I don't think it is a sense of superiority any more (although that used to be true). Most people just want equality. The treaties that were signed back then (in this case Treaty 9) don't make any sense and looking at them a hundred years later--the indians got a bad deal. That has lead to modern day the interpretation of the treaty in a manner that the people that signed it (on both sides) never intended.
The real issue with remote reserves like this is that they are destined to fail. It is simple economics. Think of the remote reserve as a bucket and the money in the reserve as water. It is a good way to illustrate the problem. So long and all the things that the people on the reserve want can be sourced in our around the reserve, the amount of the water in the bucket stays the same (just who in the community has the money changes). To the extent that the people on the reserve need (or want) things that cannot be made or sourced from on or around the reserve, that is like putting a hole in the bucket--the money flows out (to southern Canada) to buy that stuff. The more things that they reserve needs or wants that needs to be sourced from far away, the more figurative holes there are in the bucket. The only way to keep the community from going broke is to keep filling the bucket up or plugging the holes. Assuming the holes are never going to be filled (unless the reserve wants to go back to living off the land like their ancestors), you need to look at filling the bucket. This can be done through commercial means (tourism or mining or forestry, if possible), but, if not, the only way to fill the bucket up is through government grants or members of the band leaving the reserve and shipping the money back. As people have said, while the $90 million sounds like a lot, it is not when you consider that it is probably pretty much the entire source of income for the reserve. While I am guessing, I bet that to support that reserve alone at just a modest level of living similar to an average community, would cost probably close to about $40 to $50 million per year.
The original treaty did not commit Canada to giving them a specific standard of living in perpetuity. There was supposed to be responsibility on both sides (it was after all a treaty and if the band views itself as a nation, it should take some responsibility for looking after itself). Both sides have failed. In my view, it is time to go back to the drawing board and start again. Make a payment to redress the past wrongs (though I am not sure why I am paying for the sins of my ancestors, it needs to be done to move on), give them the same rights as ever other Canadian and help them integrate properly into modern Canada.
If they want to live the "old way", I can support that too. But they just can't have one foot in either camp.