City of Toronto motorcycle parking exemptions/ammendments

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Does anyone park at UofT downtown? Where on campus are good spots to park??

Also, when you go to a mall, do you guys park in a parking spot or just up on the side somewhere? I often see bikes parked up against some random walls n stuff at malls. What's the rules regarding this?

At Malls I pull up on any platform that are out of reach for cagers, as long as it is not in the way of pedestrians.

UT ??? I have no idea, I dont go there, and if u ask me, I dont like UT. But anyway, thats besides the point, u can park anywhere on the streets w/ the green payment box, which belongs to the government. Read this thread it will give u further info. U can also contact ur school's parking services, they will give u more info. They might have special parking spots for motorcycles at a rather reduced rate compared to cars, ie. if UT has a parking lot.
So what? I don't have to pay to park in Toronto? Explain this... haha kidding, Tools that don't bother reading all the posts are frustrating. Thanks for the info everyone.
Hello everyone came across this forum from google. Very informative place and I can see myself becoming a regular.

Anyways I have a question on the subject of parking and rather than clutter things up I thought asking here would be best:

This Thursday I'm going up to visit a friend at York University and we're going to see a concert down at the Docks. What can I expect for parking etc. Mostly curious about the University since I've never been. I'd be staying at the University for a few hours but I'm familiar with parking at the Docks. I'm kind of concerned the safety of my bike(being backed into, stolen, ticketed etc). I don't have an alarm but I'm planning on bringing a bike cover.

tl;dr-Going to visit a friend at York University. What can I expect for parking and how can I insure my bike's safe.

Also how's traffic in the downtown from 5-7ish?
I got a ticket while parked in a spot on Cumberland Street a couple of weeks ago, despite the changes to the bylaw.

Has this been happening to anyone else? Is it just a matter of the parking enforcement people not being aware of the change? Or do you think they just ticket everything and wait for you to dispute it? Maybe they figure that some percentage of people will just pay the ticket anyway....

If this has been happening to anyone else, write a cover note and fax a copy of your ticket to the investigations department of the City of Toront Parking Enforcement. The fax number is 416-397-9577.

For what it's worth, they mailed me a letter to my house within a week cancelling the ticket.

--- D

These guys are TOTALLY aware of the amendments. Do NOT kid youself. Just with my car, I've been ticketed THREE times in 10 years, for things I didn't even do. One time, I wasn't even in the damn city at that time the ticket was issued! The Toronto Parking Authority are completely corrupt. Revenue generators subservient to the city.
A bunch of bikes (including mine) park at one of the metered spots behind Swiss Chalet near York Mills and Yonge. Sometimes 6 bikes are crammed into the one spot. These metered spots are larger/longer than spots furthur downtown.

We all park perpendicular to the curb. And are well enough away from traffic.

Never had any trouble. I guess as a group it's better?

Swiss Chalet, the dirty bird. LOVE THE SWISS :laughing5:
I'm confused about parking on sidewalks - one post said it was only permissible for scooters (not motorbikes) and I see many scooters parked alongside bicycles.

BUT - what is the definition of motorbike? Could the cops or parking offices define the difference?

I have parked on sidewalks without problems up to now but got a ticket ($50) today which said infraction Code No. 338 "park on boulevard between roadway and sidewalk". I don't even understand the wording and I would love to know the definitions of "boulevard".

Can anyone fill me in? (Sorry I'm a newbie rider)

I got that ticket once with the word "boulevard." I parked in that area between the sidewalk and street that still has my clear distinct black asphalt driveway that I paid for. Apparently anything beyond the sidewalk including the sidewalk itself is government property but yet they fine us for not shovelling their sidewalks or cutting our own grass.
Scum dog private parking Fooog off and DIE !

This is a SCAM look at your tickets carefully........... they are some how able to print what looks like a legitimate ticket and its not. You pay TO THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS ! They do have official tickets that they don't like as much since its not direct deposit. Whatch those tickets and these SCUM OF THE EARTH Fuuuuuuuuuuk. DIE YOU DOGS ! Spit on them kick the give them hell........

Uhm no.

You seem slightly ill informed and a little on the tense side. I would suggest something akin to anger management.

