City of Toronto motorcycle parking exemptions/ammendments

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I can understand why this exemption exists. I'm guessing that it's because there's no safe way to display the parking slip on a bike? If so, then what about metered spots? Does this exemption apply too?
Private companies can issue private "parking tickets" that are NOT city of Toronto Parking Tickets. They are not yellow, and do not involve by-laws or the courts directly. In effect by parking you vehicle on their property, you are agreeing to be charged an amount by that company. Although not a city parking ticket, if you don't pay it, they can take you to small claims court, where you will not have a leg to stand on, and they can send it to collections, which will affect your credit rating, which can be bad, if you need credit (credit cards, loans, mortgage, etc) you decide if it's worth it...

BTW, security guards can be licenced to issue City of Toronto Parking Tickets...

This happened to me in what used to be my favourite lot, on the street running south from Front by the Convention Centre and east out to Bay. I used to park in that lot inthe corner for anything going on south of Queen. Then one day I threw the pay receipt on the dash and it landed upside down - boom, $40 ticket. Not even sending them a copy of my receipt, for the date and time on the ticket, made a difference (of course not). Now I just try to avoid private parking lots in the cage.
You dont have to pay for the bike. But be carefull downtown around the clubs, you will not get towed from a section that is pay and display but you will get towed any where else.

Also to add a note about the club district: Adelaide and Richmond (and I believe all intersecting streets in the club district, ie: peter, duncan) have "No Standing 2am-6am" signs... you'll get ticketed between those hours
Well I for one would never pay a non-government ticket.

I should put a sign on my car saying "by touching or affixing anything to my vehicle, you are agreeing to pay the sum of $40 usage fees to the vehicle owner" then when they ticket you, you take them to small claims court

yaya its farfetched ;p
You can park a motorcycle at any pay and display for free, also any meters if there are any left in the city. Private property, you have to pay.
If you park between 2 cars that are parallel, you will get tagged. If you park on the sidewalk, you will get tagged, unless you are on a moped.
Can someone tell me if there are more exceptions for scooters? I.e. Can scooters be parked on bike racks/ side walks (I have a Yamaha Vino)
Can someone tell me if there are more exceptions for scooters? I.e. Can scooters be parked on bike racks/ side walks (I have a Yamaha Vino)
Scooters are allowed to park on sidewalks and at bicycle parking areas.
(I think even the big Suzuki 650cc scooter!)
What about at the beaches like at Ashbridges bay? It just recently became a pay and display parking lot. I got a ticket there already, and my friend got TWO of them in one day there for $110 each! He got raped!

Where the hell can i display my ticket though?!! Its not even an option for me! (I play vball there)

Now i am forced to drive my car to the beach to play vball. PISSES ME OFF. Even if I pay for a ticket someone will steal it on my bike :(
Is it a city ticket or private lot ticket?

If it's a private lot ticket, phone them up and tell them you bought a ticket and put it on your bike, someone must of stolen it.
Was that by chance at Scarborough Town Centre?

Most of my officers are licensed to write parking tickets and we write a fair bit of those and they will show up on your record when you don't start paying them. We do sometimes write a warning ticket (which is white) and that one doesn't carry a fine.

If you really want to find out, don't pay the ticket. The owner of the plate will eventually get a letter asking for payment.

Scum dog private parking Fooog off and DIE !

This is a SCAM look at your tickets carefully........... they are some how able to print what looks like a legitimate ticket and its not. You pay TO THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS ! They do have official tickets that they don't like as much since its not direct deposit. Whatch those tickets and these SCUM OF THE EARTH Fuuuuuuuuuuk. DIE YOU DOGS ! Spit on them kick the give them hell........
Scum dog private parking Fooog off and DIE !

This is a SCAM look at your tickets carefully........... they are some how able to print what looks like a legitimate ticket and its not. You pay TO THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS ! They do have official tickets that they don't like as much since its not direct deposit. Whatch those tickets and these SCUM OF THE EARTH Fuuuuuuuuuuk. DIE YOU DOGS ! Spit on them kick the give them hell........

o.O whoa. ..chill dude. That's a fellow rider your bad mouthing.

Private security guards can hand out city of Toronto parking tickets if, as said previously, property management has applied for the ability to hand them out. If the ticket has the city of Toronto logo on the front and the phone number for the city of Toronto parking enforcement then it is a legit ticket.

If the lot you where in was a city owned lot with a ticket machine then you do not have to put a ticket on your bike, unless I've read the by-law incorrectly.

If it was a private lot, then no you don't have to pay the ticket as long as it's not an official city of Toronto parking ticket. If it's a private ticket, just watch out for collection agencies. Either way call and complain that you did pay and someone must of taken it from your bike.

Another variation on the question, although it might be answered in the mess of messages bout this, but...

where is this valid? GTA? Or a specific region?
It is answered in the title of the thread.
Well naming something the City of Toronto hardly makes any specific (especially when you aren't living there). That concept aside, your follow up explaination is great, thanks. Now I have an idea where the City borders are. I can think of a few places to take advantage of this parking stuff!

I'm confused about parking on sidewalks - one post said it was only permissible for scooters (not motorbikes) and I see many scooters parked alongside bicycles.

BUT - what is the definition of motorbike? Could the cops or parking offices define the difference?

I have parked on sidewalks without problems up to now but got a ticket ($50) today which said infraction Code No. 338 "park on boulevard between roadway and sidewalk". I don't even understand the wording and I would love to know the definitions of "boulevard".

Can anyone fill me in? (Sorry I'm a newbie rider)
Does anyone park at UofT downtown? Where on campus are good spots to park??

Also, when you go to a mall, do you guys park in a parking spot or just up on the side somewhere? I often see bikes parked up against some random walls n stuff at malls. What's the rules regarding this?
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