Sorry to hear this. Given that BB has only been out for what, a week and half now? and is an entirely new from the ground up OS attached to a brand new from the ground up device, there is bound to be issues that will crop up. This is the nature of the beast and is typical of many new product launches from electronics, to cars, to motorcycles. Unfortunately, its the early adopters that get "punished" the most.
BB is aware and working hard, we know that there are at least 1 if not 2 updates in the pipeline in the next month or two. Most of the issues I've seen seem to be of the software related type. We also know that the Q10 will launch with OS 10.1 software.
If its any consolation, even Apple with a 6th generation iPhone and an ancient operation system still can't their system working properly when releasing an update.
iPhone Software Update Seems To Be Killing Battery Life and Overheating
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