the crush of minor symptoms requiring testing starting next week. 1:30 wait today to get tested, was apparently over 2:00 yesterday. Adding all of the kids will make it much longer.
classroom gets a spreader event
teacher goes home and infects one family
kids go home and infect thirty families
parents take it to work and infect who knows how many

and because kids are typically asymptomatic
they have a far greater chance of mass spread

Exactly but the teacher also is one of the class members...they could be #31 asymptomatic spreader or they could be elderly and at more risk.

Regardless this is something parents are covering their ears about right now. They've had their fill of the ankle biters that are constantly around them and it's time for some respite. I just don't think it will necessarily end well. I hope I'm wrong. Worst case scenario...teachers start testing positive and they run out of replacements (willing replacements). Best case....infections rise a little and are caught very early and contained.
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