I think that auditing and finding out the where the money's going has a better chance of fixing the problem than giving them more of it. If past money hasn't gone to vital need, who's to say that even more money will?
I agree that it goes against the First Nations ethos of 'self-management' but really, let's not call it self-management. Bringing in an auditor isn't an experience anyone enjoys, or would consent to (let alone a mis-managing, potentially corrupt chief), but if the government signs the cheques than I'd say it's their right - and I APPLAUD it as a taxpayer! If the band were successfully managed, it would go smoothly
My dad cut his accounting teeth auditing native bands about 30 years ago. I heard stories about him being threatened with tire irons, having his lunch dropped on the floor at the band restaurant, and of a $100k tractor being written off because it was parked on a slough over winter.
I truly, and honestly, wish Native bands could self-sustain and improve upon social conditions. I wish they'd do it for themselves, and not just because the government's getting mad at blatant money wastage. I'd like to see them reconciling their culture with 21st century Canada. I think there's baby steps, but I don't see it happening in my lifetime.
Unfortunately, guys like BraveHeart's neighbor are ostracized at the reserves for being 'white' and not respecting their culture.