Canada post rant

Easy enough to do.
Call your local carrier depot and ask to speak with a supervisor. I am guessing you will be in the Hespeler or Galt carrier area. Call one of their offices - if you have to wrong one, ask for the appropriate phone number to call the local office.

Once you’re in touch with the local office, notify the supervisor there that you wish to initiate a FRAUD charge for delivery of a signature item.
This is a serious offence. Not something that can be swept under the rug. Get the supervisor’s name and direct contact information.

This alone should be enough. If things aren’t to your satisfaction, escalate it to the regional director. It’s a pretty straightforward process, but you may need to spend a bit of time on the phones,.
That could work if the phone was ever answered which it never is. I have called in the past first the number is impossible to get them to answer no one will pick up the phone or return a message. It is like a purpose built system to stop complaints from ever being dealt with. Guelph depot

Sent from the future
That could work if the phone was ever answered which it never is. I have called in the past first the number is impossible to get them to answer no one will pick up the phone or return a message. It is like a purpose built system to stop complaints from ever being dealt with. Guelph depot

Sent from the future

You could likely visit in person as well.
And for you guys who work for cp I will try on Monday to try and get ahold of someone. Thanks for the help it's just very frustrating and I have never had any luck getting anything sorted out with CP in the past.

Sent from the future
The union will protect them, that’s what it’s designed to do - protect the lowest worker.

My buddy always said you could kill your supervisor and you'd be back on the job the day after you got out on parole, but if you stole the mail, the steward would hold the door open while they tossed you out on your ass.
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So… EvoEx and I both work for CP.

Call CP and ask them for verification of the signature. Any signature required item saves the signature to CP systems. If the signature isn’t the person who is listed, you can open a claim quite easily.

For a signature required item, the delivery person has to manually scan the item, touch the “in person” button, enter the person’s first initial and last name. After that, sign for the item.

In this case, it should be an open/shut case, likely ending up with the letter carrier being sanctioned or fired.
Eventhough that is correct. Management at CP is useless. The only way a LC will get on managements radar is if they do not like them, then they will apply the screws. It has nothing to do with Policy.

I'm sure you must know how much stuff around there can be fudged. The mobile devices are pratically useless, and I'm pretty sure there were methods you could over ride the signature, or bypass it.
Canada Post is a joke. It needs to be gutted and completely restructured. The only time we ship with them at work is if the customer explicitly requests it, and still insists on it when we tell them it’s a bad idea. I think their track record with actually delivering things is around 85%. We tell the customer if CP loses it or it doesn’t get delivered, it’s their problem.
Yup, completely agree. If you believe our Gov doesn't demonstrate any accountability, CP takes this to the next level. Lots of people in the management end of things who should not be there and basically couldn't hold a job anyplace else. There is also many layers of management for no reason at all. Well that's gov for you.
Now mind you most of the people doing the grunt work are decent people.
I live in a rural area. I have security cameras and noticed that my mail carrier never actually tried to deliver items that required signature. She would simply drop the notification slip in my mailbox road side.

I work from home quite often and one day I noticed an item requiring signature was out for delivery. So I left a short note at my mailbox saying I was home and would come out asap if I saw her, knowing she does not attempt delivery and only ever leaves the notice card. I happened to see her roll up and went out. By the time I got out there, she was still reading the note. Turns out she didn't even take the shipment with her for delivery. She left it at the post office fully intending to only deliver a notice.

We had a brief but friendly interaction. And I left it at that. She felt so bad about being caught red handed so to speak that she went back to the post office and returned with my shipment later that day. I told her we have doorbells and 99% of the time either or both my wife and myself are home working. Since then she at least makes an attempt like she should. Just a related personal experience with my mail carrier and how it actually went well.
I live in a rural area. I have security cameras and noticed that my mail carrier never actually tried to deliver items that required signature. She would simply drop the notification slip in my mailbox road side.

I work from home quite often and one day I noticed an item requiring signature was out for delivery. So I left a short note at my mailbox saying I was home and would come out asap if I saw her, knowing she does not attempt delivery and only ever leaves the notice card. I happened to see her roll up and went out. By the time I got out there, she was still reading the note. Turns out she didn't even take the shipment with her for delivery. She left it at the post office fully intending to only deliver a notice.

We had a brief but friendly interaction. And I left it at that. She felt so bad about being caught red handed so to speak that she went back to the post office and returned with my shipment later that day. I told her we have doorbells and 99% of the time either or both my wife and myself are home working. Since then she at least makes an attempt like she should. Just a related personal experience with my mail carrier and how it actually went well.
Our carrier does that as well I have filed many complaints. They say yes that violates our terms of service but we are not capable of doing anything about it.

Sent from the future
Gal that delivers our mail is a treat , likes everyone’s dog and shows up every day . She can’t be the only good person there .

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Sounds just like our old gal that does our rural mail. Very pleasant.
I live in a rural area. I have security cameras and noticed that my mail carrier never actually tried to deliver items that required signature. She would simply drop the notification slip in my mailbox road side.

I work from home quite often and one day I noticed an item requiring signature was out for delivery. So I left a short note at my mailbox saying I was home and would come out asap if I saw her, knowing she does not attempt delivery and only ever leaves the notice card. I happened to see her roll up and went out. By the time I got out there, she was still reading the note. Turns out she didn't even take the shipment with her for delivery. She left it at the post office fully intending to only deliver a notice.

