Canada foils 'al-Qaeda inspired' terror attack on train

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Its also ridiculous for Faisal to state that American tax payers should be held directly accountable for the decisions made by their government. As if customers who had bought gas at Exxon or BP gas stations should be held accountable for the spills in Prince William Sound and The Gulf Of Mexico........

Stop trying to misconstruct what I said in another thread. I was trying to get you to understand the tax payers have a responsibility to hold the politicians accountable.. And yes ppl have some level of responsibility to what they are allowing to be done in their name.. Caboose

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I really hope summer gets here soon so you guys get out and ride your bikes than argue online.
Wow@ the thick headedness.. Its wrong for Muslim women to wear burqas to cover themselves..they must strip if not its a violation of human rights.. Right...
Just wowwww.. I wonder what the women have to say
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Ummm.... I was talking about bikini's....

Well...more concerned rather than anything. :p
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Wow@ the thick headedness..lemme guess Its wrong for Muslim women to wear burqas to cover themselves..they must strip if not its a violation of human rights.. Right...
Just wowwww.. I wonder what the women have to say
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Hey, if they WANT to wear them, go right ahead... If they are being FORCED to wear them then that's wrong.
I know that in the part of Afghanistan I was in, they used to wear their regular dress, and then as the Taliban took hold there they were FORCED to wear them or else...
+1..the way to stop all this is to let our government know we do not support our own acts of war/terrorism.. we don't want our soldiers in any one's cross-hairs.. we do not want to send "ADVISORS"or "TRAINERS" IN ANY CAPACITY TO ANY COUNTRY... we do not want to meddle in the internal affairs of ANY COUNTRY.. if we don't tolerate so called oppression of the afghan people then why do we tolerate the oppression of the Bahrainian people or the Qatari people of the Saudi's from their legitimate democratic hopes... why are we imposing dictators on people.. undermining MASS public protests in their respective nations. why do we arm these dictators and yet talk about democracy?

The only way to stop it, is to turn their country into a parking lot.

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I don't understand the point of these threads. They lead to nonsensical arguments that accomplish nothing.

These attacks on innocent people are wrong and totally screwed up. But as a Muslim, it's still very upsetting to see generalist comments made about the entire religion because of a few misguided people who claim to be following Islam. It's like drawing conclusions about all Christians based on the KKK.

the problem is Islam. When was the last time a Jew or a Christian or other religion attacked a public place in the name of their religion or due to their beliefs? Now name the times it has happened and Muslims perpetrated it? To say all Muslims are the problem isn't generalizing its true because while the majority aren't terrorists they are generally silent on the acts of terrorism. And the oppressive nature of the religion and its followers as well as the fact you worship a guy who married a 9 year old and the goal of Muslims is to change the world to Islam or kill the non believers makes the generalizations more true.
And as Faisal likes to point out that if the west stopped invading Muslim countries we wouldn't have these terrorist problems I would like to counter with Tibet...don't see them flying planes into buildings or beheading innocents on film or blowing up subways.
Stop trying to misconstruct what I said in another thread. I was trying to get you to understand the tax payers have a responsibility to hold the politicians accountable.. And yes ppl have some level of responsibility to what they are allowing to be done in their name.. Caboose

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I didnt 'misconstruct' anything. You wrote it very clearly that you feel anyone who doesn't openly protest against their goverment's actions must be in support of them.

Most people don't give a **** about what is happening in the next town over let alone on the other side of the world. You've made it clear that you feel such a level of apathy still makes them justifiable targets.
Some people spend an awful lot of energy trying to defend actions that simply aren't defendable.
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