Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Man tied to Rob Ford scandal pleads guilty to manslaughter
By John Lancaster, Nazim Baksh and Dave Seglins, CBC News
"The deal means police disclosure — including wiretaps, seized cellphones and any potential video involving the mayor — will never be made part of the court record in the case."

He pleads guilty just like that? It was in his best interest to go to trial.
What is his motivation????
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Man tied to Rob Ford scandal pleads guilty to manslaughter
By John Lancaster, Nazim Baksh and Dave Seglins, CBC News
"The deal means police disclosure — including wiretaps, seized cellphones and any potential video involving the mayor — will never be made part of the court record in the case."

He pleads guilty just like that? It was in his best interest to go to trial.
What is his motivation????

Likely a plea deal with The Crown. Just because this one case is done, that doesn't imply that the same evidence won't be used against any of the other people who were charged.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Likely a plea deal with The Crown. Just because this one case is done, that doesn't imply that the same evidence won't be used against any of the other people who were charged.

Rob, you are a good honest guy but you have far too much faith in the system.
The wire taps that implicate RF (if they exist) will never see the light of day, they all cover each others backs. Just look at Bill Blair.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob, you are a good honest guy but you have far too much faith in the system.
The wire taps that implicate RF (if they exist) will never see the light of day, they all cover each others backs. Just look at Bill Blair.

Occam's Razor.

Bill Blair? The guy who is bound, by law, not to make statements that would prejudice a pending case?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Shouldn't a mayor at least have a basic understanding of what he is talking about or what the plan he wants to squash actually consists of. Such a massive embarrassment

Can't Toronto do better than this buffoon?

The city deserves better than this Mayor AND better than these grandstanding counsellors.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

FACT: LRT will not cross any intersections? That's for the original Eglinton piece. How in the world is it NOT going to cross streets where it will run street-level west of Black Creek? For those voting for street-level LRT, you really should think hard. Like he said, St.Clair streetcar project made that street a complete disaster for drivers. Haters should really also understand the WHOLE thing, not just give one piece of LRT as an example.

SRT (which technically is LRT - light subway) is a complete disaster. Yes, it is grade-separated, but it is literally falling apart and cannot be saved (that's what the whole replacement debate is about on that side).

I am not a fan of Tommy-boy, but don't blindly hate.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

FACT: LRT will not cross any intersections? That's for the original Eglinton piece. How in the world is it NOT going to cross streets where it will run street-level west of Black Creek? For those voting for street-level LRT, you really should think hard. Like he said, St.Clair streetcar project made that street a complete disaster for drivers. Haters should really also understand the WHOLE thing, not just give one piece of LRT as an example.

SRT (which technically is LRT - light subway) is a complete disaster. Yes, it is grade-separated, but it is literally falling apart and cannot be saved (that's what the whole replacement debate is about on that side).

I am not a fan of Tommy-boy, but don't blindly hate.

West of where?

My understanding is that it would run on the existing grade separated route.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The city deserves better than this Mayor AND better than these grandstanding counsellors.

This is interesting. My observations are that the good people do not get elected because they don't have the funds or face time vs. their opponents that are backed by deeper pockets therefore people are being put into positions to serve hidden interests.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

This is interesting. My observations are that the good people do not get elected because they don't have the funds or face time vs. their opponents that are backed by deeper pockets therefore people are being put into positions to serve hidden interests.

And my experience is that voters first allow politicians to get elected by believing their obvious lies, then later reward them for continuing to lie.

Harper: None of that 'crossing the floor' crap(except when we want to do it). We need an elected Senate (though apparently not until it has been appropriately stacked). Promised an open and honest government that turned out to be the most closed and dishonest in my memory. Oh, and his hand picked senators who were just more pigs at the trough....

McSquinty: On one hand he was saying that the Province was 3, no 4.5, no 6 billion dollars in debt. On the other hand he was promising billions in new spending. Both couldn't be true, and yet he was elected. He then followed it up with the biggest single tax increase.... Oh, sorry, it was a 'fee' not a tax..... increase in the Province's history.

