buying a house



That looks like suitable accomodation for your sheep. :agave:
In the area Saturday partying. Come get us and we'll help inspect the foundation for leaks at 3 in the morning. I'll bring my trashy friends.
In the area Saturday partying. Come get us and we'll help inspect the foundation for leaks at 3 in the morning. I'll bring my trashy friends.
Alright, first party with drunk trashy girls and the house is not even build yet

Barn party at the hole!! :occasion9:
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Come on! Weekly progress report. Where are the latest pics?? We would like to monitor the build progress and offer our useless input at each stage;)
Come on! Weekly progress report. Where are the latest pics?? We would like to monitor the build progress and offer our useless input at each stage;)

I can snap some pics tomorrow. My dog is helping to fertilize his front lawn.
Come on! Weekly progress report. Where are the latest pics?? We would like to monitor the build progress and offer our useless input at each stage;)


We'll help point out the shoddy workmanship so you can ride the site supers ***** to get it fixed before too late. :)
Thats okay, i buried a body in his basement already. :)
I went by today, not much progress, except they covered what will eventually be the basement under the porch. Also, what appears to be a very little dog poo on my lawn, judging by the size its name most likely is sissy or maybe puffy or some other gay name.

Pic update next week
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Figure I give an update

Here are some pics - Sorry night time


Now, for the bad news, should I be worried about this?

any ideas?

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Is that a shadow I see in that pic?? :shock:
Can't see any pics. You need to setup a web cam for a live feed.
that's weird, I can see them right there

I wish I could install a camera lol, I would save me a lot of trips to brooklin
edit: repeated post
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Is that crack just one sided, or is it visible on the other side?

If you can see it on both sides, i would get it fixed
look on the top right, that is the other side of the fracture. That is going to be inside the cold cellar

I am going to the sales centre tomorrow
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That corner seems to be just resting in place. I would go back there one night and knock it down. This way they would have to fix it instead of just parging it to look good cosmetically. ;)

It appears that it will be covered by a wall of bricks eventually so won't be exposed to the elements or much of an eyesore. It would piss me off though.
Yes get that crack fixed. That **** isn't even loaded yet. Shouldn't have such a big crack in it already.

Concrete WILL crack, it's just how it works. Ask the super if it's on his list of things to do.

If it's not cracked all the way through I think they will likely grind out along the crack and do a point and patch. If it's all the way through probably just dowel and form that small section again pour a bit in there.
It almost looks like someone or something may have hit that, for it to crack like that. It just seems odd. Depending on the re-bar schedule, it may be fine to just patch, as it won't be carrying much load. If it feels fairly strong and doesn't wobble when you push on it, you could probably get away with the patch. If it moves, then there is no re-bar in that area or it's not doing its job, and more in-depth repair may be in order. Also, it appears to be above final grade, so there shouldn't be a water infiltration problem.
Go at night with a sledgehammer, knock it loose and into little pieces. It hasnt fully cured yet, and its a fairly thin wall so shouldnt be a problem.

They will have no choice but to fix it properly. :)

Now, for the bad news, should I be worried about this?

any ideas?


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