We had a brief but friendly interaction. And I left it at that. She felt so bad about being caught red handed so to speak that she went back to the post office and returned with my shipment later that day. I told her we have doorbells and 99% of the time either or both my wife and myself are home working. Since then she at least makes an attempt like she should. Just a related personal experience with my mail carrier and how it actually went well.
Similar experience when I lived in Durham region. I would never get a parcel, only slips. One day I asked the mail carrier while she was at the mailbox’s down the street. She lied and said she came and knocked with no answer to which I noted our front door cameras would suggest she hadn’t (this was when home cameras were just becoming more available). Always got my parcels after that convo.
I will try and be shocked if anything happens. Btw what is the best course of action when they try and deliver the empty envelope as they have said they will be doing.

Sent from the future

Hand the person the pen and tell them they might as well sign for this, too.
I live in a rural area. I have security cameras and noticed that my mail carrier never actually tried to deliver items that required signature. She would simply drop the notification slip in my mailbox road side.

I work from home quite often and one day I noticed an item requiring signature was out for delivery. So I left a short note at my mailbox saying I was home and would come out asap if I saw her, knowing she does not attempt delivery and only ever leaves the notice card. I happened to see her roll up and went out. By the time I got out there, she was still reading the note. Turns out she didn't even take the shipment with her for delivery. She left it at the post office fully intending to only deliver a notice.

We had a brief but friendly interaction. And I left it at that. She felt so bad about being caught red handed so to speak that she went back to the post office and returned with my shipment later that day. I told her we have doorbells and 99% of the time either or both my wife and myself are home working. Since then she at least makes an attempt like she should. Just a related personal experience with my mail carrier and how it actually went well.
This is quite common with LC's. They will strategically not deliver items properly or return mail back to the depot and let someone else deal with it, in order to finish the route and GTFO. Then a temp is called in the next day to pick up the missed route items. Rinse and repeat and you start to understand why things work at CP the way they do.
Once a LC has put enough time in they become almost untouchable and can get away with crap like this.
Eventhough that is correct. Management at CP is useless. The only way a LC will get on managements radar is if they do not like them, then they will apply the screws. It has nothing to do with Policy.

I'm sure you must know how much stuff around there can be fudged. The mobile devices are pratically useless, and I'm pretty sure there were methods you could over ride the signature, or bypass it.
*SOME* of the management is useless.
My current supervisor is brilliant. Couldn't ask for a better one - out of all of my prior jobs, he's the best.

As for over-riding signature on your PDT, that can't be done. Carriers can change some things, but that's not one of them.
*SOME* of the management is useless.
My current supervisor is brilliant. Couldn't ask for a better one - out of all of my prior jobs, he's the best.

As for over-riding signature on your PDT, that can't be done. Carriers can change some things, but that's not one of them.
You have been lucky. All the ones I have encounter haven't been. Shoot the staffing supervisor I worked with for a while had no experience, nothing, and was advising LC on things he didn't even know. Like he F' up the colour of the week all the time. Ridiculous.

There use to be an option in the PDT where you can op out of stuff using "COVID" as the reason, this was clearly being abused by several people. I was told several times just put that in. As for signatures isn't it possible the LC could sign it themselves? This is a person with low ethics already.
You have been lucky. All the ones I have encounter haven't been. Shoot the staffing supervisor I worked with for a while had no experience, nothing, and was advising LC on things he didn't even know. Like he F' up the colour of the week all the time. Ridiculous.

There use to be an option in the PDT where you can op out of stuff using "COVID" as the reason, this was clearly being abused by several people. I was told several times just put that in. As for signatures isn't it possible the LC could sign it themselves? This is a person with low ethics already.
You can technically, but I'd be damn sure to get permission from the customer before doing that.

Case in point; i worked the other Friday when it was -25 outside, the PDT was constantly rebooting and locking up. I spent 5 minutes trying to deliver a signature required item, poor lady in the doorway freezing while im sitting there frustrated with the PDT. In the end i got it to work but i almost asked her if i could sign on her behalf later when i got it working. They have new ones that i trained on but it doesn't appear that they are replacing them very quickly.

But what we're talking about at this point isn't just a policy violation (no signature), it's mail fraud. I expect the postal inspectors will be getting involved, i wouldn't want to be that LC.
You can technically, but I'd be damn sure to get permission from the customer before doing that.

Case in point; i worked the other Friday when it was -25 outside, the PDT was constantly rebooting and locking up. I spent 5 minutes trying to deliver a signature required item, poor lady in the doorway freezing while im sitting there frustrated with the PDT. In the end i got it to work but i almost asked her if i could sign on her behalf later when i got it working. They have new ones that i trained on but it doesn't appear that they are replacing them very quickly.

But what we're talking about at this point isn't just a policy violation (no signature), it's mail fraud. I expect the postal inspectors will be getting involved, i wouldn't want to be that LC.
Yup been there done that. The PDT are junk. I'd go out on a cold day and it would be dead within a few minutes.

I get what you are saying, ethics not a problem in your case as you are just service the client by flexing the rules, not stealing from them.

Hopefully CP steps up and takes this claim seriously.
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