City of Toronto motorcycle parking exemptions/ammendments

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I see alot of scooters parked at bike racks, Im wondering what would happen if motorcycles were to do that?
Has anyone got a ticket at Ashbridge's Bay? I've never gotten one parking in front of the parking machine and plenty of bikes do it all the time. I just got a ticket yesterday for doing that. Are we allowed to park free there? Can I fight it? Thanks.

Was it a Green P lot? I got a ticket at Sunnyside . called the city and they said Green P lare not free. Stupid , but true.....
I got a ticket for parking my scooter on the sidewalk. It was locked to a bike rack and it was not blocking pedestrians.

I got this ticket right in front of the Toronto convention center. The parking infraction is "STOP ON/OVER SIDEWALK/FOOTPATH" (Code No. 30)

Even though I have parked on sidewalks all over the city and never had problems, I read this entire post and I am pretty sure that I am not supposed to park on side walks.

Is there anyway I can fight this ticket and what is the probability of success?
I got a ticket for parking my scooter on the sidewalk. It was locked to a bike rack and it was not blocking pedestrians.

I got this ticket right in front of the Toronto convention center. The parking infraction is "STOP ON/OVER SIDEWALK/FOOTPATH" (Code No. 30)

Even though I have parked on sidewalks all over the city and never had problems, I read this entire post and I am pretty sure that I am not supposed to park on side walks.

Is there anyway I can fight this ticket and what is the probability of success?

Your probability of success is poor. You are not supposed to park motor vehicles on the sidewalk, which is what you did. This is a pretty clear cut case. Your one chance is that you plead not guilty and hope that the case load means you never receive a court date. They're working to make sure more tickets that are fought go to court now though.
The meter maid only wrote the licence plate but not the make of the bike - he wrote 'unmarked' - does this help at all?

Doubtful. If your bike doesn't have any brand decals or if the officer couldn't figure out what it is, unmarked is an appropriate description. It's only if it's an actual error like if your bike is a Honda and the ticket says Yamaha, then the ticket has a chance of being thrown out. It happened to me when I got a ticket with Mazda written on it but I drive a Subaru. Ticket was thrown out.
I want to send the Toronto Police Services - Parking Enforcement division the following letter:

To Whom It May Concern:

Upon arriving at my vehicle, Vespa with plate number #####, on Monday, August 25, 2008 I discovered that I was in receipt of a parking infraction notice in the amount of $60 related to code no. 30 (stop on/over sidewalk/footpath). I find this rather disturbing, as I have been parking my vehicle in the same spot for approximately one month, and have even exchanged pleasantries with parking officers when parking and when leaving on my vehicle with no mention of my being in violation of any parking laws. I would like to have the reason I received a parking infraction notice further investigated.

The reason for parking my scooter on the sidewalk on Front Street is twofold. First, by parking on the sidewalk out of the way of pedestrian traffic, I am allowing more space on the street for much needed car parking. I would also like to add that it would be free of charge for me to park on the street, where parking of cars does contribute to the city budget (not my rule, but I like it!). Secondly, there is less likelihood of being backed into by cars pulling in and out of parking spaces. I have been nudged (which interprets to considerable, possibly even life threatening type of damage to a two wheeled vehicle that has been hit unbeknownst to it’s rider), by cars and see “bumps” happen rather too regularly on Front Street, where I would otherwise park my vehicle.

While I realize that the regulations with regards to parking of scooters is rather vague, I have even asked permission – which has not been poorly received – from the regular parking enforcement officer near my office. It is common place for scooters to park on the extended portion of the sidewalk on Front Street from John St up through Church St.

I believe that the city and it’s officers should be encouraging scooters as a method of transportation as a “greener” way to travel that burns less fuel, scootering lightens traffic congestion and takes up less parking spots across the city (besides the fact that it’s actually a lot of fun!).

I have attached pictures showing other vehicles parked on Front Street in the same style and manner as I usually park, without being ticketed. If you would like these pictures transferred electronically, please contact me and I will be happy to do so. I am politely requesting further investigation into why I received a parking infraction notice, while this is a common occurrence in the area. Please note that I will be filing for a court date regarding this matter.
I want to send the Toronto Police Services - Parking Enforcement division the following letter:

To Whom It May Concern:

Reading that one of two things comes to mind.

1) They stop ticketing for that infraction at all.

