Clayton Rivet death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I said I am familiar with the roadway, as I used to travel that route regularly. I didn't say I was familiar with it that day. Maybe I am misreading but you said in one post that it was at the bottom of the hill, but then you said Clayton was out riding his headlights as he was cresting a hill???

As I have I am sure the SIU have looked at all the data including the cruisers black box. You will note that at no point did I say the officer stopped prior to making his turn just suggested he may have done a mirror and shoulder check. But again if clayton has been riding properly, even 20 k over he would have been a LOT closer behind the cruiser and surely the officer would have seen him and Clayton would have seen the cruiser on the road pre turn. Certainly the officer was there and made decisions as did Clayton. However the officer wasn't committing an offense at the time if the collision only Clayton was. Also the investigation stated that given the conditions a reasonable person couldn't have seen the bike or foreseen the collision. I understand you don't want to accept that. But that us the conclusion of the investigators with all the facts. Respectfully, your getting some of tour information second hand from the family. It is human nature that in circumstances such as these people hear what they want to hear and not necessarily what was said. Again my condolences.

Hedo, what is your motive here?

Are you trying to gain some sense of satisfaction winning a fight? You were just waiting for the SIU results and jump in here with a post trying to prove everyone wrong right away.

Are you trying to protect you past brothers? Cause all you really seem to be doing is taking what you are spoon fed by the SIU and repeating it over and over.

You keep going into elaborate detail about the events and telling us stories about yourself, only to repeat the same things.....yes we all get it, the rider was speeding, no doubt about it, we all agree.

I want to know the truth. You as a former officer should have a similar interest. If you were really more intersted in the truth and actual facts, you would have travelled to the scene and seen first hand for yourself.

I believe the SIU was mistaken in their statement. They used the term "UTurn" inappropriately. What they should have said is that the officer left the roadway and re-entered perpendicular to traffic in an attempt to turn around. What they told us I believe wasn't correct, and is unintentionally misleading to the spoon fed public such as yourself.

If you really want to take everything as your told, feel free. You were in the business...... you know how things really are.

So my motive is finding truth, and giving the deceased a voice that he has lost.....What's your motive here HEDO?
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Come on now. Google maps? If you really care go there yourself. There is a memorial where the impact was. Google maps won't show ****. And even if you go there it will look like a wide open 4 lane road with lots of visibility. Unlike it was that night with all of the construction going on. Within a couple days of the accident they had taken the barrier down. That is why I never posted picks of the scene, because they had changed it almost immediately.

I've got a day job and a busy life. Why not point it out on Google Maps, if it's just going to show the same thing anyway? It doesn't sound like there's a pressing reason to go to the site.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I've got a day job and a busy life. Why not point it out on Google Maps, if it's just going to show the same thing anyway? It doesn't sound like there's a pressing reason to go to the site.

Scroll back a page. I've got a 16hr day job and a few part time gigs. I couldn't go myself, but sent the ladyfriend to snap pics for you.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Scroll back a page. I've got a 16hr day job and a few part time gigs. I couldn't go myself, but sent the ladyfriend to snap pics for you.

I saw the picture. From that angle it looks like there's an arc top the road; clear visibility for the necessary 150m, but beyond that? That's why I want to get a link to the location.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Omg people. He was speeding. End of story. U turn or no u turn guys dead. Whining about it on Gtam isn't going to change anything.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Wayyyy too many ftp attitudes on here. Wait til someone breaks into your house and see how you react to cops then. I've got tickets, I've had cops turn in front of me responding to calls. But I wasn't speeding so it didn't matter. Most of you make it sound like all the cops are out to get you.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Wayyyy too many ftp attitudes on here. Wait til someone breaks into your house and see how you react to cops then. I've got tickets, I've had cops turn in front of me responding to calls. But I wasn't speeding so it didn't matter. Most of you make it sound like all the cops are out to get you.

Um, I've had properties broken into, I've had tickets( not very many), And at least weekly seen police pull a whacky move on the highway(I drive for a living-See all sorts of fun things).

Pretty sure cops are not out to get me. I've got family in OPP,RCMP,Military, many friends who are in regional police, and even my neighbour/friend is OPP.

If you would like to discuss my attitude I would be more than willing to meet up with you in person and discuss any issues you have. PM me. I'll take a day off.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Wayyyy too many ftp attitudes on here. Wait til someone breaks into your house and see how you react to cops then. I've got tickets, I've had cops turn in front of me responding to calls. But I wasn't speeding so it didn't matter. Most of you make it sound like all the cops are out to get you.

U-turn's are just as bad as left turners. They haven't been in the news lately, but in years past there have been a few riders that have lost their lives to people doing them.

