Buddy crashed this morning! | Page 5 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Buddy crashed this morning!

I think it's ineffective to leave them on in daytime continuously as then there is no way to switch up to warn an inattentive driver.
Horn + high beams is attention getting IMNSHO.
Might be an MOT offense to leave them on but not sure.

from another mcycle forum

I'm an instructor for rider training, and I can tell you that our organization definitely advocates ONLY low beam use during the daytime. Here in Ontario, as it seems also in many other jurisdictions, it is illegal to operate high beams within a prescribed distance, either for on-coming traffic or when following another vehicle.

I can also state that as a motorcycle instructor, I stand in front of oncoming students to give them a signal for either stopping or swerving in an indicated direction. Its important that the signals are given at the appropriate time for the exercise and in the testing section, i.e just as the motorcycle approaches a particular spot. Sometimes the high beam is inadvertently switched on instead of low beam, and even in the bright daylight when that happens - it is very annoying and distracting, making it extremely difficult to signal properly.

I can see high beams obscuring signals in the daytime tho I had not considered that aspect - the difference in lumens on the Burgman is startling between the single low beam and dual highs and can understand them overwhelming the comparatively weak signal lights.

Practically I think preserving your attention getting capacity for when you need it is a good idea - if you left your horn on all the time it would soon go on ignore.

I use the highs in daytime only to make a point, just as I do with the horn,
when I get on both I'm ****** ( far too often ).

as to the legality - especially with the newer high output HIDs - the daytime attention you may get may be unwelcome :(
if you see a car with high beams behind you, it is me
hope you will reconsider your habit with high beams and treat other motorists respectfully

So many cars already use their high beams as DRL's. If you use your cars high beams during the day you will just blend in with the thousands of other OEM cars on the road.

Sure, they usually use slightly less voltage, but the glare is amost the same due to the lack of cut-off of the high beam reflector.

I have no problem with people using highs during the daylight hours. What really pisses me off is people using their high beams 24/7.
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I think it's ineffective to leave them on in daytime continuously as then there is no way to switch up to warn an inattentive driver.
Horn + high beams is attention getting IMNSHO.
Might be an MOT offense to leave them on but not sure.

from another mcycle forum


I can see high beams obscuring signals in the daytime tho I had not considered that aspect - the difference in lumens on the Burgman is startling between the single low beam and dual highs and can understand them overwhelming the comparatively weak signal lights.

Practically I think preserving your attention getting capacity for when you need it is a good idea - if you left your horn on all the time it would soon go on ignore.

I use the highs in daytime only to make a point, just as I do with the horn,
when I get on both I'm ****** ( far too often ).

as to the legality - especially with the newer high output HIDs - the daytime attention you may get may be unwelcome :(

High beams are allowed during the day.

Use of passing beam
168.**When on a highway at any time when lighted lamps are required to be displayed on vehicles, the driver of a motor vehicle equipped with multiple beam headlamps shall use the lower or passing beam when,
(a) approaching an oncoming vehicle within 150 metres; or
(b) following another vehicle within 60 metres, except when in the act of overtaking and passing. R.S.O. 1990, c.*H.8, s.*168.
High beams are allowed during the day.

the driver behind me with high beams can partially blind me even during the day time, think it happen to other normal human
have to readjust rear view mirrors, when the dork with high beams behind me
the driver behind me with high beams can partially blind me even during the day time, think it happen to other normal human
have to readjust rear view mirrors, when the dork with high beams behind me

It's one of the most annoying things I find other people doing. If you are that concerned with making sure other people see you, ride with a billboard on your bike or attach a long wavy orange flag to your head. Don't blind me or annoy me.
It's one of the most annoying things I find other people doing. If you are that concerned with making sure other people see you, ride with a billboard on your bike or attach a long wavy orange flag to your head. Don't blind me or annoy me.

yea you're right...BUT I DO IT, although only when I'm approaching an intersection, and theres a ****er waiting to make a left turn, annoy him and let him know you're there and incoming...
Having it on all the time is a waste and if you're running any decent bulbs they're gonna burn out quick.
I wear a Hi-Viz Icon vest - bright LIME
My high beam is always on - at intersections I simply flicker it - once through the intersection the hi beam is on!
EYE contact and pointing LEFT arm with index extencded waving at opposing driver's face - always works.
Cars in my lane, in fron of me are my protection - my blockers. No one shares my lane and no one passes me on the right. I always see what's behind me and the traffic pattern as it evolves - front and back.

If I ever get hit - it would not be an accident!
Use of passing beam
168.**When on a highway at any time when lighted lamps are required to be displayed on vehicles, the driver of a motor vehicle equipped with multiple beam headlamps shall use the lower or passing beam when,
(a) approaching an oncoming vehicle within 150 metres; or
(b) following another vehicle within 60 metres, except when in the act of overtaking and passing. R.S.O. 1990, c.*H.8, s.*168.

sorry but that reads to me the high beams are not be used when another car is coming toward you or you are following - are only to be used when you are overtaking another vehicle.
the driver behind me with high beams can partially blind me even during the day time, think it happen to other normal human
have to readjust rear view mirrors, when the dork with high beams behind me
Ever had a car behnd you that uses it's high beams as DRL's?
sorry but that reads to me the high beams are not be used when another car is coming toward you or you are following - are only to be used when you are overtaking another vehicle.

**When on a highway at any time when lighted lamps are required to be displayed on vehicles, - says to me, during the times when lighted lamps are not required, none of the following applies. the driver of a motor vehicle equipped with multiple beam headlamps shall use the lower or passing beam when,
(a) approaching an oncoming vehicle within 150 metres; or
(b) following another vehicle within 60 metres, except when in the act of overtaking and passing. R.S.O. 1990, c.*H.8, s.*168.

I read that as - at night - you must not use your brights when following, or there is an oncoming car.
hope you will reconsider your habit with high beams...
LoL, keep hoping friend (not gonna happen).
treat other motorists respectfully
Right... like the u-turn lady?
At least buddy didn't disrespect her with his high-beam - is that what you're saying?
I believe she was 'blinded' already, heheh. Perhaps a bright light would allow her to 'see'...
I'm serious guys - no high beam, no brains.
I don't think I can say it any plainer.
LoL, keep hoping friend (not gonna happen).

Right... like the u-turn lady?
At least buddy didn't disrespect her with his high-beam - is that what you're saying?
I believe she was 'blinded' already, heheh. Perhaps a bright light would allow her to 'see'...
I'm serious guys - no high beam, no brains.
I don't think I can say it any plainer.

just curious, how long you gonna last on the road between the crazy cagers, with your attitude ???
ride safe
happened to me one time too but luckily i had enough room to brake and honk the **** outa her. the worse part about these accidents are they are sooo random that its very hard to predict.

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