I'm not 100% sure how I feel on this issue.
$2000 pre-tax a month is not enough for a lot of people that have no savings and are living month to month, this is a significant portion of our society. When the eventual bills start piling up, that's going to leave a lot of people in a very negative financial situation, which ripples into consumer spending, which then ripples into the whole economy.
With the wage subsidy, a higher earning individual will now be earning $1124 (843/.75), or $58448/yr if the company lowers their salary to maximize the Gov wage subsidy and minimize their contribution. Average individual salary is $44,000 though (
https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1110019101). Which at 75%, equals a government contribution of $635/week. So a minimally higher investment from the government compared to CERB, to keep people employed and earning more. Also to keep businesses operational to some degree.