Barrie and area

I got "meet the teacher" this evening. Might drop by but I doubt it'll be before like 730-800 even for a quick coffee.
welp, nobody showed after 20 min, so I went for a rip around town. guess thurs nite meets are dead for the season :(
no wonder no one showed up trevor, we meet wednesday nights. lol. i may have come out but had a anniversary dinner to attend or else i would have been in big trouble......
anybody feeling like doing a little ride on this beauty day, little chilly but should be okay in the afternoon. thinking of just doing a little tour up the upper big chute. Likely meet up around 12:30 - 1pm ish.
Are you kidding me! It takes 2 minutes to take your bike off the trailer, is this the same Claudio. The Claudio I knew would climb mountains just to go for a ride!
LOL Chris I'm getting lazier. No I have 3 guys gonna show up today around 1ish to load up there bikes on he trailer, so I can't leave. Plus its frigging cold outside and I'm on my couch having a coffee with the fireplace going.
And look who's talking I haven't seen you all summer man, we gotta get out one more time before you put that sexy machine away for the winter.
LOL Chris I'm getting lazier. No I have 3 guys gonna show up today around 1ish to load up there bikes on he trailer, so I can't leave. Plus its frigging cold outside and I'm on my couch having a coffee with the fireplace going.
And look who's talking I haven't seen you all summer man, we gotta get out one more time before you put that sexy machine away for the winter.
Ya I know, it seems like I've spent more time on the track this year. I might go out for a bit today though. Thursday I'm back on the track.

well were meeting up in moonstone if you wanna come out. probably wont be leaving for a bit yet so if you wanna come give me a shout ill give you the address. 705 321 3424
they had the one side of south wood 13 closed for a bike down as well, the one tight turn just as u dip down over the little hill. think he is some what okay, fire fighter said they flew him to toronto with what they think is either a broken back or kneck.
no worries, i got there at 7 and the orillia guys were ready to go so we went on a tour.
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