Ford: Subways, subways, subways! Doesn't know what it means, but subways. We'll pay for it. How? Public/private partnership. No one has stepped up? The Provincial and Federal governments will do it. Did they say that they would? Break traffic laws and have the Deputy Chief cover for him. Careless operation is careless operation and passing a stopped streetcar is passing a stopped streetcar.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford: Subways, subways, subways! Doesn't know what it means, but subways. We'll pay for it. How? Public/private partnership. No one has stepped up? The Provincial and Federal governments will do it. Did they say that they would? Break traffic laws and have the Deputy Chief cover for him. Careless operation is careless operation and passing a stopped streetcar is passing a stopped streetcar.

Rob, I personally don't care much about politics, but I do work in the industry, and subways are the way to go in terms of reliability, capacity, driver-friendliness, etc. The huge negative is a cost, but somehow every major city in the world manages to build AT LEAST one station a year (usually 2-3 or more). Our retarded governments kept pushing away the subway decisions until it became too late and too costly (because all of a sudden we need 4-5 new LINES). If they were building 2-3 stations a year, we would be on par with most big cities, now we are way behind. They are extending Yonge-University-Spadina line, which is already running at capacity. We will implement Automatic Train Control project in the next couple of years on the entire line, but it will only delay the inevitable by another 3-4 years... So it's up for "people" to decide what to do now.

I may not understand something about this whole LRT thing, but here is the proposed map I found: Map 121112-FINAL copy.pdf
It shows Don Mills to Kennedy being AT GRADE. Same applies for future expansion west of Mt.Dennis btw. Most of Sheppard and Finch lines are also shown as AT GRADE.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Rob, I personally don't care much about politics, but I do work in the industry, and subways are the way to go in terms of reliability, capacity, driver-friendliness, etc. The huge negative is a cost, but somehow every major city in the world manages to build AT LEAST one station a year (usually 2-3 or more). Our retarded governments kept pushing away the subway decisions until it became too late and too costly (because all of a sudden we need 4-5 new LINES). If they were building 2-3 stations a year, we would be on par with most big cities, now we are way behind. They are extending Yonge-University-Spadina line, which is already running at capacity. We will implement Automatic Train Control project in the next couple of years on the entire line, but it will only delay the inevitable by another 3-4 years... So it's up for "people" to decide what to do now.

I may not understand something about this whole LRT thing, but here is the proposed map I found:
It shows Don Mills to Kennedy being AT GRADE. Same applies for future expansion west of Mt.Dennis btw. Most of Sheppard and Finch lines are also shown as AT GRADE.

I certainly would never try to say that subways aren't better, because they clearly are. Madrid and London have done some excellent work on transit. My point is that it was so easily demonstrated that Ford is arguing a point, that he clearly has absolutely no knowledge of. That, when the information has already been condensed and provided for his review. In other words he simply doesn't care enough to actually inform himself because, as in so many other situations, he has already come to a conclusion WITHOUT evidence.

Streetcars are neither LRTs, nor subways. My opinion is that streetcars are an anachronism, that needs to be removed from Toronto's streets, in favour of more efficient means of transportation. Places like Seattle seem to do rather well with LRTs. We clearly need a strategy that covers the entire GTA, not just Toronto itself. Using light rail, where it's possible to obtain a right-of-way without interfering with other surface traffic, is an economical solution. This will obviously not work in high density areas like Toronto, as the free land simply doesn't exist, so what you do is create a core of transit via subways, that is fed by light rail and articulated buses. This creates a flexible and efficient feeder system. With no more streetcars you no longer have to tear up streets every few years, to re-lay track. You don't have double-parkers stopping your entire line. Dead streetcars no longer restrict other road users' travel.

But, and this is an important but, YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHERE YOUR FUNDING WILL COME FROM.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I certainly would never try to say that subways aren't better, because they clearly are. Madrid and London have done some excellent work on transit. My point is that it was so easily demonstrated that Ford is arguing a point, that he clearly has absolutely no knowledge of. That, when the information has already been condensed and provided for his review. In other words he simply doesn't care enough to actually inform himself because, as in so many other situations, he has already come to a conclusion WITHOUT evidence.

