City of Toronto motorcycle parking exemptions/ammendments

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So you abide by the rules and pay for parking at the Green P lot. Where do you put the ticket on the bike? Anybody can just walk by and grab it!!!
The ticket has two parts receipt & display.

Keep the receipt with you. If stolen or blown away you have a way to have the ticket cancelled.

Write "Motorcycle" or your plate number on the ticket (to discourage stealing it for a car/truck)

Place it in your windshield or seat strap or between tank & seat or tucked @ the rear plate or plate cover.
I was a meter maid give a 250 rebel a ticket today on Spadina .I felt like taking his shoe and beating him with it .The bike was parked at the end of a parking strip.
I was a meter maid give a 250 rebel a ticket today on Spadina .I felt like taking his shoe and beating him with it .The bike was parked at the end of a parking strip.


I would've PAID to watch you beat a meter maid with his/her own shoe!!!
I was a meter maid give a 250 rebel a ticket today on Spadina .I felt like taking his shoe and beating him with it .The bike was parked at the end of a parking strip.

I got one of those last week on College!
Highly annoying because you are IN the parking strip and if you are across the highly exalted, great and glorious POST line, they don't give a ****. We must obey the parking POSTS of course! Without them there would be anarchy in the streets.
Re: Anyone speak legalese?

Ok this bylaw seems pretty clear, but I don't trust my ability to read legalese. Is this saying:

1. You can park a bike in any public parking spot in the city, and you don't have to pay?

2. You can park on the street at an angle of anywhere from 0 to 60 degrees (where 0 means paralel to the curb)?

1. Remember that Green P or any other parking authority not using the city's pay parking meters are not considered "Public parking". Technically you are leasing a spot for a specific point in time.


2. When parking your motorcycle the angle must be anywhere between 60 degrees and 120 degrees to the curb.
Re: Anyone speak legalese?

2. When parking your motorcycle the angle must be anywhere between 60 degrees and 120 degrees to the curb.

I dont think thats quite correct.. can someone confirm?
Re: Anyone speak legalese?

The answer is on page one of this thread.

thanks.. ;)

Despite the provisions of Subsections A and C, a motorcycle may be parked at an angle, provided that no person shall park a motorcycle at an angle greater than sixty (60) degrees to the curb.”
Re: Anyone speak legalese?

I rode my bike to work today for the first time and theres street parking 10-6 which is what my shift is. I know I don't have to pay but it says that there is a 3 hr limit. Does that apply to bikes as well?
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Re: Anyone speak legalese?

I rode my bike today for the first time and theres street parking 10-6 which is what my shift is. I know I don't have to pay but it says that there is a 3 hr limit. Does that apply to bikes as well?

Technically yes, however it is hardly if ever enforced.

Just remember if parking outside allowed time (before 10 and after 6 in your example there may be a ticket/tow)
Are you serious?

In reference to the city of Toronto motorcycle parking amendments that give us free street parking, yes that is exactly what I am saying.

Non green P lots are privately owned and operated, they have their own rules to abide by.
Hell! That what I got on Saturday. I don't remeber there a sign of Parking lot, but on their website it's said so.
Well, I got two white tikckets for one day...:sad8: 20 bucks...
But it's nothing in compare with those hundreds dollars I spent that day for emptiness:laughing1:

So i see this thread is not updated since 2009 and i am going to be in the 200 block of bloor west. Can i park for free on the street or how to attach the ticket to my cbr? The building i am going to has a really big side can park a tractor and trailer can i park on there? technically it is illegal but whats the general consensus these days?

Thanks in advance
There has been no need to update the thread, because there have been no changes. You can still park in on-street pay and display spots ONLY. The City of Toronto has been doing a blitz on sidewalk parking, so that's ill advised.
I was on College at Bathurst on Saturday parked at a metered parking spot and was getting ready to leave when a parking officer came by. I asked him if I needed to pay and he informed me that only motorcycles under 250cc were exempt from paying. Any truth to this?
I was on College at Bathurst on Saturday parked at a metered parking spot and was getting ready to leave when a parking officer came by. I asked him if I needed to pay and he informed me that only motorcycles under 250cc were exempt from paying. Any truth to this?

No. There may be an unofficial waiver for vehicles under 250cc, but by the law they must also pay. There is no free parking at metered spots; just pay and display spots where you obtain a ticket.
No. There may be an unofficial waiver for vehicles under 250cc, but by the law they must also pay. There is no free parking at metered spots; just pay and display spots where you obtain a ticket.

Did not realize that there was a distinction between metered parking spots and pay & display spots. I was at a pay & display spot, on College just east of Palmerston. So, in my case, the officer was wrong and my 800cc BMW could park for free.

So, we still have to pay at a parking spot with a dedicated parking meter for that spot. I had thought that the genesis of the parking exemption was the desire to encourage use of motorcycles because of their small size relative to four wheelers and thus less contribution to congestion and less fuel consumption etc. I guess not, the exemption arose from the fact that there is no secure way to display a ticket.
"...for a given parking period in a parking space, the requirement to pay or deposit a fee or rate and to use or set in operation the parking meter or to use or activate the parking machine shall not apply to a person parking a motorcycle.”

i don't see a distinction here between a parking meter space and a pay and display parking space. I have no experience parking a bike downtown, I'm just going on the wording. Is there a distinction or no?
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