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We're past the point of people being adequately informed about masks. They're either going to wear them or they're not. No amount of meme-bombing is going to change that. Truth be told it can end up being detrimental, as people tend to tune out repetitive messages.
Unfortunately, it also twists, turns and contorts, to it's practitioner's political motivations.
I haven't seen enough new studies with regards to the efficacy of masks, to support one way or the other.
We're still at the better safe than sorry stage.
If the government had kept a proper stockpile, would we have been asked to wear masks much earlier?

science is apolitical.....what people choose to do with scientific directives may be political.
We're past the point of people being adequately informed about masks. They're either going to wear them or they're not. No amount of meme-bombing is going to change that. Truth be told it can end up being detrimental, as people tend to tune out repetitive messages.

or you get this...more Covidiots playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes...

Yep. 100%.
In the beginning of this Canada had a shortage of PPE, so we gave them to frontline workers, where they would do the most good.

Look at this picture

As a Canadian you've seen this before... it's a lousy picture of someone breathing out when it's cold out.
Those water particles could contain COVID19.
What happens when we put a mask on?
My mask is NOT to protect ME from you, my mask is to protect YOU from ME.
Right, I'm going to stop washing my hands and social distancing on your recommendation then.

Masks are the panacea that will end the plague. Oh, wait, it didn't work so well last time, what will we do?

Oh, wait, it's not cold out, so we're all good then?

At least try and make a reasonable argument. Correlation is not causation, anecdotal evidence is the least favourable type.

It will be good, in that more experiments with masks will be done, and we'll get a better understanding of how effective "home made" and different materials are.

Here's a mask, but I don't think it will be too effective, the openings in the weave of the material is too large.


We need to be reasonable, and consistent, rather than demanding and arbitrary.

Masks may help, so wear them.
Montreal man arrested for disobeying mandatory mask rule in Tim Hortons

No one dragged him in the Tim Hortons and held him there until he put a mask on. He was arrested for refusing to leave OR put a mask on.

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Unfortunately, it also twists, turns and contorts, to it's practitioner's political motivations.
I haven't seen enough new studies with regards to the efficacy of masks, to support one way or the other.
We're still at the better safe than sorry stage.
If the government had kept a proper stockpile, would we have been asked to wear masks much earlier?

Bob Newhart had a routine where he describes an infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of typewriters reproducing the works of Shakespeare, Similarly an infinite number of researchers in an infinite number of labs could produce an infinite number of different reports. Masks good / bad, smoking good / bad, red meat good / bad, drinking good bad......
We're past the point of people being adequately informed about masks. They're either going to wear them or they're not. .

As long as they stay TF outside they can do whatever they want when it comes to masks as it's low/zero risk, but the second someone chooses to come inside a building or confined area and chooses to not wear a mask, your "choice" is effecting others.

IMHO it should be on the same level as smoking indoors - it negatively effected the health of others, it was banned, and that was the end of it. Surely for the next 6 or 8 months or whatever token period of time (in the grand scheme of a lifespan) it takes for us to get out of this Covid situation we can all manage to not get our panties in a twist over this, no?

I can't believe the childish antics some are resorting to through this however. Honestly, WTF....put on a freakin face mask for your 20 minute trip into the store to buy your **** or the 2 minutes inside Tim Hortons to get your stupid coffee, it isn't going to kill you.

And frankly I'm also fed the **** up with all the stupid excuses people are coming up with against masks either. My wife used to work in the OR and wore masks for 12 hour shifts 5 days a week at one point. Every freakin doctor, nurse, janitor etc etc etc in every hospital, long term care home, etc etc etc has been wearing then for 8-15 hours a day every day since this began, and in OR's for endless hours for DECADES now, so stop being an ******* and claiming that "Masks reduce your blood oxygen level and can make you pass out!" or "Wearing a mask gives you fungal lung infections and can put you in the hospital with symptoms worse than Covid!" or whatever other cockamamie ******** people have dreamed up. IT'S NOT REALITY NO MATTER HOW MANY MEMES OR BULLSHIAT YOU POST ON THE TOPIC CLAIMING SO.

The people pulling these antics are lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sacks of monkey ****!


Holy ****! Where's the Tylenol?
I'm totally on board with "not wearing a mask? you're not getting in. inside and your mask is off? put it on, or out you go. not co-operating? call the cops, you're getting a ticket". No time for the BS excuses.

Perhaps there is some small piece of the population that legitimately can't wear a mask. They can shop online, or phone in an order, or send a relative who can wear one.
And frankly I'm also fed the **** up with all the stupid excuses people are coming up with against masks either. My wife used to work in the OR and wore masks for 12 hour shifts 5 days a week at one point. Every freakin doctor, nurse, janitor etc etc etc in every hospital, long term care home, etc etc etc has been wearing then for 8-15 hours a day every day since this began, and in OR's for endless hours for DECADES now, so stop being an ******* and claiming that "Masks reduce your blood oxygen level and can make you pass out!" or "Wearing a mask gives you fungal lung infections and can put you in the hospital with symptoms worse than Covid!" or whatever other cockamamie ******** people have dreamed up. IT'S NOT REALITY NO MATTER HOW MANY MEMES OR BULLSHIAT YOU POST ON THE TOPIC CLAIMING SO.
Years of leftist crap has led to this. :poop:
So, in your opinion, we should be doing the right-wing thing and pretend Coronavirus is magically going to disappear, or believe it's a hoax?
That's a hell of a glorious assumption. Please refer me to all related Con articles showing they support any such nonsense.

My point was, we have imo, pandered too much to egalitarianism. This has created the 'snow flakes' and an entire generation of 'me over us' mentality.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and point out that it’s likely right wing idiots not wearing masks.
Fair point.

EDIT: Actually i'm going to agree to that being the case in the U.S., not so much here.
That's a hell of a glorious assumption. Please refer me to all related Con articles showing they support any such nonsense.

My point was, we have imo, pandered too much to egalitarianism. This has created the 'snow flakes' and an entire generation of 'me over us' mentality.

Well, the president of the USA, a Republican and far-right winger, has claimed it will disappear at least 19 times.

As for "Me over us" - that's been around for a long time... The USA has pretty much been "USA First" since the end of WW2.

the hell?!

Ah yes, a country where the words of the “Supreme Leader” trump those of science, facts, and reality.

There’s another country out there right now with a certain leader striving for this same thing. I’ll let ya’ll guess which one.
Well, the president of the USA, a Republican and far-right winger, has claimed it will disappear at least 19 times.

As for "Me over us" - that's been around for a long time... The USA has pretty much been "USA First" since the end of WW2.
I had thought PP was referring to instances happening in Canada. US is a whole other nest of wackos on both sides.
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