Actually, knowing your corner speed through every corner, helps you understand where you need to practice more and your weak points, also comparing the line you took when you had good corner speed compared to the other line you took when the speed wasn't as fast is also a big help. knowing your fast laps compared to your slow ones do help your lap times and also knowing where you brake points are because the app gives you acceleration and braking telemetry, all this in the hands of someone that understand how to use the data and practice according to it, will shave a lot of time off every lap.
For example First session at Mosport, comparing that to faster laps helped me understand where I could increase corner speed (not a good example because it was a rainy day but you get the point..I think)
I totally agree. I was just being a little cheeky. I use a different slightly less feature loaded free app that does the trick. And yes to all your points, especially if your app compiles the best optimum lap of any session and lets you know your true potential had you achieved a lap comprised of all your best corners. I especially like knowing what I could have achieved at a certain level had I strung together a perfect lap. That also tends to let you know if you're just making too many mistakes or simply not pushing enough.
That being said....after a couple days at any given track I begin to find video of people you were following and people following you start to reveal so much more. Following someone slightly faster than you around the track tends to drive my progress more than telemetry data these days.
Bundle it all, and it's like I got Burgess waiting for me back at the pit / parked trailer!
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