A cop almost collected me a few years ago on Lakeridge road performing a cowboy maneuver, i understand they have calls to go to, but common sense seems to be lacking in the world nowadays.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

And I have also almost been taken out by a cop. Doesn't mean I'm going to pick up a pitch fork. Its bad enough riding on roads. Speeding like a retard is just asking for it.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

U-turn's are just as bad as left turners. They haven't been in the news lately, but in years past there have been a few riders that have lost their lives to people doing them.

A cop almost collected me a few years ago on Lakeridge road performing a cowboy maneuver, i understand they have calls to go to, but common sense seems to be lacking in the world nowadays.
Seems to be lacking in this thread too.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Casacrow: my "motive" is to point out just how wrong soooo many members were. Look back at my posts in June most of. Them said wait for an investigation.

Well guess what EXPERTS have done the investigation. You have NO qualifications yet seem to think yourself a "CSI". You drive for a living that doesn't make you an expert on collision investigation nor reconstruction. You posted a false statement earlier in this thread I pointed out your error. You admitted you didn't know the "legalities" well my friend when dealing with a fatal collision the "legalities" matter. You then said YRP will investigate and charge the officer. Again your wrong.

Now tour accusing the DIU of using a term improperly. I guess the SIU didn't look at the cruisers black box and gps data but I guess you have??? Gmafb. Your accepting the "story" you have now gotten supposedly THIRD hand. (the SIU told the family who then told dvsbullet who then posted it here. I hope the police and SIU NEVER adopt your method of investigating.

You have posted that regardless of what the SIU said you felt the officer deserves to be charged. BUT now that someone posted something that seems to favor your position as supposedly related third hand from the SIU. The SIU must on THAT point be right??? Pick a side will you. Your all over the place like a hard rubber ball.

I could care less about this officer, I don't know him or any of the SIU investigators that I know of.

So let me ask you. A vehicle moves the the far right of a roadway, (one which even by your admission at the time was narrowed), that vehicle then makes a turn in an attempt to travel in the opposite direction. What do YOU call that a left turn?? I was taught when I started driving 38 years ago it is a U TURN. But no that wouldn't fit your conspiracy "theory" i can send you some tin foil.

The FACT is clear the investigation, (the parts of which support your conspiracy is the only parts which are correct but the SIU apparently screwed everything else which doesn't support your conspiracy up). It concluded the officer was NOT at fault that a contributing factor was the excessive speed of a reckless rider. Even his friend, (and kudos to him for doing so), admits he was:

1. Speeding;
2. Riding beyond his abilities;
3. Riding beyond his headlights;
4. Was predisposed to hooligan riding.

But your right the fact us the officer is guilty. You know you can go to a court house in Newmarket, sit down with a JP and swear out a information charging the officer with ANY appropriate CRIMINAL charge. Of course the JP will ask to review YOUR investigation and the proof you have to support the charge. Be my guess. J am sure the officer and his lawyer would be more than happy to challenge the charge in court.

I am amazed with your obvious investigative skills it took you this long to "discover" i am a former police officer. Well a lesser person could have simply read the entire thread as this information was posted more Rh once in THIS thread back in June.

You have told another member that regardless what anyone says your convinced of the officers guilt. Well good for you, I am not trying to win a fight as I am am not fighting, besides I have one thing in my favor that you don't. The FACTS as published by the experts, not the rantings of an internet CSI.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I've been following this thread from the beginning, but quickly skimmed over the last few pages so excuse me if I missed something.
I travel that road very frequently. I went through there soon after the accident. East bound traffic (Clayton) comes down a long grade into a lower elevation, then rises up again as it goes over the new overpass. Cresting the overpass it then goes downhill again to the point where the collision was, and beyond.
So there is a point where the rise of the overpass hides oncoming traffic to one looking from east to west.
The cop was just at the east end of the overpass so wouldn't have seen an oncoming vehicle in that depression.
The east bound traffic would have been on the normal south side of the road, except near the newly constructed 404 overpass it was diverted to the north side and a concrete jersey wall barrier was in the centre of the road. So the 2 westbound lanes were being used to handle traffic in both directions, and there was a quick short bend, where east bound traffic diverted 2 lanes to the left.
This would have further obstructed the view of oncoming traffic to a westbound vehicle.
Where the police car was hit was a very narrow piece of road. Just 2 lanes wide with a narrow shoulder on the north and the jersey wall on the south. A Crown Victoria would occupy all of that. I don't think there was enough room for a U turn. It would have been at least a 3 point turn; likely that wouldn't even work, and a 5 point turn would have been necessary.
If the car was across the road in the middle of that procedure (as it appears to have been by the damage in the centre side of the car) it would have been taking up the entire roadway.
In hindsight, it wasn't wise to do a U turn on a narrow roadway just over the crest of a blind hill. But it was late at night and there isn't a lot of traffic around there.
I'll let you guys draw your own conclusions.