2) They step up enforcement for said infraction. IMO this is the most likely to happen as it is easier to do than change the rules. That parking officer who used to just walk by will now be forced to ticket since their supervisor will now be looking in that area.

You even pointed out the fact you can park for free on the street, what more could you really want. Even with a car we all run the risk of having been bumped/hit. It a risk we take.
There is abosolutely no motor vehicle parking allowed on the sidewalks, some parking enforcement officers just to ignore most scooters because they do not take up much space. However you are gambling with the fact that you might get a grumpy officer one day who is just out to give tickets.

As for Green P lots, they are not free. The only free parking for motorcycle and scooters in toront are designated street parking spaces, in between signs that specificaly states that parking is allowed.

Oh and btw you have to park perpendicular to the curb. I experimented with street parking when i first started riding and one day I parked my bike parallel to the curb and when I got back I found a ticket stuck on my tank
Quite possibly nothing at all, but it's illegal for both scooters and motorcycles to park on sidewalks.

Actually, that's not right. For whatever reason, scooters are allowed on the sidewalk if they're locked to one of those bike rings. However, if it is not locked, you can get a ticket.
Nope. I've been ticketed twice on my scooter. Once locked to a bike ring, and once not. Both times were very busy - once during the film festival (where there's always lots of scooters on the sidewalk) last year, and once last week during that Tamil Tiger Protest (near my work where I parked it without incident all last season). 60.00 each.
Then "Glenda" had better cite chapter and verse of the HTA and City of Toronto bylaws, because motor vehicles are not permitted to park on pedestrian walkways. It has been that way for decades.
Then "Glenda" had better cite chapter and verse of the HTA and City of Toronto bylaws, because motor vehicles are not permitted to park on pedestrian walkways. It has been that way for decades.

She makes a couple of statements that I cannot verify:

Boulevard is an area in the street allowance that is not primarily a pedestrian thoroughfare.

It has now been confirmed by the Toronto Parking authority that YES WE CAN park our scoots at the bicycle parking stanchions. We reported this here on 20 AUGUST 2007 and were roundly criticized by other rider boards BUT have now been completely vindicated by Adam Vaughns constituency assistant. Jennifer Chan!!! The contact number for Parking related scooter questions is 416 808 6511.

In light of the recent vindication that comes from Adam Vaughn's constituency assistant, it appears that the confusion about scooters and boulevards comes from the fact that the city provides parking rings on the edge of the sidewalk and also on some public boulevards. So as long as it's a boulevard with bike ring stanchions on it, its fair game.

... my scoot was locked to a a bike ring.
She makes a couple of statements that I cannot verify:

... my scoot was locked to a a bike ring.

918-1B - BOULEVARD — That part of the highway that is not used, or intended to be used, for motor vehicle travel by the general public, and that is situated between the travelled portion of the roadway and the adjoining private property, excluding the sidewalk.

A scooter is considered a motor vehicle. Check this document and read section 918-2. Section C applies to parking at things like bicycle rings, which are typically along the section between the pedestrian walk area and the traveled section of the roadway. This is specifically proscribed. You may park on a "parking pad" on the boulevard. A bicycle area is not a "parking pad." There are no special allowances made for scooters.
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im confused about parking near my work place...

its an open spaced lot with a pay n display meter and there is ONE parking spot at the end thats reserved for motorcycle parking.

Is it free to park a regular spot if the motorcycle spot is full? somedays theres 7 or 8 bikes squeezed into the motorcycle spot even tho there are other empty spots and its real problem cuz if a car is parked in the next spot, no one can get out. so i dont understand why other bikers are doing it...if parkings free we can all take a spot each and make life a little easier

plus, its scary to think abt the domino effect if one of the bike fell :(

Parking in a Green P lot is NOT free, even if pay 'n display or manned.

Parking in a non Green P lot is
NOT free.

Parking on the street in a metered spot (traditional or ticket type) is free.
so u r saying motorcycle parking in any type of lot is NOT free?


Parking in a Green P lot is NOT free, even if pay 'n display or manned.

Parking in a non Green P lot is
NOT free.

Parking on the street in a metered spot (traditional or ticket type) is free.
so u r saying motorcycle parking in any type of lot is NOT free?

Are you serious?

In reference to the city of Toronto motorcycle parking amendments that give us free street parking, yes that is exactly what I am saying.

Non green P lots are privately owned and operated, they have their own rules to abide by.
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