Well I think there are also a psychological reasons along, with or not, if it is effective. Visuals can be strong motivators get help people do something. Hard to describe or physically prove a virus exsists until someone has it, but seeing some evidence of a problem with people wearing masks does help, and hopefully it makes people think and do the right thing.
All the more reason to not buy your kids "cool" masks. Plain black, like a school uniform....no reason to trade anyone because they're all the same. Write name on it somewhere like mittens and hats. Problem solved.
/In a perfect world...yeah, yeah, I get it.
I was talking to a school bus driver. He says the kids lick the windows.
The children should be laminated so they can be wiped clean easily. To clarify....I propose this even when there’s no pandemic.
You could buy a lot of these for $2billion . Also has the benefit of training for social distancing.The children should be laminated so they can be wiped clean easily. To clarify....I propose this even when there’s no pandemic.
The children should be laminated so they can be wiped clean easily. To clarify....I propose this even when there’s no pandemic.
They do? I gave my dog crap today for drinking urine out of the kids potty. Frig me. Straight urine. What an idiot.dogs have better hygiene habits
Hopefully, you can open the windows and get some outside air coming in.@GreyGhost @PrivatePilot @jc100 @nobbie48 @crankcall @Mad Mike thanks for the laugh and for the reminder of what's in store for me in about a week and a half...
still haven't found out what I'm teaching, nor how many students I'll have, nor gone in to prep my classroom...3 days of training next week, so hope to find some time to figure things out for my first week back...wish me luck... ?
We talked about this at work a few weeks ago.
now that mine are grown and taking care of their own bodily fluids
I'm not a fan of having the gross little things around me
dogs have better hygiene habits
Well, on the upside, as currently enforced, a runny nose or single cough gets you immediately booted. You cannot return until clean covid test and no symptoms for 24 hours. So the parent may buy themselves one morning but it will cost them the next 3+ days.I wouldn't count on parents helping you with that stuff. I expect most of them will be relying on you (the system) to teach their kids about proper hygiene and mask use if applicable to your group. Parents will still send their kids to school sick because a lot of private sector employers are simply unwilling to afford paid time off because someone's kid is sick. I lived that life for over 40 years. I doubt Covid will change that.
My 2 cents .... I think it will start off OK. Then, maybe mid-late Oct. look out! Isn't that when colds and flu normally start spreading like wildfire among those little petri dishes? Although, the flu season could be a lot less prevalent this year just due to better hygiene and use of masks by the general public? It will be interesting to see if what we have been through and learned with Covid will have some positive outcome in other areas of general health and welfare.