Civic vs. 600

I wouldn't say that, I met a few guys last night who drive civic's and take them to the take regularly, they do low 10's. A civic can definately beat a stock 600 in a straight line if you put enough money into it considering that a stock 600 may run 11's. On an actual course with twists and turns the bike should come out on top.
What the point comparing a Civic and a 600. If people want to go fast, they will just run a faster sports car. Comparing a modified Civic to a stock 600 is dumb. There is no need to compare, if somebody just ran a litre stock bike, the bike will always come out top.

Now since becoming a rider, I think cagers who think they are fast is dumb. A biker with skills with the right bike can smoke anybody on 4 wheels. Have you guys seen 5th gear. A Ducati 999 beating a Lambo Gallardo? Don't think a Lambo is slow by any standards. But the bike still won.
What the point comparing a Civic and a 600. If people want to go fast, they will just run a faster sports car. Comparing a modified Civic to a stock 600 is dumb. There is no need to compare, if somebody just ran a litre stock bike, the bike will always come out top.

Now since becoming a rider, I think cagers who think they are fast is dumb. A biker with skills with the right bike can smoke anybody on 4 wheels. Have you guys seen 5th gear. A Ducati 999 beating a Lambo Gallardo? Don't think a Lambo is slow by any standards. But the bike still won.

I think the topic is more that there is a modded civic who says he can beat 600... not comparing the two....

there are civics that run the 1/4 in 11's easily.. i believe it....
The Civic guy must be just trying to bet to make some quick bucks. Maybe he already tested it out that no stock 600 can beat it in the straight line.
In the end his car is STILL A CIVIC no matter how fast it is or how much money is put into it!
I'll put my ZX14 against him any day. nuf said, then he can tuck tail and hide, cause he was just beat by a 60 year old
What the point comparing a Civic and a 600. If people want to go fast, they will just run a faster sports car. Comparing a modified Civic to a stock 600 is dumb. There is no need to compare, if somebody just ran a litre stock bike, the bike will always come out top.

Now since becoming a rider, I think cagers who think they are fast is dumb. A biker with skills with the right bike can smoke anybody on 4 wheels. Have you guys seen 5th gear. A Ducati 999 beating a Lambo Gallardo? Don't think a Lambo is slow by any standards. But the bike still won.

yes and no. the 999 won by approximately 1 or 1.5 bike lengths. if it were a murcielago im not sure the 999 would have won.
The Civic guy must be just trying to bet to make some quick bucks. Maybe he already tested it out that no stock 600 can beat it in the straight line.

I think that's the point. In a straight line it's completely possible. Now on a twisty track, probably not if the rider is good.
What was it my Italian friend used to say about his Civic?

Pound for pound more powerful than a Ferrari!

But then again he couldn't afford a Ferrari.
I think the topic is more that there is a modded civic who says he can beat 600... not comparing the two....

there are civics that run the 1/4 in 11's easily.. i believe it....

they will go faster aswell.
A guy who is on this site is dating a girl who runs in the 9s bracket witha civic, Mind you, you wouldn't make it very far on a city street with it. A couple stop lights and the motor would be preeeeetty warm
There was a BONE stock 07 Z06 at TMP the other day with the only exception being a light computer tune. Stock street tires.

11.3 in the 1320. Take that to the highway and you'll be side by side.
11.3 with street tires??? damn... its eather he got some real $$$ in that zo6 or you are a big fat bullshiter
Here's to celebrate the one year and 11 months anniversary of this thread...

its the thread that goes on and on...
11.3 with street tires??? damn... its eather he got some real $$$ in that zo6 or you are a big fat bullshiter

how do you figure?
They are stock ~400 horse in a FIBERGLASS CAR.
yes the tires may have been stock but they are over 12" Wide.
no way there
if the car was capable of pulling 11.3 that 12" street tire wouldnt help that much of bunny hopping! need a slik to get the go homai
how do you figure?
They are stock ~400 horse in a FIBERGLASS CAR.
yes the tires may have been stock but they are over 12" Wide.

a z06 comes with just over 500 horse power
maybe now but they used to be 380, in earlyC5 trim.

Okay...but the guy said it was a 07 z06 which would be 500 horse power. I dont know why your talking about earlier models?
Apparently there is a guy and they call his car untouchable...white civic hatch...says he beat a 600...dont know how true it is...can anyone back that up...

whats the quater mile time for a 600?

is there any 600s willing to race:) I would love to see that! but i heard he only races for money..

I think his car is on TCC (toronto civic club) and TSR (toronto street racing) websites...

If you can keep your front wheel on the ground you should be able to beat him unless of course he's using NOS.

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