Awaken Your Taste Buds Group Ride/Meet Up | Page 21 |

Awaken Your Taste Buds Group Ride/Meet Up

Lol guilty here as well part was when everyone was still and we started dancing when the guy said gangnam style lol

no idea what the hell youre talking about.... actually...
Not possible. None of the attendees possess wireless-enabled mobile image capture devices :rolleyes:

ayce greek sounds interesting. certainly not as common as ayce chinese, ayce sushi, ayce italian etc. ... any fried calamari???:confused:
my son could eat his weight in that stuff. :)
What's this "wireless-enabled mobile image capture device" you speak of?

I just have a poloroid camera and go to staples for them to scan it and make it digital.
So, who wants to sell me a bike? :D
What's this "wireless-enabled mobile image capture device" you speak of?

I just have a poloroid camera and go to staples for them to scan it and make it digital.

Do they give you your pix on floppy disk or Zip drive? I just got a new 14.4 Kbps modem and man it uploads quickly. Last jpg took under an hour to post!
Do they give you your pix on floppy disk or Zip drive? I just got a new 14.4 Kbps modem and man it uploads quickly. Last jpg took under an hour to post!

Just upgraded to windows 3.1 with a 100MB zip drive, it may be blue but it holds like 10 pictures, it's insane!
I just have a poloroid camera and go to staples for them to scan it and make it digital.

i have a kodak instamatic rocking 110 film catridges. i rush over to 1-hour photo developing places to get prints made up before heading to staples or kinkos for them to scan it... :(
i have a kodak instamatic rocking 110 film catridges. i rush over to 1-hour photo developing places to get prints made up before heading to staples or kinkos for them to scan it... :(

Cool! I am still using 120 in my Brownie, but have to develop the film in my bathroom as the new 1 hr labs don't take that format. Once I have the negs, I blow up to 20x24 print, then snap a PICT image with my QuickTake, convert it to JPG and email it to my cousin at MIT who is on the hi-speed backbone and he uploads it to the HTTP server and the Gopher site. I would take the QuickTake out with me except the batteries only last 1/2 hr.

Enjoy the new tech!
Can't go now... bike decided to crap out on the highway otw home tonight. Noticed a slight loss of power and pulled to the side of the road; as I was pulling over it just died.

THANKFULLY I was close to my exit. Pushed it 1.5km off the highway and then got a friend to tow it. I also already had the clutch pulled in and was in the process of breaking onto the shoulder. Or the wheel would of locked up at 100km/hr, wouldn't of been fun.

A bit off thread topic, but just a little FYI for you about your bike. If your bike dies while going at speed, the back wheel won't lock up, the bike will just decelerate more. Try it next time you ride, just flick off your kill switch or even your ignition while still in gear riding at speed, when you turn the kill switch back on, the bike fires itself back up again, the same as a bump start. You'll hear a loud pop from the muffler, its just the remaining fuel being suddenly burned off, a backfire.
A bit off thread topic, but just a little FYI for you about your bike. If your bike dies while going at speed, the back wheel won't lock up, the bike will just decelerate more. Try it next time you ride, just flick off your kill switch or even your ignition while still in gear riding at speed, when you turn the kill switch back on, the bike fires itself back up again, the same as a bump start. You'll hear a loud pop from the muffler, its just the remaining fuel being suddenly burned off, a backfire.
AH, cool. Good to know...
Actually my back wheel locked up last summer when the bike stalled. The back started skidding until I lost enough speed to pull over.

Actually my back wheel locked up last summer when the bike stalled. The back started skidding until I lost enough speed to pull over.


there was likely a different reason it locked up. Stalling on its own won't cause the wheel to lock up :)
I thought Sabex's engine seized? In which case the back tire would lock up, no?
I thought Sabex's engine seized? In which case the back tire would lock up, no?
That's what I was thinking...
if the bike just dies (like running out of gas, or killswitch) the engine is still able to move/turn over... if the engine is seized, it wont move. the front sprocket wont move, thus the rear sprocket wont move. thus the wheel wont move.

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