Barrie and area

Aminal & Fozzy's bbq ride Sunday. Meeting in barrie same spot, 400 and essa timmies for 9:15am
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I"d like to go to that bbq, but it all depends on the weather and how hung over I am from the bbq on saturday LOL
well i just got up and its definetly after 9:15 so i guess iam out for the bbq meet, but if anybody else wants to ride it is looking pretty nice out there so give me a shout and we will go.
Anybody heading out this evening??? Skys look pretty good down here in Vaughan.....thinking its gotta be nice in Barrie too.....
Hey guys I'm heading out for a ride I'm stopping at the timmies at essa and the 400 at 6 pm I'll wait around till 620 and than I'm heading out again if anyone wants to go for a ride meet me there at 6
This sucks, im missing my summer working, taking daughter to dance, son to TaeKwonDo, working late, wife working late. Life`s got me by the balls boys, im itching to ride.
Looks a little windy out there but I think Im gonna head out for a quick tour. Thinking of heading out around 8. Drop a line if anybody is headin out!

Sounds like a fun night there Claudio.
What a shame.......not a bike to be seen in Barrie on what was the best evening of the year. Oh well, lets cross the fingers on the gloves that we have few more of these before we gotta tuck the toys away for the long winter.
I'm down for a ride on Sunday!!!!
Boyz..........have you all put the bikes to bed for the winter??????
You crazy? The bike never gets put away, I'll be posting up here for a ride in January lol. I'm headed to 507 and Algonquin this Sunday and Deals Gap next week. Put away for the winter pffffft.
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