big poppas purely hypothetical window shopping thread

They basically do. Also, many of the ones they have gone through are not available to rent.
Very true.
If we were actually able to properly demo bikes in this country; It would save some of us a lot of time and money.

Well. there is a business idea.

On a serious note, I think the insurance in Ontario is the biggest hurdle with this.
Or else there would be some agencies that would do this.

On a serious note, I think the insurance in Ontario is the biggest hurdle with this.
Or else there would be some agencies that would do this.
For evo's big boy bike, they could have had a demo day on a track, no insurance required. It does open up issues as to what happens if someone balls up a mid five figure bike. Most riders wouldn't want to take on the liability, the dealership or manufacturer doesn't want to lose the money and insurance for random riders on a track bike would probably cost in the ballpark of the price of the bike per day (if you could get it). If you have to pay $10k to demo the bike, owning it instead isn't a bad idea.
Evos bike reminded me of this meme, iykyk:

For evo's big boy bike, they could have had a demo day on a track, no insurance required. It does open up issues as to what happens if someone balls up a mid five figure bike. Most riders wouldn't want to take on the liability, the dealership or manufacturer doesn't want to lose the money and insurance for random riders on a track bike would probably cost in the ballpark of the price of the bike per day (if you could get it). If you have to pay $10k to demo the bike, owning it instead isn't a bad idea.
At the end of the day, it all comes does to the market which is a result of location.
Canada is not the best market for motorcycling. Our seasons are short, population is small and in Ontario's case insurance is expensive.
This can be said for anything to do with bikes. Cost of bikes, choice/cost of gear, parts availability etc.

I'm sure if you put a demo day together for big boy bikes down in California, there would be more willing participants. Even if there was a charge for a test ride on a track, dealer or manufacturer could make the cost of the bike back in admission fees, and more likely to sell said bike.

Up here, I guess the best way to demo a bike is buy and resell it. Some may by lucky enough to have friends with cool bikes that are willing to let them test ride it.
As I usually do, I get my mind set on something that's not unobtainable, but rare enough that nobody that has a decent one budges on their price 😢
ooo sounds like an older streetfighter

You can tell, I promise I wont buy it.
No. Not yet anyway lol. But everyone keeps scaring me.

Thread derail over lol. But to your regular baller programming…

What have you heard that makes you worried, and are they specific to the Scramblers? From what little I know of it, there doesn't seem like much that can go wrong. I wouldn't own any of my bikes or cars if I listened to what the fearmongers say about them, and I'd never take them on rides 8 or more hours away from home if I was worried about them stranding me.
Nah, that would be THE definition of unreliable, and definitely a 2nd/3rd/whatever tinker toy. I've cooled my jets on that idea (for a while)
Now I’m curious too. Whatcha looking for?

What have you heard that makes you worried, and are they specific to the Scramblers? From what little I know of it, there doesn't seem like much that can go wrong. I wouldn't own any of my bikes or cars if I listened to what the fearmongers say about them, and I'd never take them on rides 8 or more hours away from home if I was worried about them stranding me.
No nothing specific to scrambler. More just the Ducati and difficulty in self servicing. But probably just an overreaction.
Everyone says electric start is silly to pay for on a 2-stroke..............until you have it. Then you won't go without it. Can confirm the 17+ KTM 300's are worth it for the extra tech and performance. I don't bleed KTM orange but I've ridden a YZ250X back to back with my 300 and would never switch to the YZ for the small price difference. Keeping my carb'd 300XC forever.
Everyone says electric start is silly to pay for on a 2-stroke..............until you have it. Then you won't go without it. Can confirm the 17+ KTM 300's are worth it for the extra tech and performance. I don't bleed KTM orange but I've ridden a YZ250X back to back with my 300 and would never switch to the YZ for the small price difference. Keeping my carb'd 300XC forever.
2 or 4 stroke an easy button on a dirtbike makes sense to me. By the time I've sorted my self, and got the bike upright, again, I don't have much juice left for kicking.
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