ibbu said it best..
why try to change the subject now that you have been caught red handed trying to manipulate a sacred book of a faith in order to prove your screwed up fantasy as a reality.... go ahead try posting a single fraudulent quote as if its from the Quran.. we are right here to point it out...
Your attempts to rebut Sonny and those who are like minded is valiant but ultimately fruitless. People, and by that I include "Muslims" in name will follow and ally with power and money. They will forget or neglect the truths about their past and rise to power. The Muslim world is guilty of it as is the Western world...it is a human need to conquer and steal resources and impose our values on others.
The truth is all out there, in this age more than any other in history. There is no viable excuse not to at least begin a sincere search for the truth on anyone's part. The truth about the rise of the West and all it's atrocities is there in plain sight. The truth about the Muslim world's utter social collapse is also there. The truth about the nature of conquest in all it's forms is there.
The only real problem is the selective nature of humanity. We seek only confirmations of what we already believe. We exclude inconvenient truths. And by "we" I include the vast majority of people in the Muslim world too. The West is also guilty of this.
If the point of this thread is to start a journey into truth however inconvenient and those that journey are sincere than this thread has some redeeming quality. It however appears to be descending into a troll / flame off.
Everyone who has bothered to peak into this thread has every resource (including time) to seek the truth. At this point whoever is left trolling here is likely investing their time in reinforcing their stagnant beliefs.
Move on. The Quran is available for any to read in full. Comprehensive interconnected global history available too all and is more fascinating than any Game of Thrones fiction. We all have the luxury of spare time and disposable income to learn the truth. Those who don't bother have sealed their hearts already and it is not anyone's job to open them up.