Baking during Corona | Page 4 |

Baking during Corona

The evolution of the humble pierogi.

I had a bit of puff pastry dough left over so I made a Puff Pierogi. Puffrogi?

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It's baked not boiled. The test batch had potato, cream cheese, herbs, garlic and dill filling. Not bad but hard to wrap my head around a pierogi without the boiled dough envelope.

Then what to put on it? My usual sour cream and pepper didn't sound right so they went commando. Bacon jam would have been good but I was out.

Next time.

Actually in Ukrainian there are two variations of the pierogi. I'm not sure if pierogi is a Polish or Ukrainian word but there is a boiled version and baked version. The word vareniki comes to mind but Anglicizing of words has confused the issue. Eat first, talk later.
Carmelized onions, bacon and sour cream.
Is this baking only or does cooking count? A neighbour busted her leg so I made 20 lbs of lasagna from scratch (half for them, half for us) and two pavlovas to use up all the leftover egg whites (noodles needed a dozen yolks). Sausage, basil, spinach, ricotta, mozzarella, cheese, tomato, noodles. Somehow got kid approval from both families. Our kids normally balk at green food. No pictures, it looked like lasagna.
Is this baking only or does cooking count? A neighbour busted her leg so I made 20 lbs of lasagna from scratch (half for them, half for us) and two pavlovas to use up all the leftover egg whites (noodles needed a dozen yolks). Sausage, basil, spinach, ricotta, mozzarella, cheese, tomato, noodles. Somehow got kid approval from both families. Our kids normally balk at green food. No pictures, it looked like lasagna.
I wouldn't mind moving next to you but I refuse to break my leg.
oh man that looks delicious @nobbie48 ... I'll have to have a chat with mom and the MIL...tell them they've got some pierogies to get cracking on!
Fun fact:
indian people cook pierogies like its pasta.
For me it was a busy day in the kitchen yesterday. First was a focaccia loaf but I used my crumpet rings, over filing them a little (Compared to crumpets) with the focaccia dough. The end result was focaccia buns, too nice for ordinary hamburgers so I made kofta burgers; lamb, beef, onions, tomatoes and spices.

Then I made a batch of puff pastry dough and used it to make some Puffrogies (Baked perogies)

When I said it was a busy day for me, smacking dough around for hours and washing the pots and pans, it would have been nothing for my grandmother who raised eight and a half kids (One died young). She did most of it on a wood stove, chopped the firewood, killed, cleaned and plucked the chicken, tended the acre of garden and put down preserves. No refrigerator or running water. Throw in washing, ironing, sewing and knitting socks. The knitting was the closest thing she got to having a rest as she did it sitting in a rocking chair.

But things are tough today?
Yesterday was a disaster in the shop but the latest batch of Eccles cakes came out well.

mimico_polak and I are musing over puffrogies, pierogies made with puff pastry and baked. Good little munchies.

Puffrogies and Focaccia buns and nine Eccles cakes.


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@jc100 mentioned Bakewell tarts so why not?

The hard part with recipes that go back centuries is that the original is usually lost. Someone will say theirs is the original because they got it from their grandmother who made it but added her own touch. In other words, it isn't the original.

So in my interpretation of a Bakewell tart I started with a crust that ended up in the garbage. After checking a few other recipes I found they contained ingredients that kept the crust from tasting like a stale soda cracker. I skipped that part and got a Keebler premade shortcake crust.

I made my own raspberry jam and put down a slightly thicker layer of jam than called for. If all else failed I could scrape off the rest of the topping and have raspberry shortcake.

Then in went the ground almonds, sugar, egg and other bits. The recipe I switched to had the tart iced but I went with almond slivers instead. It is baked and the hardest part of the instructions is being tolerated.... Allow to cool.


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@jc100 mentioned Bakewell tarts so why not?

The hard part with recipes that go back centuries is that the original is usually lost. Someone will say theirs is the original because they got it from their grandmother who made it but added her own touch. In other words, it isn't the original.

