Barrie and area

Sry for the misunderstanding guys I said "next Weekend" not this weekend lol. But I could see how it could easily get mixed up, my bad should have posted a date. Well I'm thinking this coming weekend 4th-5th, but I just remembered its a long weekend and its gonna be a busy one too. So how was the ride today? What roads did you take?

If you are thinking of a ride give me a heads up, I am free all weekend and could use a good day on the bike
Well I was planning a Ride thru the Muskokas this Sunday but there calling for rain straight thru till Monday.
Will keep an eye on the weather and if looks like its gonna clear up we'll make a day of it.
If not Next Wed ;).
Weather still looking uneasy for tomorrow. supposed to be partly clear for the morning and early afternoon, but then thunderstorms and only a high of 16 :(.
Will know for sure later on tonite if its a go or not, I'd hate to get caught in the rain in 16 degree temps with a group behind me.

This will be meet spot:,-79.675512&sspn=0.00447,0.01354&ie=UTF8&z=16
meet 9am.

Check back here if your interested in this ride as it will be a last minute decision.

Will be full days ride with lots of twisties, legally paced..... And at you pace thru the twisties. No one will get left behind.
Sry for the late response guys was up in Gravenhurst at a friends cottage, had a few to drink had to wait to drive back down lol. Man its cold and rainy up there.
Tomorrow is gonna be a cold one too and there calling for rain all day so rides canceled.
To bad was really looking to get out for a ride.
no worries. now I get to sleep in LOL

I'm sure we'll get a nice weekend or two before the snow flies :D
Good thing we canceled, there some messed out weather out there. I have my fireplace on brrrrr lol.
Friends of mine up at the cottage are telling me its very windy up in the Bracebridge and has been raining on and off all day.
Prob heading out for a ride sat up north, leaving around 10:30 meeting at the usual spot!!
anybody home today? pretty sure the wife took my work keys with her to work today so iam home if anybodys wants to go out for a blast.
a few of us are riding around the muskoka area and are meetiing at the tims by rvh at 10 am on saturday , if you guys intrested we can meet up
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