Buddy crashed this morning! | GTAMotorcycle.com

Buddy crashed this morning!


Well-known member
A buddy of mine was riding to work this morning and just as he was coming down the street where we work a lady decides to pull and illegal U turn right in front of him.

Nothing he could have done to avoid it, he layed the bike down and slid into the car. From what I hear, he is doing ok..hurt his back and is shaken up but he will be fine...the bike on the other hand is toast. I havent actually talked to him, but he has been texting me updates every now and then.

Its a shame because there have been so many go down this year already..and there are just too many drivers out there that are always in a rush, or just plain drive distracted.

Anyways, this was just a big eye opener for me, just goes to show this type of thing can happen anywhere and will happen when you least expect it, close to home or work. Ride safe guys!
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I have seen this happen 3 times to my buddies...riding 30 feet in front of me!

It's always the same answer.... I didn't see him!.... Ride like you're invisible and that's all you can do!

Hope he's ok!
I started wearing Hi Viz gear this year. I have taken a bit of kidding from other riders but I know it helps make me more visible. I still ride like I'm invisible but I know I stick out like a sore thumb.
Hi Viz should be the new black.
I agree man... My boys give me a ribbing wearing the work jacket... but until it gets mid season it's staying on till drivers get acustomed to us on the road!
I wear a high visibility vest too. Everyone tells me I'm a dork and says "You seriously wear that?!" My response is "I'd rather have them notice me for being a 'dork' than not notice me at all because the next thing after that is being hit by a retard cager."

Personally I don't give a **** what anyone thinks about it and I'll keep wearing it indefinitely.
I was working at lakeshore and carlaw yesterday. Watched the cops pulling people over for no right on reds all day long. I wear a hiviz vest as well. Nice thing is I don't have to put a vest on when I get to site, just pull my hardhat out of the side case.
Simply always run your high-beam in the daytime!
I've been doing it for ~35 years, it's a no-brainer.
Nobody turns left or pulls out in front of me...
(famous last words)
Heheh, you've still gotta be alert!
Complacency and a drifting mind while riding can muss you up quick.
Not saying it would've helped buddy there - for that you need high-beam (and prayer).
She would have had to slow down before making that U-turn, no?
She would have had to slow down before making that U-turn, no?
It wasnt on lakeshore..that was just a reference to the area it happened. From what I know, she was parked and pulled a U in front of my buddy coming down the street. He then grabbed a handfull of brake , layed it down and slid into the car.
Sorry to hear about the rider, your friend.
Hope he'll come out of this ok and without any long lasting damage.

I too had a friend hurt this way....seems to be a fairly common type of accident.
That's exactly what happened to me and my girlfriend awhile back - and it's the reason she never rides with me anymore :( (not because of anything I did, but because something like this can happen as a result of someone else on the road).

Exactly as you described - we were going north on Yonge and a parked car swung out and u-turned right in front of us. NO CHANCE of avoidance. Happened right at Yonge & Wellesley, it was quite the circus.

Hope your friend is OK - and I hope it doesn't deter him from riding.
It wasnt on lakeshore..that was just a reference to the area it happened. From what I know, she was parked and pulled a U in front of my buddy coming down the street. He then grabbed a handfull of brake , layed it down and slid into the car.

Maybe it's becuase I cycle downtown so I know what invisible really means ... but you have to keep an eye on each and every car. If there's a person in it, be ready. Watch people's wheels, not their signals or anything else. The car will always go where the wheel is pointing.
I feel a lot more vulnerable on a bicycle than I do a motorcycle. Motorcycles at least have the advantage of being noisy.
Anyway, nobody ever said motorcycles were safe.
I do high Viz gear and bike colour as well. I got smoked by a cager, that didnt see me. At the time l had a dark grey bike but with a white leather jacket and black helmet. To make matters worst l was masked by a navy blue van. She was obviously distracted but on some level l can understand that l look like camouflage. It's just not worth it.
i wanna get a helmet like this for visibility

but the it's kinda gross lol
Simply always run your high-beam in the daytime!
I've been doing it for ~35 years, it's a no-brainer.
Nobody turns left or pulls out in front of me...
(famous last words)
Heheh, you've still gotta be alert!
Complacency and a drifting mind while riding can muss you up quick.
Not saying it would've helped buddy there - for that you need high-beam (and prayer).

The number of near misses for me has gone down doing this too!
Guys, if you're going to crash, do NOT lay the bike down. Learn how to emergency brake please. Slow, progressive, and firm application of the brakes are key. You stop fastest when you're on two wheels. That said, if you're going to run into the car, RUN INTO THE CAR. That way, you can actually get insurance on your side. As it stands right now, your buddy will be deemed at fault since he couldn't maintain control of his vehicle.
Guys, if you're going to crash, do NOT lay the bike down. Learn how to emergency brake please. Slow, progressive, and firm application of the brakes are key. You stop fastest when you're on two wheels. That said, if you're going to run into the car, RUN INTO THE CAR. That way, you can actually get insurance on your side. As it stands right now, your buddy will be deemed at fault since he couldn't maintain control of his vehicle.

Have you hit a car before?
That's exactly what happened to me and my girlfriend awhile back - and it's the reason she never rides with me anymore :( (not because of anything I did, but because something like this can happen as a result of someone else on the road).

Exactly as you described - we were going north on Yonge and a parked car swung out and u-turned right in front of us. NO CHANCE of avoidance. Happened right at Yonge & Wellesley, it was quite the circus.

Hope your friend is OK - and I hope it doesn't deter him from riding.

Wasn't it a taxi cab that did that to you? I remember this story.

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