Streetcars are neither LRTs, nor subways. My opinion is that streetcars are an anachronism, that needs to be removed from Toronto's streets, in favour of more efficient means of transportation. Places like Seattle seem to do rather well with LRTs. We clearly need a strategy that covers the entire GTA, not just Toronto itself. Using light rail, where it's possible to obtain a right-of-way without interfering with other surface traffic, is an economical solution. This will obviously not work in high density areas like Toronto, as the free land simply doesn't exist, so what you do is create a core of transit via subways, that is fed by light rail and articulated buses. This creates a flexible and efficient feeder system. With no more streetcars you no longer have to tear up streets every few years, to re-lay track. You don't have double-parkers stopping your entire line. Dead streetcars no longer restrict other road users' travel.

But, and this is an important but, YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHERE YOUR FUNDING WILL COME FROM.

From watching that video, it seems that both, the asking councilor and Ford did not know what they were talking about. One seemed to think that LRT is grade-separated everywhere, which it clearly will not be; the other had no clue about LRT at all.

Regarding funding, give the current situation - i.e. Toronto not building subway stations for many years - they will have to hit hard - taxes, tolls, fees, etc. Unfortunately, mr. Ford is as clueless about budgets and funding, as he is about LRT vs. subway debate.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Streetcars are neither LRTs, nor subways. My opinion is that streetcars are an anachronism, that needs to be removed from Toronto's streets, in favour of more efficient means of transportation. Places like Seattle seem to do rather well with LRTs. We clearly need a strategy that covers the entire GTA, not just Toronto itself. Using light rail, where it's possible to obtain a right-of-way without interfering with other surface traffic, is an economical solution. This will obviously not work in high density areas like Toronto, as the free land simply doesn't exist, so what you do is create a core of transit via subways, that is fed by light rail and articulated buses. This creates a flexible and efficient feeder system. With no more streetcars you no longer have to tear up streets every few years, to re-lay track. You don't have double-parkers stopping your entire line. Dead streetcars no longer restrict other road users' travel.

But, and this is an important but, YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHERE YOUR FUNDING WILL COME FROM.

Subways are going to be like ghost towns in 20 years due to the advent of driverless cars. I'm in favour of whatever system is most viable for only the next 20 years, and that isn't subways. If you had asked me 2-3 years ago however, I would have said subways 100%!
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Subways are going to be like ghost towns in 20 years due to the advent of driverless cars. I'm in favour of whatever system is most viable for only the next 20 years, and that isn't subways. If you had asked me 2-3 years ago however, I would have said subways 100%!

Driverless cars, eh? What are they going to drive on, bull crap? Or are we talking about those fancy hybrids and electric cars, which produce more emission garbage during manufacturing and when the batteries are dead than a conventional car?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Driverless cars, eh? What are they going to drive on, bull crap? Or are we talking about those fancy hybrids and electric cars, which produce more emission garbage during manufacturing and when the batteries are dead than a conventional car?

The power source is irrelevant. Could be gas, diesel, electric, hybrid, hydrogen, CNG, propane, or pedal power. Well, actually no pedal power wouldn't work because it can't be controlled by a computer.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The power source is irrelevant. Could be gas, diesel, electric, hybrid, hydrogen, CNG, propane, or pedal power. Well, actually no pedal power wouldn't work because it can't be controlled by a computer.

Yep, don't forget the hovercrafts powered by antigravity, so there will be no gridlocks. Too much sci-fi reading, eh? Or do you think Google will push their driverless cars everywhere? LOL
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The power source is irrelevant. Could be gas, diesel, electric, hybrid, hydrogen, CNG, propane, or pedal power. Well, actually no pedal power wouldn't work because it can't be controlled by a computer.

Far more likely to be bicycles and Shank's Mare, than it's ever to be driverless cars.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Far more likely to be bicycles and Shank's Mare, than it's ever to be driverless cars.

I am still trying to wrap my head around what driverless cars going to do. We will put more cars onto highways, great. So more pollution (either way - even if it's electric - manufacturing and especially EOL recycling will produce a ******** of polluting heavy metals, etc.), more cars on the roads, and when those roads will reach capacity, then what? Some people watched/read too much sci-fi such as 'I, Robot'...
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