As other's have said many times before. Owners of private property can be licensed to issue regular City of Toronto parking tickets. If you really doubt this, I would suggest not paying the ticket and wait to find out who comes asking for the money.
I got that ticket once with the word "boulevard." I parked in that area between the sidewalk and street that still has my clear distinct black asphalt driveway that I paid for. Apparently anything beyond the sidewalk including the sidewalk itself is government property but yet they fine us for not shovelling their sidewalks or cutting our own grass.

I park on King St. sometimes in the morning (near Spadina) and never have any issues with tickets. I leave the bike close to the street (beside a little tree). The sidewalk is actually behind me close to the building and never block any foot traffic.

However, I did get a ticket on King/Peter a few weeks back parked close to the building this time, not on the sidewalk.
ok so about the malls do we get a ticket if we park on the sidewalk part near the mall entrances where all the bycycle racks are???

This might be helpful to the scooter owners on the forum. It's the motion the city put forth for free scooter parking in all designated areas as well as on the sidewalks.

However, I had a question to the forum members with good memory's. Several months ago I was put onto a thread on here where one very passionate scooter owner did some serious investigation on the topic and posted all her findings including an email from a city worker stating that it's legal for scooters to be parked on sidewalks. I tried to find it again but was unsuccessful. Anyone know who wrote the thread or where I could find it? It had much more concrete evidence to present than the link to the motion I've posted.
Scooters (meaning small scooters) can be parked/locked to city bike locking posts...lots of times, these bicycle locking posts are located on boulevards or sidewalks. That may be the source of confusion...

This might be helpful to the scooter owners on the forum. It's the motion the city put forth for free scooter parking in all designated areas as well as on the sidewalks.

However, I had a question to the forum members with good memory's. Several months ago I was put onto a thread on here where one very passionate scooter owner did some serious investigation on the topic and posted all her findings including an email from a city worker stating that it's legal for scooters to be parked on sidewalks. I tried to find it again but was unsuccessful. Anyone know who wrote the thread or where I could find it? It had much more concrete evidence to present than the link to the motion I've posted.
Has anyone got a ticket at Ashbridge's Bay? I've never gotten one parking in front of the parking machine and plenty of bikes do it all the time. I just got a ticket yesterday for doing that. Are we allowed to park free there? Can I fight it? Thanks.
hey guys, my skool in downtown has an area where people park their bicycles and i often see a few vespas parking near there as well. is it illegal to park a bike on there? its on a curb btw and it does not get into the way of the sidewalk. thanks
hey guys, my skool in downtown has an area where people park their bicycles and i often see a few vespas parking near there as well. is it illegal to park a bike on there? its on a curb btw and it does not get into the way of the sidewalk. thanks

yes, it is. i believe scooters 50cc or under are allowed but not motorcycles. something like that... but then again, friends and i have parked at ryerson on the curb and nothing happened. granted, we were there for short times. it's a use at your own risk kinda thing i guess.
Parking on sidewalks is illegal. The people who park on the sidewalk at Ryerson are simply lucky that the person who used to oversee parking has retired, so it doesn't get called in as often by the new one.

Parking in street pay-and-display spaces if free for bikes. Use that.
I talked to one of the U of T parking people awhile back and they told me some spots on campus they don't bother with bikes, and also they said that as long as it doesn't block people's path they won't give you a hard time, this is for motorcycles and scooters. As far as parking on the street goes, you still have to pay...I don't understand that part.
As far as parking on the street goes, you still have to pay...I don't understand that part.

I would assume that street parking on campus is coverd by the university & not he city? If it is Green P (street only, city) then it's free, if uni pay up.
so even for those green P, its free?

i always see these yamaha scooters parking behind the bicycle racks at my sckool(i go to ocad btw) but never see them having any issues...
so even for those green P, its free?

i always see these yamaha scooters parking behind the bicycle racks at my sckool(i go to ocad btw) but never see them having any issues...

Green P STREET is free.
Green P LOTS are not.

You still have to obey all other signs like no stopping or no parking between certain hours (Usulay Rush hours), etc.

You still have to observe time limit. However, parking enfocement has been known to ignore bikes parked longer since they are free anyway.
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