Canada foils 'al-Qaeda inspired' terror attack on train

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yes I use the train every time I head down town. muslims aren't telling all of us in the world to wear turbans and burqa's are they(not talking about the extremeist or the politicians)?? muslims be muslims and chirstians be Christians and jews be jews and hindus be hindus.
according to me I am ok with people following their own faith and culture in their own HOME LAND..

So no muslims should be wearing turbans burkas and pajamas in Canada...buddy give your head a shake by the way you ride the train much[/QUOTE]
no body is born GAY or straight.. we are born human..
It's not values its human decency. I won't penalize people for how they are born but clearly you will. If those are your values why qdo you live in a country with gay marriage and women who can work and be educated and freedom of religion. You equate freedom with hate and hide behind hate calling it values. I hope you have a gay kid one day.
If they are your people and you don't like the actions of western government why are you here? For the gay bars?
ia m here because Canada is the land of immigrants. most of you may be born here but you did come from immigrants.. I understand if yout view is to force your view on the world.. understand that my view is to clear the misunderstanding you are creating.. I will every single time.
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But you hate western government. Why come here. Are you plotting?
uhh what an amazing trap.. I don't hate anybody I hate the actions of the few that jeapordize the many...
and I am here to be a part of the a problem created by the likes of you sonny
uhh what an amazing trap.. I don't have anybody I hate the actions of the few that jeapordize the many...
and I am here to be a part of the solution.. a solution created by the likes of you sonny

Are you saying I created the gays you hate
I am just sick and tired of people blaming my people for the actions of our western governments.

Don't be silly. People generalize a lot... If you want people to take your arguments more seriously, try putting things into perspective.

The US and its allies invaded Iraq for a multitude of reasons. Revenge on Bin Laden was just the catalyst to initiate an assault.
Here`s a thought: Iraq and the middle east control the supply of a significant portion of oil. Just imagine if the supply was to be cut off.. it would throw the western world into chaos. That scenario is of HUGE concern to the USA and most countries that rely on oil (i.e. every single one)
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Don't be silly. People generalize a lot... If you want people to take your arguments more seriously, try putting things into perspective.

The US and its allies invaded Iraq for a multitude of reasons. Revenge on Bin Laden was just the catalyst to initiate an assault.
Here`s a thought: Iraq and the middle east control the supply of a significant portion of oil. Just imagine if the supply was to be cut off.. it would throw the western world into chaos.
its their property ... they don't wanna sell it their problem. we have lots of oil in the west too don't forget.. what right do we have to occupy nations and tell them what they need to do with their own national resources.. what now that the people are ruled by foreign agents... don't you think they just might revolt and cut off the west to their resources completely.. not that we import much from Iraq...
its their property ... they don't wanna sell it their problem. we have lots of oil in the west too don't forget.. what right do we have to occupy nations and tell them what they need to do with their own national resources.. now what now that the people are ruled by foreign agents.

Since you don't seem to want to understand simple reason.. i'll leave you to your "radical" thoughts.

~don't bomb me.

just kidding. :D

no, but seriously.
if my thoughts are radical, then what's liberal Dresden?.. this exact mindset created WW2 please don't forget. Hitler wanted the world under his fist..
Since you don't seem to want to understand simple reason.. i'll leave you to your "radical" thoughts.

~don't bomb me.

just kidding. :D

no, but seriously.
I hate the actions of the few that jeopardize the many...
and I am here to be a part of the solution

Man that's one hell of a strong statement CSIS anyone?
then can you tell me how many nations have been conquered by a muslim army?? while we were invading Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Iran.

Since the moors were turfed out of Europe they have been in decline mentally and economically. Islam gave us geometry and then nothing for hundreds of years. Islam is stuck in the 2nd century as are its people and armies. They would invade everywhere and try to conquer the world if they could get it together.
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