Anyone want to come by and help with flushmount signal install?

I can't restrain myself anymore.... BWaHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH..... HAHAHAHAHA

Krashasaki: Bro, or sis, whoever you are, I really hope you don't get banned, because I'm laughing at every one of your posts! I mean, talking in the third person; why didn't I think of this?!?!?! Let me try this again:

Polo can't restrain himself anymore. Polo laughs out loud. Polo finds many posts in this thread amusing.... Polo had flush mount turn signals on his 2008 250. Many people couldn't notice Polo signalling if they were on the opposing side of the signal. Polo once was almost hit by a car making a left when Polo was signaling left as well. Polo made it out OK. Polo thanks you all for reading....


It's only funny if you're an ape like creature from the Himalayas.
Sorry about the English was doing a few things at the same time and wasn't too worried about being gramatically correct just didn't care.
After 8 read throughs I was able to decipher what you were attempting to say here. Things like spaces and grammar really help the rest of us people. I'm sorry you have confused me with a cruiser rider who does not wave. I wave to everyone. Why are you so concerned about my waving? Do you need a hug? I think Reciprocity was offering them in one of the 18 wave threads we had today. I hear he's a good guy. I am also quite distraught that it took 60% of the way through your punishment of the Queen's English to notice I was a cruiser rider. I had always assumed that the giant picture of my bike in my avatar and my signature proclaiming such were enough. I shall strive to do better.
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Sorry about the English was doing a few things at the same time and wasn't too worried about being gramatically correct just didn't care.

This becomes more apparent by the post.
Don't take it personally, I had a nice offer of help prior to your pm... Also I'm not sure if you are or aren't creepy lol.
Krashasaki uses the third person in a weird way, which is why Krashasaki cannot be classified as a bro or sis. Rather, Krashasaki refers to both the rider and the motorcycle. They are one. And together, they form Krashasaki, which has been crashed way too many times. Krashasaki has earned this name and wears it proudly. Krashasaki does not have flushmount signals. This does not keep Krashasaki from crashing.Krashasaki is also surprised that the ban hammer has not come down. Suffice it to say, Krashasaki's sexual advances will continue until Krashasaki earns the moniker, Sexasaki. Also, Krashasaki cannot take credit for this way of speaking/writing. Rather, such inspiration comes from the Yetti, who Krashasaki adores, reveres, and misses. KawasakiGal, Krashasaki PM'd you and offered legitimate help, without any sexual innuendo. The fact that this offer was rejected leads Krashasaki to believe that you are either a) trollin for a man or b) looking to punk/jump someone in your underground lot. Krashasaki sincerely hopes that Krashasaki is wrong.Either way, Krashasaki doesn't care. Krashasaki has offered the vast amounts of knowledge, expertise and wisdom that Krashasaki possesses.
Polo is surprised at the reaction... Polo agrees with ajaxguy, guy.

However close, Polo is from closer to the Andes.

Don't take it personally, I had a nice offer of help prior to your pm... Also I'm not sure if you are or aren't creepy lol.

Krashasaki is physically incapable of taking it personally. Krashasaki is just wondering who else would be better than an experienced electrical engineer, with experience on a Ninja 250, that works close to where you live. The only person better than Krashasaki is God.

Did God PM you? Tell him to stop cockblocking Krashasaki.
Krashasaki is physically incapable of taking it personally. Krashasaki is just wondering who else would be better than an experienced electrical engineer, with experience on a Ninja 250, that works close to where you live. The only person better than Krashasaki is God.

Did God PM you? Tell him to stop cockblocking Krashasaki.

OHHHHH, that is gold!
You have a sexy gf though no? What would it matter who cock blocked?

Imitation is the biggest form of flattery looks as though you have a fan club krashaki!

Krashasaki is physically incapable of taking it personally. Krashasaki is just wondering who else would be better than an experienced electrical engineer, with experience on a Ninja 250, that works close to where you live. The only person better than Krashasaki is God. Did God PM you? Tell him to stop cockblocking Krashasaki.
Krashasaki is physically incapable of taking it personally. Krashasaki is just wondering who else would be better than an experienced electrical engineer, with experience on a Ninja 250, that works close to where you live. The only person better than Krashasaki is God.

Did God PM you? Tell him to stop cockblocking Krashasaki.

That was awesome, man! Thanks for making me snort my coffee LOL

And shoe: yeah I was around for the yetti days. The way krashasaki talks makes me wonder tho...
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