Bye Bye Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I know some insider information about the guy that could get me in a lot of trouble if I told :o
This was one of them!

There's another thing that would be HUGE if it leaked. I imagine that'll come out in due time, though.

Meh. All it says is that Ford parties hard - that's his personal life.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Drug abuse isn't something that can be conveniently turned off between 9 and 5!

It is. Most people drink alcohol, which is a highly addictive drug. Very few drink while working.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Aight, NOW i give a damn....

Toronto LIKES Major Ford, i know its hard for Liberals to actually believe that people like someone other than them. Its getting more and more pathetic the levels of low they are willing to go to make Ford look bad. Listen, numb nuts, if the guy is what he is, let him fail on his own! This vendetta against him just makes you petty and vindictive, and i can tell you right now, A LOT of people will vote Ford again JUST to spite you...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Aight, NOW i give a damn....

Toronto LIKES Major Ford, i know its hard for Liberals to actually believe that people like someone other than them. Its getting more and more pathetic the levels of low they are willing to go to make Ford look bad. Listen, numb nuts, if the guy is what he is, let him fail on his own! This vendetta against him just makes you petty and vindictive, and i can tell you right now, A LOT of people will vote Ford again JUST to spite you...

Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford's already been convicted by his haters, this story has blown up up all over. And yet none of these people want to admit the source of this allegation is a drug dealing criminal who wants to profit from his "evidence".
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford's already been convicted by his haters, this story has blown up up all over. And yet none of these people want to admit the source of this allegation is a drug dealing criminal who wants to profit from his "evidence".

They're saying he's a crackhead now, lol. Someone post the link
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Good grief, can this guy become any more of a train wreck? Smoking crack with drug dealers???
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Ford's already been convicted by his haters, this story has blown up up all over. And yet none of these people want to admit the source of this allegation is a drug dealing criminal who wants to profit from his "evidence".

A cellphone video that appears to show Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack cocaine is being shopped around Toronto by a group of Somali men involved in the drug trade.

The Star admits it, it is the first thing in the article.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Drug abuse isn't something that can be conveniently turned off between 9 and 5!
Some people manage to do it. Plenty of professionals do hard drugs recreationally without it affecting their job....they just don't tell people because it's so frowned-upon. The people who are better at moderating it just tend to wait until the weekend.

Also, Denzel landed the plane in Flight while he was high on coke. It can't be all that bad! :o

Fwiw: I'm not a big fan of drugs, myself. But I don't view them all that negatively, either.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

So when is the hooker scandal coming? Next month?
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I guess this is how he solidifies the votes from Scarborough...
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

I guess this is how he solidifies the votes from Scarborough...

Stop dissing my neighbourhood bro, lol
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The Star admits it, it is the first thing in the article.

The Star has an unhealthy vendetta against Ford verging on obsessive compulsion. Also, no one from the Star has seen the video, it's all second hand information until someone ponies up at least $100,000 because that's what drug dealers charge for damning evidence.
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

The Star has an unhealthy vendetta against Ford verging on obsessive compulsion. Also, no one from the Star has seen the video, it's all second hand information until someone ponies up at least $100,000 because that's what drug dealers charge for damning evidence.

I believe two Star reporters have seen the video, and made independent notes on what they saw. If I remember correctly, they viewed the video 3 times

Edit: Here is the link

I do agree with you that the Star is all kinds of messed up
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Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Stop dissing my neighbourhood bro, lol

not hating, neighbour ;)

if we scare the rest away, no one will ever bother us.
Re: BY By Tommy boy Ford kicked out!!

Drug abuse isn't something that can be conveniently turned off between 9 and 5!

It is. Most people drink alcohol, which is a highly addictive drug. Very few drink while working.

If he is in the habit of using class A drugs and partying with known drug dealers then that will affect his policy decisions. You can argue back and forth about his ability to function normally. My son held a well paying job down for long periods despite having a habit. But it didn't necessarily mean his decisions were rational or sensible. Ford is wide open to blackmail, persuasion and the obvious charge of hypocrisy any time he tries to get tough on crime and/or drugs. It is simply inappropriate and extremely poor judgement on his behalf. That is assuming everything printed so far is true.

In laymans terms, he's a knobhead on so many levels.
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