I had the pleasure of meeting Clayton one day and we had a nice conversation about lots of things including our BMWs. I took some pictures of him and his beautiful bike with his phone.
He was a nice guy and I was deeply saddened to hear about this incident. I went there on my bike and had a good look around, and signed the memorial for him.
My condolences to his family and friends.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Let's look at it another way.

We all saw the video of Sammy Yatin the guy shot to death that was in a subway car surrounded by Police (shot to death in less than 2 minutes, takes longer to write a parking ticket than being killed) that is with full video and audio and how did that turn out


What do you really expect with this situation?
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Having now been sent a link to the map for the general area, I can see that the road has gentle rises and falls in it. This says to me that it's quite possible that the bike was not visible at the time the turn was initiated, though there could easily have been 150m+ of visibility. Of course this is without the construction that was in the area, but the topography supports it.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Let's look at it another way.

We all saw the video of Sammy Yatin the guy shot to death that was in a subway car surrounded by Police (shot to death in less than 2 minutes, takes longer to write a parking ticket than being killed) that is with full video and audio and how did that turn out


What do you really expect with this situation?
Btw - He was in a street car.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Casacrow: my "motive" is to point out just how wrong soooo many members were. Look back at my posts in June most of. Them said wait for an investigation.

Well guess what EXPERTS have done the investigation. You have NO qualifications yet seem to think yourself a "CSI". You drive for a living that doesn't make you an expert on collision investigation nor reconstruction. You posted a false statement earlier in this thread I pointed out your error. You admitted you didn't know the "legalities" well my friend when dealing with a fatal collision the "legalities" matter. You then said YRP will investigate and charge the officer. Again your wrong.

Now tour accusing the DIU of using a term improperly. I guess the SIU didn't look at the cruisers black box and gps data but I guess you have??? Gmafb. Your accepting the "story" you have now gotten supposedly THIRD hand. (the SIU told the family who then told dvsbullet who then posted it here. I hope the police and SIU NEVER adopt your method of investigating.

You have posted that regardless of what the SIU said you felt the officer deserves to be charged. BUT now that someone posted something that seems to favor your position as supposedly related third hand from the SIU. The SIU must on THAT point be right??? Pick a side will you. Your all over the place like a hard rubber ball.

I could care less about this officer, I don't know him or any of the SIU investigators that I know of.

So let me ask you. A vehicle moves the the far right of a roadway, (one which even by your admission at the time was narrowed), that vehicle then makes a turn in an attempt to travel in the opposite direction. What do YOU call that a left turn?? I was taught when I started driving 38 years ago it is a U TURN. But no that wouldn't fit your conspiracy "theory" i can send you some tin foil.

The FACT is clear the investigation, (the parts of which support your conspiracy is the only parts which are correct but the SIU apparently screwed everything else which doesn't support your conspiracy up). It concluded the officer was NOT at fault that a contributing factor was the excessive speed of a reckless rider. Even his friend, (and kudos to him for doing so), admits he was:

1. Speeding;
2. Riding beyond his abilities;
3. Riding beyond his headlights;
4. Was predisposed to hooligan riding.

But your right the fact us the officer is guilty. You know you can go to a court house in Newmarket, sit down with a JP and swear out a information charging the officer with ANY appropriate CRIMINAL charge. Of course the JP will ask to review YOUR investigation and the proof you have to support the charge. Be my guess. J am sure the officer and his lawyer would be more than happy to challenge the charge in court.

I am amazed with your obvious investigative skills it took you this long to "discover" i am a former police officer. Well a lesser person could have simply read the entire thread as this information was posted more Rh once in THIS thread back in June.

You have told another member that regardless what anyone says your convinced of the officers guilt. Well good for you, I am not trying to win a fight as I am am not fighting, besides I have one thing in my favor that you don't. The FACTS as published by the experts, not the rantings of an internet CSI.

Does not have to be so complicated.

SIU found the officer to not be criminally liable.

Now it's time for YRP to do their investigation and file any HTA charges( This is what SIU told me directly)

I provided a photo of the scene. The turning manouver clearly occurred on a hill, which I believe is an illegal vehicle movement.

No whacky conspiracy stuff happening here.

File an HTA charge myself? Not likely.

Finding out all details not released in SIU statement is very likey through F.O.I., after YRP concludes their investigation of course.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

See here An officer can be found solely responsible for a collision, yet not charged. This bother anyone else?

Back to Clay.......Curious, does anyone here believe that there is a chance that the officer's turning manouver was was illegal considering the location? If so, should the officer be charged under HTA?
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