BMW owners movement!

He doesnt do the mounts, on the thread about those cases that I posted, he mentions what mounts work. I guess any generic mount can work with these cases. Not sure how other cases mount though, the BMW Vario cases I have are a unique mounting system to those cases. The maker of the cases rides a KLR and many who have bought them are riding klr's as well. Maybe take a look at the KLR mounts and give that thread a read over.

Maybe they will fit on the SW Motech (removable) mounts. Just have to be willing to drill some holes in your new boxes!
Any BMW riders planning on driving down to Port Dover next Friday? Or is it just a Harley thing?

I would like to, never actually made it out to a en event yet, though I am working and really cant take it off as I leave the next monday out to BC for a road trip... in a car unfortunately.

It will be predominately cruisers, but you should see something of everything there.
Good times!

Certainly didn't expect this many bikes (17), but we coped as well as we could.

See you on the next one!


Ok, ok.....with a little arm twisting, we will do this. I'm going to cram this ride in before heading off to Bogie for the weekend.

Long term weather shows 27 degrees and Hot hot HOT! Should be a great turn out there.

All BMW riders welcome :



Departing time : 10am

Meeting place : Tim Hortons at Centennial Parkway (hwy 20) in Hamilton. This is right across from the Home Depot, as soon as you get off the QEW.

Address for your GPS : 315 Centennial Parkway North, Hamilton, ON L8E 2X3

Route : We will be taking back roads there and avoiding the traffic jam mess of Hwy 6. We WON'T be doing the Lakeshore ride as we did on the last run, but we will still entering Port Dover from the "backdoor" method.

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Weathers lookin' good.

See you all there!

hey guys, anyone know when BMW drop their interest rates for financing for current models? Dec/Jan?
I believe they did already. Currently at 3.95% vs. 5.95% earlier in the year.

maybe thats certain bikes? Website says 5.95% on 2010 and 1.95% on 2009 models..

though website maybe out of date.
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I see BMW are doing a buy now, pay in 2011 promo..
maybe thats certain bikes? Website says 5.95% on 2010 and 1.95% on 2009 models..

though website maybe out of date.

I would call them. BMW Durham told me that they just dropped the rates (3 weeks ago), which is why I pulled the trigger on a 2010.
Any R1100S owners on here? I was just given a Paralever Torque Arm
made by Moto-Techniques USA #513-052 Beautifully made thing and useless to me, yours if you want it.
PM me.
Anyone here a member of the BMW Motorcycle club Ontario? Is it worth joining? What do you get for the $30 membership fee?

where do the BMW owners/riders hang out? Bike specific forums or is there a GTA thing, or are you all supposed to be "loners" ? ;)

ps - I pick up a new ride very soon :D :cool:
where do the BMW owners/riders hang out? Bike specific forums or is there a GTA thing, or are you all supposed to be "loners" ? ;)

ps - I pick up a new ride very soon :D :cool:

My main source of BMW info is Large number of GS riders who have just about anything and everything you can do to a GS.
My main source of BMW info is Large number of GS riders who have just about anything and everything you can do to a GS.

Do the K bikes have a following there?
I have a confession to you beemer riders.. the old man picked up a 09 f800gs last week, these bikes are the bomb my r6 sits in the garage while I rip around on this thing.. ABS, brembo breaks, SS break lines all stock features I see why people like these bikes. My neighbours hate me.. this thing is just too easy and too fun to wheelie :p
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