So in my interpretation of a Bakewell tart I started with a crust that ended up in the garbage. After checking a few other recipes I found they contained ingredients that kept the crust from tasting like a stale soda cracker. I skipped that part and got a Keebler premade shortcake crust.

I made my own raspberry jam and put down a slightly thicker layer of jam than called for. If all else failed I could scrape off the rest of the topping and have raspberry shortcake.

Then in went the ground almonds, sugar, egg and other bits. The recipe I switched to had the tart iced but I went with almond slivers instead. It is baked and the hardest part of the instructions is being tolerated.... Allow to cool.

How is it? It looks delicious!

I made a gateau basque a while back which has similar flavours/textures but is also delicious.

My wife has been trying to make sour dough starters for a while now. I’ve left her alone but they keep failing. They don’t grow at the feeding stage. Time to see if I can get one to go. Also have my eye on making a whole whack of fresh pasta since I spied the kitchenaid pasta attachment on a shelf the other day. Fresh linguini with olive oil, garlic and breadcrumbs is on my mind.
How is it? It looks delicious!

I made a gateau basque a while back which has similar flavours/textures but is also delicious.

My wife has been trying to make sour dough starters for a while now. I’ve left her alone but they keep failing. They don’t grow at the feeding stage. Time to see if I can get one to go. Also have my eye on making a whole whack of fresh pasta since I spied the kitchenaid pasta attachment on a shelf the other day. Fresh linguini with olive oil, garlic and breadcrumbs is on my mind.
It was very good but I think I was heavy handed with the raspberry jam. My wife says the opposite, more jam but she has a tendency to over flavour things.

She made a delicious chicken dish the other night and one ingredient was lime juice. She thought it needed more lime because she couldn't distinctly taste the lime juice. Spices and flavours shouldn't be fighting for taste points but rather be an orchestra of flavour, not a trumpet solo.

The first time I took her out for shawarma she loaded hers with every condiment on the table. Then she asked for a bite of mine so she could actually taste the chicken.

I would definitely do it again but go with tart shells. They are more easily shared with neighbours.

IMO raspberry is a more powerful flavour than almond and too much jam buries the almond. It was also a bit too sweet so less sugar next round.

I made my own jam. Some frozen raspberries, sugar and a bit of corn starch to jell the mix so it was easier to spread the almond topping without disturbing the jam layer.

My daughter says that Starsky's carry the tarts. I'll check them to to see what the competition is like.

I started making Eccles cakes because they were hard to find and of poor quality when I did find them.
How is it? It looks delicious!

I made a gateau basque a while back which has similar flavours/textures but is also delicious.

My wife has been trying to make sour dough starters for a while now. I’ve left her alone but they keep failing. They don’t grow at the feeding stage. Time to see if I can get one to go. Also have my eye on making a whole whack of fresh pasta since I spied the kitchenaid pasta attachment on a shelf the other day. Fresh linguini with olive oil, garlic and breadcrumbs is on my mind.
Whole wheat rye flour and distilled water (no chlorine) at 95 deg. Equal weights of each. Start with 100g each. Feed it each day for 5 days. Discard 1/2 each day before feeding. Feedings can be be 50g each.
And on a directly related topic to baking.
None of my gear fits.
Greek tacos

Old Elpaso lime taco shells if you can find them. If not, a light squeeze of lime juice on top.

Some chopped up souvlaki goes in to the toasted shell. I used lamb

Tzatziki, the real stuff made with Greek yogurt not mayo or sour cream

Feta cheese, chopped romaine. Olives and onion optional to taste


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Greek tacos

Old Elpaso lime taco shells if you can find them. If not, a light squeeze of lime juice on top.

Some chopped up souvlaki goes in to the toasted shell. I used lamb

Tzatziki, the real stuff made with Greek yogurt not mayo or sour cream

Feta cheese, chopped romaine. Olives and onion optional to taste
Where did you get the lime taco shells?

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