Barrie and area

How are my Barrie peeps holding up?
I say we get some sleds and continue the weekend meets thruout the winter :)

Pretty miserable. Last year we had a few days in the winter that the bike could come out, this year sucks :)
Hi everyone, we're lucky in that we have a couple sleds and it's been great riding this year. I highly recommend investing in a sled if you are an adrenline junky that requires year-round "fixes". Enjoy! And look forward to seeing you around this comin' season.
Can't wait for the riding season to start, this has been one long miserable winter. Looking forward to some good trip this year.
I see lots of brown where there was white a few weeks ago.....pretty sure this is the sign warmer weather is just around the corner. I'm itchin' boys and girls....itchin' for a run to River Rd on a Thursday evening.
I see lots of brown where there was white a few weeks ago.....pretty sure this is the sign warmer weather is just around the corner. I'm itchin' boys and girls....itchin' for a run to River Rd on a Thursday evening.

You guys come all the way down here for a ride on that rd??
Excuse my ignorance but,...isn't there better rds up in your area like north of you or into the Blue Mountains?
Just asking.
I have a feeling first few rides will be hwy 400 commutes to and from the office.....just too much debris from this long, ugly winter. Still, better than being in the cage.

2 wheels good, four wheels not so good
Thursdays were our usual meet night. I was really getting excited about taking the cover off and then this weekend happened. Worse still is the 5 day forecast that calls for 20 cm of new snow between Wednesday and Saturday.

Its official.....blazer got demoted to driveway this evening. Cover is off and she sits in her rightful place. Tomorrow we do pre-season check, fire up the engine and listen to her whisper those sweet nothings I have waited months to hear. Friday we hit the road...maybe for 5 min or so. Still don't trust all the gravel on the road.

My wife pops her head into the garage and says "You're worse than the kids"............................She's sooooo right!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't have to rub it in. March is a busy month 5 birthdays and my anniversary.....I'm just happy we're half way through. This evening will be no diferent....little ones birthday.

Maybe once the boys go to bed this evening we'll go round the block.
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