Here's a solution: do a comprehensive study of all those convicted of terrorism chargers within western borders, and then close the damn doors for these halfwits. Something tells me none of them made it here on skilled immigrant programs or such.
I think one of these suspected train bombing guys is some sort of chemical biologist or something along those lines.
Watched the press conference today, the question was asked "What were they doing here in the first place?" meaning what was the reason they gave for being in the country when they first showed up. Of course, the RCMP gave a "no comment" answer.
I don't understand the point of these threads. They lead to nonsensical arguments that accomplish nothing.
These attacks on innocent people are wrong and totally screwed up. But as a Muslim, it's still very upsetting to see generalist comments made about the entire religion because of a few misguided people who claim to be following Islam. It's like drawing conclusions about all Christians based on the KKK.
I'd just like to point out, that I think most people understand not all Muslims are the extremists. However, it really makes it difficult to see past that when all of these perpetrators have that one single thing in common.
I have no issues with people coming to this country... Just leave the narrow minded BS where you came from. Practice whatever you want to practice, as long as it doesn't interfere with basic human rights. And that means when you come to this country, you accept it just as it accepts you.
This isn't directed at you, just sort of the way I think most people feel.
faisal, and people like him should not be here. Gays can be married (oh, and FYI faisal, they actually ARE born that way and they ARE minutely physically different in brain structure), women have the right to be equal to men, and people don't deserve to be beheaded and have their bodies paraded around town. I've seen that particular last one in person.